Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98683 total results. Showing results 46281 to 46300 «231123122313231423152316231723182319Next ›Last » Manchester Arena Inquiry: Greater Manchester Police admits mistakes Greater Manchester Police has admitted it made errors on the night of the Manchester Arena bombing and in its planning for a terrorist attack. BBC 17/12/2021 News Police contacting people who attended Tory HQ Christmas party over alleged breaches of Covid laws Metropolitan Police says it will not investigate Downing Street Christmas party unless new evidence emerges The Independent 17/12/2021 News Police use of force statistics, England and Wales: April 2020 to March 2021 In the year ending 31 March 2021, there were 562,280 recorded incidents in which a police officer used force. Home Office 17/12/2021 Report User guide to Police use of force statistics, England and Wales This user guide accompanies the fourth publication of Home Office Police use of force statistics, which includes information on incidents in which police officers used force on individuals. The data were collected for the first time in 2018 through the Home Office Annual Data Requirement (ADR). Home Office 17/12/2021 Report Provisional police grants in England and Wales: 2022 to 2023 POLICY PAPER: Provisional allocations of grants to police and crime commissioners in England and Wales for 2022 to 2023. Home Office 17/12/2021 Report Three children killed by abusive families every month in England, shocking figures show Three children are killed by abusive families every month in England, horrific new figures have revealed. LBC 17/12/2021 News Police probe multiple rape and sexual abuse allegations at NHS mental health unit LBC has uncovered multiple reports of rape and sexual abuse at an NHS mental health unit in Hertfordshire. LBC 17/12/2021 News Effective national resilience will require collaboration between government, the public and the business community The Government’s recent public consultation on a new National Resilience Strategy sought views and submissions from a wide range of agencies and organisations, with leading international blue-light computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems provider Hexagon among those contributing to the process; Ian Holmes of the company’s Public Safety team picks out some of the key themes from their submission. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/12/2021 Feature, Opinion PIRC Annual Report & Accounts The past year has been dominated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and, like all public sector agencies, we had to quickly adapt our systems to ensure we continued to deliver our core services. Previous planning by our ‘Business Continuity’ team for dealing with such an event meant we were in a strong position to deal with the immediate impact of government lockdown restrictions Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 16/12/2021 Report Annual Report 2020-21: Continuing to foster more of a learning culture within policing The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner highlights positive outcomes of continuing to foster more of a learning culture within policing and pays tribute to PIRC staff. Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 16/12/2021 News Annual Report 2020-21: Continuing to foster more of a learning culture within policing The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner highlights positive outcomes of continuing to foster more of a learning culture within policing and pays tribute to PIRC staff. Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 16/12/2021 News Tag and trace The Government plans to massively expand the tagging of offenders as the cornerstone of both its Beating Crime Plan and ten-year drug strategy, but what impact will this have on the police and the wider criminal justice system? Police Professional investigates. Police Professional - Subscription at source 16/12/2021 Feature Helping hands The ‘Future Supers’ coaching and mentoring programme was set up in order to address the lack of diversity in the upper ranks of policing and is already having a significant impact. Police Professional reports. Police Professional 16/12/2021 Feature Australian Federal Police restricts free software trials after Clearview AI AUSTRALIA: The Australian Federal Police’s trial of controversial facial recognition database Clearview AI was effectively ‘shadow IT’, officially unapproved and undertaken without a formal privacy assessment. IT News (Australia) 16/12/2021 News First person charged by Strike Force Sainsbery after alleged $530,000 grant fraud detected AUSTRALIA: A northern NSW man who allegedly attempted to defraud a NSW Government scheme of more than $500,000 is the first person to be charged by Strike Force Sainsbery detectives. New South Wales Police Force 16/12/2021 News Operation Arkstone offender sentenced AUSTRALIA: A 30-year-old Lismore man linked to an international online child abuse network was yesterday (16 December 2021) sentenced to two years and nine months imprisonment by Lismore District Court. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 16/12/2021 News ‘We’re going in’ NEW ZEALAND: Senior Constables Jim Manning and Scott Carmody have received the New Zealand Bravery Decoration for their arrest of the Christchurch terrorist. Earlier this year, they spoke to Ten One about the events of the day. New Zealand Police 16/12/2021 Feature ‘As a result, he is dead’: IPCA chair Judge Colin Doherty on action of officers in Allen Ball’s death NEW ZEALAND: Police officers who failed in duty of care to Allen Ball fell short of expected conduct and as a result, the farm worker is dead, IPCA chairperson Judge Colin Doherty says. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 16/12/2021 News Simon Bradford: APIs and increased connectivity could be a game-changer for police IT Improving the ability of police IT software and systems to “talk to each other”, enhancing the recruitment process, and creating a “citizen-centric approach” to public contact were among the issues discussed by Simon Bradford, Salesforce’s Regional Vice-President for Public Sector UK, when he joined Policing Insight Publisher Bernard Rix on a recent leg of the Policing Friendship Walking Tour. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/12/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Government showing ‘complete contempt for officers’ as pension reforms ruled unlawful Senior police leaders have accused the Government of “underhand and unfair” actions and of showing “complete contempt for officers” after a High Court Judge declared its actions on police pension reforms as unlawful. Police Professional 16/12/2021 News «231123122313231423152316231723182319Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events