Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98646 total results. Showing results 46061 to 46080 «230023012302230323042305230623072308Next ›Last » It’s important we see first responders as the humans they are AUSTRALIA: They’re the people we hold up on a pedestal as brave, strong and unbreakable. We like to think of them as different from us: superheroes who run into situations that the rest of us run away from. The Age (Australia) 23/12/2021 Feature, Opinion Eastern District Police ask drivers to “arrive alive” NEW ZEALAND: Eastern District Police are pleased with driver behaviour following an impairment operation yesterday in Napier’s CBD. New Zealand Police 23/12/2021 News Hundreds of shooting victims treated at Auckland’s hospitals amid surging gun violence across city NEW ZEALAND: A worsening turf war between rival gangs and the criminal trade of illicit drugs has seen hundreds of shooting victims hospitalised across Auckland as the number of firearms in circulation grows. [VIDEO] NZ Herald (New Zealand) 23/12/2021 News Man injured during arrest dies in hospital NEW ZEALAND: A 65-year-old man who was injured in a fall during his arrest in Levin on Tuesday has died in hospital. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/12/2021 News Police officers thousands of pounds worse off than a decade ago, TUC finds Police officers working on Christmas Day will be thousands of pounds worse off than they were a decade ago as a result of their wages failing to keep pace with the cost of living, analysis by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has shown. Police Professional 23/12/2021 News Airport police officer who hit woman in face won’t be charged USA: Officer claimed he was headbutted, despite contradictory video evidence The Independent 23/12/2021 News Only seven per cent of ‘spiking victims’ in West Midlands had knock-out drug in system when tested, police reveal Only seven per cent of drinks that were reportedly spiked in the West Midlands resulted in a positive drugs test, police have said. Mail Online 23/12/2021 News Expectations for police custody: for consultation HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services and HM Inspectorate of Prisons are reviewing and updating their Expectations for police custody. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 23/12/2021 News North Wales Police reveal the inappropriate 999 calls putting lives at risk A chipped tooth, being low on diesel and wanting to know the weather forecast to walk up Snowdon are just some of the examples of the 999 calls North Wales Police have received over recent weeks. Rhyl Journal 23/12/2021 News PSNI mulling over landmark judgement on recording non-criminal acts which people find offensive The PSNI says that it is mulling over a landmark court judgement about the way “hate incidents” are recorded. The Newsletter 23/12/2021 News More police officers, more money for homeless in 2022 Montreal budget CANADA: Somewhere amidst all the talk about Omicron, the City of Montreal has presented its 2022 budget. [VIDEO] Global News (Canada) 23/12/2021 News Toronto police used Clearview AI facial recognition software in 84 investigations CANADA: Toronto police used Clearview AI facial recognition software to try to identify suspects, victims and witnesses in 84 criminal investigations in the three and a half months officers utilized the controversial technology before their police chief found out and ordered them to stop. CBC News (Canada) 23/12/2021 News Provincial watchdogs order Clearview AI to stop using facial recognition tool CANADA: Three provincial privacy watchdogs have ordered facial recognition company Clearview AI to stop collecting, using and disclosing images of people without consent. Blue Line (Canada) 23/12/2021 News Delay for Roscrea and Borrisokane Garda cameras explained REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Despite facing several complex issues hindering the deployment of Garda CCTV systems on the streets of Roscrea and Borrisokane, it appears the system will become operational in 2022. Offaly Live 23/12/2021 News Man charged with drug dealing in garda operation targeting drug trafficking in Midleton REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A man who was allegedly caught with €35,000 worth of cannabis on a bus going through Midleton was remanded in custody until January 4. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 23/12/2021 News ‘Extensive investigation’ into allegations of gardaí extorting food-delivery workers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An internal Garda inquiry into the alleged theft of money from a Deliveroo rider has developed into an “extensive criminal investigation” into the extortion of money from food-delivery workers by gardaí. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 23/12/2021 News New Zealand Police: Strengthening the commitment to use technology safely and responsibly The rapid advancement of new technology is creating a range of potential uses and applications in law enforcement settings, as well as mounting public and community concern around the ethical use of tech; in this article Inspector Carla Gilmore, Manager - Emergent Technologies for New Zealand Police, explains how the force is creating new policies and frameworks to ensure emerging technology is used safely and responsibly. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/12/2021 Analysis, Feature Deputy police chief sorry over too many women in fire service remarks A deputy police and crime commissioner (DPCC) has apologised after saying the number of women in some fire service departments should be reduced. BBC 23/12/2021 News Metropolitan Police anti-violence operation primarily targeted teenagers and black people, reports suggest Scotland Yard reportedly considered not running the lockdown scheme over fears of its ‘disproportionality’ The Independent 23/12/2021 News Public order: The anti-vaxxers tax the thin blue line again In his final protest report for 2021 Chris Hobbs witnesses an anti-vaxxers protest turn ugly. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/12/2021 Feature, Opinion «230023012302230323042305230623072308Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events