Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98683 total results. Showing results 46301 to 46320 «231223132314231523162317231823192320Next ›Last » Organised crime crackdown a success with 2,631 arrests Police have arrested more than 2,600 people after cracking a communications system used by gangs to sell drugs and guns and order killings. Express 16/12/2021 News Star Hobson: Attorney General asked to review Mum’s eight year prison sentence The prison sentences handed to the mother of Star Hobson may be reviewed after a request was sent to the Attorney General to look into "the unduly lenient sentence". LBC 16/12/2021 News Warning of ‘catastrophic’ cuts to PSNI officer numbers following Executive draft budget approval There is a warning of “catastrophic” cuts to PSNI officer numbers following the approval of an Executive draft budget for the next three years. Belfast Telegraph 16/12/2021 News Exploring innovations for point of contact drug drive testing DASA is exploring innovative solutions for point of contact testing to identify specified drugs in suspected drug drivers Home Office 16/12/2021 News Policing to receive up to £1.1 billion extra to cut crime The 2022/23 funding package represents a 7% cash increase on last year and means policing will receive up to £16.9 billion in total in 2022/23. Home Office 16/12/2021 News Waterloo Region approves 2022 budget, $10 million increase for police CANADA: KITCHENER - The Region of Waterloo approved their 2022 budget Wednesday night, which included an increase of just over $10 million to the Waterloo Regional Police Services Board. CTV News (Canada) 16/12/2021 News Blue Line, The Podcast: 45 years of advanced training from the Canadian Police College CANADA: 2021 marks the 45th anniversary of the Canadian Police College (CPC). The CPC provides advanced, specialized training and education to police and other organizations that have a mandate in law enforcement or who support public safety in Canada and internationally. [PODCAST] Blue Line (Canada) 16/12/2021 Feature 15,000 holiday meals for vulnerable communities CANADA: On Thursday, December 16, Chief James Ramer will be attending the Kitchen24 event where 15,000 holiday meals will be prepared and donated to vulnerable communities. Blue Line (Canada) 16/12/2021 News Garda assessing Toscan du Plantier murder file to see if cold-case review needed REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda Síochána has appointed a team to carry out a preliminary assessment of the investigation into the 1996 murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier in west Cork, in an attempt to ascertain whether a full cold-case review is needed. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 16/12/2021 News Call for teaching Irish to change, as it is dropped from Garda recruitment REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Irish should be taught with an emphasis on speaking abilities, according to the head of Conradh na Gaeilge. newstalk (Republic of Ireland) 16/12/2021 News Campaign to encourage African-Irish and Travellers to join Garda REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Government and Garda are making a specific appeal to African-Irish people and members of the Traveller community to join the Garda, and the language requirements are being changed to ensure proficiency in Irish is no longer an advantage. [AUDIO] The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 16/12/2021 News The Problem of Entanglement: Biases and Fallacies in Police Conflict Management Cognitive biases have been identified as drivers of the excessive use of force, which has determined current affairs across the globe. In this article, we argue that the police are facing serious challenges in combating these biases. These challenges stem from the nature of cognitive biases, their sources and the fallacies that mislead police professionals in the way they think about them. Based on a framework of expert decision-making fallacies and biases, we argue that these fallacies limit the impact of efforts to mitigate cognitive biases in police conflict management. In order to achieve a systemic understanding of cognitive biases and their detrimental effects, the article concludes that implementing reflexive structures within the police is a crucial prerequisite to effectively reflect on external influences and to limit bias and fallacies from further unfolding in a self-referential loop. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 16/12/2021 Research article Domestic Abuse Christmas campaign launched Scheduled to run until mid-January across the Police Service’s online channels, the aim of the campaign is to encourage the reporting of incidents and make victims aware they can take steps to stop it. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 16/12/2021 News PSNI welcome national framework to tackle Male Violence against Women and Girls Today, 15 December 2021, a new national framework has been launched by the National Police Chief’s Council and the College of Policing setting out action required from every police force, designed to make all women and girls safer. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 16/12/2021 News Effectiveness, efficiency and people 2021/22 – Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service This is our third inspection of fire and rescue services in England. Our focus is on the service they provide to the public, and the way they use the resources available. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/12/2021 Report Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service commended for good performance Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service has been commended for good performance after improving the way it serves its communities, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/12/2021 News Effectiveness, efficiency and people 2021/22 – Surrey Fire and Rescue Service This is our third inspection of fire and rescue services in England. Our focus is on the service they provide to the public, and the way they use the resources available. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/12/2021 Report Surrey Fire and Rescue Service has improved, but more work needed Surrey Fire and Rescue Service has made good progress, but more work is needed to improve its overall performance, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/12/2021 News Fire and Rescue Service inspections 2021/22 – tranche 1 HMICFRS has today published the first set of reports from our latest inspection of all fire and rescue services (FRSs) in England. This is the first of three tranches of reports to be published over the next year. There are 12 service reports in this tranche. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/12/2021 Report Too many women in fire service – Hampshire deputy police chief A deputy police and crime commissioner (DPCC) has said the number of women working in some fire service departments should be reduced. BBC 16/12/2021 News «231223132314231523162317231823192320Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events