Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98646 total results. Showing results 46001 to 46020 «229722982299230023012302230323042305Next ›Last » More than 165,000 police work days lost to mental health issues in recent years Statistics released after a Freedom of Information request by the Scottish Liberal Democrats show 166,580 days were lost since 2019/20 as a result of “psychological disorders”. Police Professional 27/12/2021 News 22 on 2022: A police leadership playbook USA: While 2020 brought a seismic shift to all our lives, 2021 continued to be challenging for the law enforcement profession, with widespread personnel shortages, rising crime in some jurisdictions, and growing pains associated with reform efforts. Police1 asked law enforcement experts to outline solutions for the ongoing and emerging issues facing police leaders and officers in 2022. We hope this playbook will serve as a roadmap to help you successfully navigate the path ahead. Following are a few excerpts from "22 on 2022: A police leadership playbook." Police1 27/12/2021 Feature, Opinion Sturgeon blasted for police officer cuts as thousands forced off sick over mental health Nicola Sturgeon has come under fire after it was alleged thousands of police signed off sick with mental health problems after her SNP Government slashed the number of frontline divisional officers. Express 27/12/2021 News UK police data leaked to Dark Web; Russian hackers hold 13 million records to ransom After an apparent refusal to pay a ransom demand, Russian hackers have leaked a sampling of 13 million records of UK police data to the dark web in retaliation. The records were stolen from a police contractor, and the Russian hackers released just a small portion of what they stole but have threatened to release more if their demands continue to be rebuffed. It remains unclear exactly what personal information has been breached, but the dark web samples contain indications that the data was stolen from a national traffic monitoring system and contains photos of drivers that were caught speeding. CPO Magazine 27/12/2021 News Attrition of Police Officers With Immigrant Background Recruiting police officers with immigrant backgrounds has a limited effect if many of these recruits leave the police service. The dropout and attrition rates among officers with immigrant backgrounds are also an important indicator of the challenges this group faces when joining the police profession. We investigated police education dropout patterns and attrition rates among police students and officers with immigrant backgrounds. Our study is based on detailed longitudinal data with total coverage of the population, which were previously unavailable for police career studies. Using logistic regression and coarsened exact matching, we analysed administrative registry data covering all individuals admitted to the Norwegian police university college (1995–2010, N = 6570) and all police-educated staff employed in the Norwegian police (1995–2014, N = 7001). Students and police officers with non-Western immigrant backgrounds have a greater tendency to both dropout of education and leave the police service. Prior academic performance can only partly explain these higher educational dropout rates. Female and males with non-Western immigrant backgrounds have similar dropout patterns. Our results provide a rationale for developing policy aimed at not only recruiting, but also retaining police officers with immigrant backgrounds. Police Quarterly - Registration at source 27/12/2021 Research article Scottish areas with highest number of sex offenders revealed in new police stats THE number of sex offenders living in communities across Scotland has been revealed in new figures from the police. The fresh stats, which cover up to November 30, show there are a total 4,490 registered sex offenders (RSOs) living throughout the country. The Scottish Sun 27/12/2021 News New deputy police chief cherishes Cornwall CANADA: CORNWALL – The city’s new deputy police chief is happy about coming back to Cornwall and believes his new role is a natural fit for his family. Vince Foy has been hired as second in command of the Cornwall Police Service, the Cornwall Police Services Board announced last week. He will be moving from Saskatchewan where he’s been in charge of major crime investigations. Cornwall Newswatch (Canada) 27/12/2021 News London police chief looks back at 2021 CANADA: Looking back, 2020 was a unique year when it came to policing during the start of COVID-19, and 2021 was no different in London, Ont. London police Chief Steve Williams said there were a lot of challenges police faced, from officer burnout to the types of calls they responded to daily. Global News (Canada) 27/12/2021 News Police shootings in 2021: Experts say number in Canada remains too high CANADA: Despite growing calls for changes in policing, the number of officer shootings in Canada remains too high, say criminology experts. On-duty police officers fired at 64 people in Canada between Jan. 1 and Nov. 30. Exactly half were killed. Coast Reporter (Canada) 27/12/2021 News Rising garda numbers causes headaches for OPW REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Office of Public Works (OPW) told An Garda Síochána that its entire estate budget for two years needs to be assigned to making sure the force’s command centre is vacated by the end of 2022. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 27/12/2021 News Top-paid garda sergeants claim €44k in overtime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: More than €94m in overtime was paid out to gardaí in 10 months, with the top-paid garda sergeants taking home an average of €44,000 in overtime on top of their base salaries. In total, the top-10 highest-paid garda sergeants took home a cumulative €439,731 between January and October. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 27/12/2021 News Drug testing at festivals becomes legal at New Year NEW ZEALAND: A world-first law change allowing drug checking organisations to legally work at festivals checks into reality this New Year. Festival organisers are no longer at risk of prosecution under section 12 of the Misuse of Drugs Act if they choose to have an organisation like Know Your Stuff at their event. NewstalkZB (New Zealand) 27/12/2021 News Police ‘concerned at prevalence of firearms’ in society NEW ZEALAND: Police say the issue of gun violence is not just confined to a single region. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 27/12/2021 News NZ Transport Agency ‘concerned’ by police’s lack of performance on road safety NEW ZEALAND: The Transport Agency says it is “concerned” by the performance of police as part of its Road Safety Partnership. It comes as police say they have witnessed a tragic start to the holiday period, with 18 road deaths in 11 days. Assistant Commissioner Bruce O’Brien said he believed the crashes were caused by speed, poor decision-making, distractions and no restraints. Stuff (New Zealand) 27/12/2021 News Police warn of human trafficking increase as borders open AUSTRALIA: Police are asking Queenslanders to be aware of the signs of human trafficking, with fears the horror crime could ramp up with the opening of borders. The Courier Mail (Australia) - Subscription at source 27/12/2021 News Police ‘powerless’ to shift CBD’s homeless hordes AUSTRALIA: Despite concerns about drug use and antisocial behaviour at the bottom end of Elizabeth St, police say they have no power to move on homeless people. Herald Sun (Australia) - Subscription at source 27/12/2021 News Dalian Atkinson: Police apologise for killing black ex-footballer Police have sent a written apology to the family of ex-footballer Dalian Atkinson, six months after an officer who Tasered him and kicked him in the head was jailed for manslaughter. West Mercia's Chief Constable Pippa Mills said she was "deeply sorry". BBC 27/12/2021 News ‘Turn the planes around’: Māori leader says New Zealand should block Australian deportations NEW ZEALAND: Chair of National Māori Authority says country should adopt John Howard’s playbook or risk sparking local gangland wars between deported criminals The Guardian 27/12/2021 News Virus brought police into conflict with those normally law-abiding – police body Mark Lindsay has complained that police got ‘absolutely no support’ from the Executive when it came to enforcing Covid rules. The Independent 27/12/2021 News Mental health issues among Police Scotland staff cause over 165,000 lost days in last two years The figures come after a survey conducted earlier this year revealed that almost half of officers reported feeling burnt out while working. Daily Record 27/12/2021 News «229722982299230023012302230323042305Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events