Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98659 total results. Showing results 46101 to 46120 «230223032304230523062307230823092310Next ›Last » Devon and Cornwall PCC asks if police force delivers value for money A police and crime commissioner (PCC) is asking residents if they think the force in their area delivers value for money ahead of a budget meeting. BBC 23/12/2021 News Police Communications celebrate milestone for civilian operators AUSTRALIA: Civilians and police officers working side by side in an operational environment – while commonplace nowadays within the Queensland Police Service (QPS), this has not always been the case. myPolice - Queensland Police News 22/12/2021 Feature, Opinion AFP in Western Australia reveals operational success in helping to keep the community safe AUSTRALIA: The AFP has charged 167 alleged offenders in Western Australia with 591 Commonwealth offences and seized almost 500 kilograms of illicit drugs to date in 2021. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 22/12/2021 News Crack open the Christmas bomb-bombs AUSTRALIA: Despite travel restrictions and lockdowns the AFP’s Specialist Operations (SO) Bomb Response Team (BRT) have employed their specialist skill sets, including bomb robots and drones in 2021 to help keep the Canberra community safe. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 22/12/2021 Feature ‘Welcome decline’ of dangerous synthetic drugs being seized in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND: Police are reporting a “welcome decline” in the detection of dangerous synthetic drugs often sold as MDMA, which caused dozens of hospitalisations last summer. [VIDEO] Stuff (New Zealand) 22/12/2021 News Maori wardens taking care of own business NEW ZEALAND: Tairāwhiti's Māori wardens are going to be managing themselves after 14 years of operating under the umbrella of Te Puni Kokiri. Gisborne Herald (New Zealand) 22/12/2021 News Swapping headsets for forage caps NEW ZEALAND: Mike Biggans is on his way to becoming a police officer. But before he gets accepted to the Royal New Zealand Police College (RNZPC), he’s getting some good training on duty at the 105 - Non-emergency Kapiti Digital Communications Centre, answering calls. New Zealand Police 22/12/2021 Feature, Opinion Hundreds of offenders facing an alcohol-free Christmas Around 770 offenders will be wearing sobriety tags on Christmas Day as part of the Government’s drive to protect the public from drink-fuelled violence. Police Professional 22/12/2021 News Concerns over police response to alleged No 10 party referred to IOPC The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) after a complaint was made over its handling of an alleged Downing Street Christmas party. Police Professional 22/12/2021 News Consultation on police pension scheme amendments The consultation will remove discrimination against pension scheme members in England and Wales College of Policing 22/12/2021 News IOPC drops four claims against Cleveland PCC Steve Turner A police and crime commissioner has welcomed the news that four out of five claims against him have been dropped. BBC 22/12/2021 News Hertfordshire – National child protection inspection post-inspection review This inspection reviewed the progress made in Hertfordshire Constabulary since the publication of Hertfordshire – National child protection inspection in 2019. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/12/2021 Report Hertfordshire Constabulary has improved child protection, but more work is needed Hertfordshire Constabulary has improved the way it protects vulnerable children, but further changes are needed to help keep them safe, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/12/2021 News Crime and Place: Differences in Spatial Relationship Between Calls For Service and Recorded Incidents For Municipal and Campus Law Enforcement With the advent of more law enforcement open data, researchers are exploring the use of calls for service (CFS) as a proxy for recorded incident information by law enforcement. However, indications are that law enforcement activities are mediated by the agency’s goals with its data. Using data from two different types of law enforcement agencies within the same community, CFS and incident reports for property crimes were tested for spatial association using the co-location quotient. Findings from this study show there is a modest amount of detectable clustering of CFS for the municipal law enforcement agency. However, the large university campus agency did not show any detectable spatial association for these events. This suggests that the movement towards using open data in research will need to take greater care in the selection of data to understand if assumptions about the data can be supported. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 22/12/2021 Research article Policing in the pandemic: COVID-19 and the rise of far-right extremism Europol’s latest terrorism trends report has highlighted the success of far-right extremists in exploiting the isolation and increased internet use driven by the pandemic to spread right-wing ideologies and propaganda; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the nature of the online far-right terrorism threat, and how COVID-19 has created a breeding ground for extremism. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/12/2021 Feature Lack of ambulances forces Calgary police to transport stabbing victim to hospital CANADA: Calgary police officers transported a man who was the victim of a stabbing and suffering critical injuries to hospital Sunday evening due to a shortage of ambulances in the area. [VIDEO] CTV News (Canada) 22/12/2021 News VIDEO: 45 years of advanced training from the Canadian Police College CANADA: 2021 marks the 45th anniversary of the Canadian Police College (CPC). The CPC provides advanced, specialized training and education to police and other organizations that have a mandate in law enforcement or who support public safety in Canada and internationally. [VIDEO] Blue Line (Canada) 22/12/2021 Feature Applicants to become a cop in Vancouver at ‘all-time low’ CANADA: The Vancouver Police Department has seen a significant drop in the number of people interested in a career in policing and it is a trend that the Victoria Police Department is also experiencing. Vancouver is Awesome (Canada) 22/12/2021 News Minister McEntee notes release of CSO crime stats for Q3 2021 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, has noted today’s publication of Recorded Crime Statistics for Q3 2021 by the Central Statistics Office (CSO). These statistics cover the 12-month period up to the end of September 2021. 22/12/2021 News Justice Minister says Garda crime text alert to be rolled out shortly in Listowel and Dingle REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Justice Minister says a Garda crime text alert system is to be rolled out shortly in Listowel and Dingle. Radio Kerry (Republic of Ireland) 22/12/2021 News «230223032304230523062307230823092310Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events