Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98659 total results. Showing results 46121 to 46140 «230323042305230623072308230923102311Next ›Last » ‘It all comes down to resources’: Garda calls for more support in Carrigaline REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: “IF you had sufficient numbers working, that wouldn’t have happened,” a Garda source has said after members of the force were obstructed physically and verbally in an incident in Carrigaline last Saturday evening. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 22/12/2021 News Quality of Work Life, Emotional and Physical Well-Being of Police Personnel in India The job profile of police officers places exceptional demands on them leading to risks to life, personal discomfort and stress. This article aims to examine how the physical and emotional well-being of police personnel is affected by their perceived quality of work life (QWL). The study looked at the questionnaire responses of 234 police personnel. Emotional well-being is measured as the absence of depression, emotional hyperactivity, difficulty relaxing, irritability and anxiety, whereas physical well-being is measured as the presence of diabetes, thyroid problems, insomnia and obesity. The study assessed police perceptions of QWL as provided by the government. The study findings are segregated for QWL on the basis of dominant ill-being and dominant well-being. Factors such as career and development, working environment, safety, work load, compensation and fear of punishment should be carefully analysed and improved. Some 71.8% of the respondents suffered from two or more emotional ailments; 70% suffered from two or more physical ailments. Findings suggest that QWL dimensions that fall within dominant ill-being need to be addressed immediately by policy makers and management to improve police well-being. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 22/12/2021 Research article A National Study of the Availability of Law Enforcement Agency Wellness Programming For Officers: A Latent Class Analysis The purpose of this study is to understand the availability of employee wellness programs within law enforcement agencies (LEAs) across the United States, including physical fitness, resilience/wellness, coping skills, nutrition, mental health treatment, and substance use treatment. The research team investigated whether patterns of LEA wellness programming are identifiable and, if so, what characteristics describe these patterns. We assess using latent class analysis whether there are distinct profiles of agencies with similar patterns offering different types of wellness programs and explore what characteristics distinguish agencies with certain profiles of wellness programming. Data were from a nationally representative sample of 1135 LEAs: 80.1% municipal, 18.6% county and 1.3% other agencies (state-level and Bureau of Indian Affairs LEAs). We found that many agencies (62%) offer no wellness programming. We also found that 23% have comprehensive wellness programming, and that another group of agencies specialize in specific wellness programming. About 14% of the agencies have a high probability of providing resilience coping skill education, mental health and/or substance use treatment services programming. About 1% of the agencies in the United States limit their programming to fitness and nutrition, indicating that fitness and nutrition programs are more likely to be offered in concert with other types of wellness programs. The analyses revealed that agencies offering broad program support are more likely to be large, municipal LEAs located in either the West, Midwest or Northeast (compared with the southern United States), and not experiencing a recent budget cut that impacted wellness programming. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 22/12/2021 Research article Police, Policing and Covid-19 Pandemic This editorial is aimed at complementing the previous editorials by Estella Baker (2020) and Nina Peršak (2020). In social control activities, the police have crucial roles in providing people with security and safety, maintaining public order, and investigating crime. On top of this, the police play a vital role in community policing activities. External perspectives regarding policing and the police are critical, and so are the internal ones giving rise to questions about the role of the police in the covid-19 pandemic. Police organisations’ adaptation to the new circumstances in terms of caring for police officers’ health, long hours of police work, pressures by civil criticism of the police in controlling offenders for neither wearing protective masks or ignoring governmental regulations with a view to curbing the spread of the virus, such as the curfew and prohibition of gathering in public places, highlighted several challenges. Criminal Law and Criminal Justice - Registration at source 22/12/2021 Research article Cambridgeshire – National child protection inspection This report is a summary of the findings of our inspection of police child protection services in Cambridgeshire, which took place in July 2021. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/12/2021 Report Cambridgeshire Constabulary is committed to child protection, but more work is needed Cambridgeshire Constabulary is committed to protecting and providing better outcomes for children, but some improvements are needed, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/12/2021 News PFEW National Chair update We have been informed that the National Chair of the Police Federation has been suspended from duty by Hampshire Police whilst an investigation is undertaken. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 22/12/2021 News Police Negotiating Board: annual report 2018 to 2019 Annual report for 2018 to 2019 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board (PNB). Scottish Government 22/12/2021 Report Extradition and mutual legal assistance agreements GUIDANCE: Information on the UK's extradition and mutual legal assistance agreements with other countries. Home Office 22/12/2021 Report Ratification of the Council of Europe convention on combating violence against women and domestic violence – progress report 2020 POLICY PAPER: Fourth progress report on the UK's progress toward ratification of the Istanbul Convention, and measures taken forward since the third progress report. Home Office 22/12/2021 Report Policing experts: Series of errors preceded Wright shooting UNITED STATES: The suburban Minneapolis police officer on trial for fatally shooting Daunte Wright has said she mistakenly used her gun when she was trying to grab a Taser during a chaotic attempt to arrest the Black motorist. The Independent 22/12/2021 News JonBenét Ramsey: Police believe new DNA tech could crack the case UNITED STATES: ‘As of December 2021, that evidence has included the analysis of nearly 1,000 DNA samples’ The Independent 22/12/2021 News Calls for 120,000 ‘hate incidents’ to be deleted from police records Campaigners have called for 120,000 'hate incidents' to be deleted from police records after a court found that College of Policing guidance which saw tweets about transgender issues recorded as a 'hate incident' had a 'chilling effect' on freedom of expression. Mail Online 22/12/2021 News Priti Patel tells police they should not investigate ‘hurt feelings’ as she intervenes with plan to overhaul laws on ‘hate incidents’ after Court of Appeal ruling Police should investigate 'actual crimes, not hurt feelings', Home Secretary Priti Patel believes. Mail Online 22/12/2021 News Gary Walker: ex-police officer freed after retrial over 2003 death of girlfriend Former officer found not guilty of murdering Audra Bancroft more than 17 years after conviction The Guardian 22/12/2021 News Cross-border car crime: Assessing the threat international vehicle theft poses to the UK Despite increasingly sophisticated security measures, vehicle theft in the UK is back on the rise – much of it involving cars stolen by international organised crime groups; West Midlands PC Andrew Lavanchy looks at the scale and changing nature of vehicle theft, and what steps policing could take to combat the car thieves. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/12/2021 Analysis, Feature AFP operations helping to keep Victorians safe in 2021 AUSTRALIA: The AFP in Victoria have charged 133 offenders with 457 Commonwealth offences in 2021, underscoring the crackdown on crime in the state. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 21/12/2021 News Police body camera footage allowed in Victorian civil lawsuits AUSTRALIA: Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes has amended laws to allow footage from body-worn cameras to be accessed in lawsuits against police and prison guards to either prove or disprove allegations of abuses of power. The Age (Australia) 21/12/2021 News AFP warns of potential human trafficking spike as borders reopen AUSTRALIA: The AFP is urging travellers to recognise signs of human trafficking as international borders reopen. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 21/12/2021 News Barhead overhauls NSW Police youth support system AUSTRALIA: Barhead Solutions has used Microsoft's Power Platform to create a new app aimed at supporting disaffected and vulnerable young people in NSW. ARN (Australia) 21/12/2021 News «230323042305230623072308230923102311Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events