Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 45821 to 45840 «228822892290229122922293229422952296Next ›Last » New UK Information Commissioner begins term John Edwards begins his new role as UK Information Commissioner today (Tuesday 4 January). Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) 4/1/2022 News With new officers on the way, Victoria police chief optimistic for 2022 CANADA: Last year was an unprecedented year of challenges for the Victoria Police Department that has taken a toll on its officers and morale, says Chief Del Manak. Times Colonist (Canada) 4/1/2022 News Police to get new powers to tackle hare coursing The Government is set to introduce tougher sentencing and improved police powers as part of a crackdown on illegal hare coursing that could see offenders jailed for up to six months and face unlimited fines. Police Professional 4/1/2022 News Police recruitment needs radical, bold thinking CANADA: One of the top concerns for police leaders today is recruitment, particularly with a national exodus of police officers who are either retiring early or just simply leaving the profession altogether. It is a complex problem that has been developing over the years and certainly exacerbated by recent anti-police rhetoric that has reached a fever pitch. Blue Line (Canada) 4/1/2022 Feature, Opinion Met defends swabbing people for drugs at random on night out in London Police have defended a controversial video of officers swabbing revellers hands for drugs, saying it resulted in the arrest of a woman. LBC 4/1/2022 News Spare the Rod! Implications For Community Safety Partnerships in Removing the Reasonable Chastisement Defence in Wales Parental discipline of children has long included the use of corporal punishment and has drawn conflicting views upon its effectiveness and its long-term effects upon individuals and society as a whole. This article considers the use of such a tactic by individuals, discussing its use and the research surrounding it at the international and national levels. It explores the introduction of the ‘The Children (Abolition of the Defence of Reasonable Punishment) (Wales) Act,’ which will become law in Wales during March 2022. This Act, whilst not creating a specific criminal act in itself, removes the defence of reasonable chastisement for parents when correcting their children in Wales. The article further considers the potential impact that the removal of the reasonable chastisement clause may have for those agencies charged with overseeing the safety of children, including the potential increase in reported cases and the issues of media and public awareness. Crime Prevention and Community Safety - Registration at source 4/1/2022 Research article ‘Alarming’: Police caught same man using phone while driving 9 times in 4 years A driver was caught using his phone while driving by police a staggering nine times in four years. Express 4/1/2022 News Police shootings in 2021: Experts say number in Canada remains too high CANADA: Despite growing calls for changes in policing, the number of officer shootings in Canada remains too high, say criminology experts. Blue Line (Canada) 4/1/2022 News Massive €63m worth of drugs, €5m cash and number of firearms seized from Irish gangs by gardai in 2021 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A massive €63m worth of drugs were seized by the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau in 2021. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 4/1/2022 News Effects on Calls For Service of Police ‘Scarecrow’ Cars Stationary patrol vehicles, also known as ‘scarecrow cars,’ have been linked with reductions in speeding, but little is known about their effects on crime and related measures. In response to this limitation, we examined the effect on daily dispatched calls for service of a 32-day scarecrow car deployment in a large retail parking lot in Mesquite, Texas. Estimated with 180 days of pre and post data, interrupted time series and Poisson regression models revealed, as expected, that there was a significant decrease in dispatched calls during deployment followed by an increase post-deployment. Limitations and implications are discussed. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 4/1/2022 Research article Local gardaí issue 700 Covid fines REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Local gardaí have issued 700 fines for breach of COVID-19 restrictions since the beginning of the pandemic. The Anglo-Celt (Republic of Ireland) 4/1/2022 News Abuse of elderly people is a key focus for garda unit this year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The abuse of elderly people is “very much underreported” and will be a focus of the Garda National Community Engagement Bureau across the country this year. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 4/1/2022 News New technology helping detectives crack cases sooner Drug dealers and serious crime offenders are likely to be taken off the streets quicker– thanks to the introduction of new technology that is capable of piecing together their movements and contacts. The advanced number-crunching Chorus Intelligence software, capable of processing and analysing thousands of lines of mobile phone data and has already been used in a limited capacity by Nottinghamshire Police and is now being rolled out to more investigative teams. Nottinghamshire Police will be using Chorus to help combat crime and allow Analysts and Detectives to work closer together. Nottinghamshire Police 4/1/2022 News Forces loses one in three special constables since national merger A thousand fewer volunteer officers since eight forces merged in 2013. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/1/2022 News Officers and staff recognised in Queen’s New Year’s Honours List Police officers, staff and volunteers from forces across the country have been recognised in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List. Police Professional 4/1/2022 News Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deepfakes to Deceive Victims: the Need to Rethink Current Romance Fraud Prevention Messaging Romance fraud uses the guise of a genuine relationship to deceive a victim for a financial gain. Each year, millions of individuals globally lose money to these approaches. Current prevention messaging focuses heavily on promoting the use of internet searches (specifically reverse image searches) to verify or refute the identity/scenario that one is being presented with. For those who choose to do this, it can be successful and avoid initial financial losses or reduce the overall amount of money lost to an offender. However, as technology evolves, it is likely offenders will alter their methods to deceive victims. This is already evident through the rapid progression and improvements of artificial intelligence and deepfakes to create unique images. This article argues that the adoption of these new techniques requires a need to rethink current prevention messaging, as the utility of conducting reverse image searches may become somewhat redundant into the future. Crime Prevention and Community Safety - Registration at source 4/1/2022 Research article Local Crime Prevention Work: Cultivating A Political Profile At A Municipal Level Over the last 30 years, crime policy has become a central research area in criminology, and many important studies have been written. The primary focuses of many of these studies have been the so-called punitive turn. But alongside the punitive turn, there has also been a preventive turn and much of the preventive work since the late 1980s has taken presence in what is conceptualized as the community level. In Sweden local crime prevention (LCP), placing the municipal at the center of the work has been developing since the late 1990s. The belief in LCP as the kings’ way to success was confirmed in the latest government crime policy program. Through a study of a Swedish municipal, Landskrona, we analyze how a local crime policy takes form and how it is motivated and rationalized. The majority of Swedish studies on LCP primarily focus on evaluation, trying to measure potential effects. The purpose of the paper is to analyze how LCP is set within a political process and then assembled at the municipality level. The objective was to get close to the actual process of formulating and applying a municipal crime policy. Our research highlights that contrary to political belief, a prudent citizen has to be molded and shaped rather than liberated. Crime Prevention and Community Safety - Registration at source 4/1/2022 Research article The Predictive Accuracy of Prospective Hot Spot Mapping and the Race and Ethnicity of Street Robbery Victims: Could A Popular Approach to Crime Fighting Be A Source of Systemic Racism? Street robbery incident location data recorded over a 3-year period were aggregated into a sample of crime panels (N = 78) and used to construct a series of prospective hot spot maps, based on kernel density estimation. Panels of crime data were analyzed to determine whether the predictive accuracy of prospective hot spot mapping varied by victims’ race and ethnicity. Results from this exploratory study showed that the predictive accuracy of forecasts varied between three groups compared (i.e., White, Black, and Hispanic victims), even after the racial and ethnic composition of each crime panel analyzed was considered. Current findings raise concerns about the potential impact that crime forecasting could have on racial and ethnic minorities, including less protection for some communities of color, but increased police-public contact for others. Implications for place-based policing and on the future of scholarship in this area are discussed. Crime Prevention and Community Safety - Registration at source 4/1/2022 Research article Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/1/2022 News Leadership potential: How the FLP is improving representation on the frontline Police Now’s first Frontline Leadership Programme (FLP) launched in September, and – with applications already now open for the third cohort – in December the organisation ran an online Women in Leadership event to support the application process; Policing Insight spoke to the three officers on the event panel about the challenges facing women in policing, the work of Police Now, and how the FLP could help to change the culture of policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/1/2022 Feature «228822892290229122922293229422952296Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events