Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 45661 to 45680 «228022812282228322842285228622872288Next ›Last » Classical Deterrence Theory Revisited: An Empirical Analysis of Police Force Areas in England and Wales The severity, certainty and celerity (swiftness) of punishment are theorised to influence offending through deterrence. Yet celerity is rarely included in empirical studies of criminal activity and the three deterrence factors have never been analysed in one empirical model. We address this gap with an analysis using unique panel data of recorded theft, burglary and violence against the person for 41 Police Force Areas in England and Wales using variables that capture these three theorised factors of deterrence. We find that the three factors affect crime in different ways. Increased detection by the police (certainty) is associated with reduced theft and burglary but not violence. We find that variation in the celerity of sanction has a significant impact on theft offences but not on burglary or violence offences. Increased average prison sentences (severity) reduce burglary only. We account for these results in terms of data challenges and the likely different motivations underlying violent and acquisitive crime. European Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 10/1/2022 Research article Committee sets out proposals to change justice system The Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee has set out some of the changes it wants to see made in the Scottish justice system. Holyrood Magazine 10/1/2022 News Ethnicity and justice – academic management: research mapping Outlines previous, current and future research projects around ethnicity and justice from a survey of academics and researchers in Scotland. Conducted on behalf of the Cross Justice Working Group on Race Data and Evidence. Scottish Government 10/1/2022 Report Protect Duty CONSULTATION OUTCOME: This is the government response to the public consultation on the Protect Duty that ran from 26 February 2021 to 2 July 2021. It provides a summary of the responses received on how the Protect Duty can make the public safer at publicly accessible locations. Home Office 10/1/2022 Report Priti Patel to require venues to be prepared for a terrorist attack Protect duty will be brought in by the home secretary in response to the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017 The Guardian 10/1/2022 News Policing the pandemic This report presents the findings from a major research project by the Police Foundation and Crest Advisory on UK policing and the Covid-19 pandemic. The project examined the strengths and weaknesses of the current policing model in England and Wales, with a particular focus on policing structures, use of technology, strategic planning and public consent. The Police Foundation 10/1/2022 Report Home Office backing of women’s safety app is insulting, campaigners say Campaigners argue that tracking journeys does nothing to tackle male violence and may be open to abuse The Guardian 10/1/2022 News Family demands police bodycam footage on anniversary of son’s death The ‘tortured’ family of a man found dead after being released from police custody are demanding that body-worn camera footage is released. Metro 10/1/2022 News Police ‘turn a blind eye to colleagues who break rules’ Police officers and staff are said to have covered up more than 100 cases of misconduct by colleagues in an 18-month period, according to figures obtained by freedom of information requests. The Times - Subscription at source 10/1/2022 News Dr Amber Phillips: ‘Giving confiscated mafia assets back to the community is enormously powerful’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Chris Allen spoke to Dr Amber Phillips, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of the West of England (UWE) in Bristol, about the mafia, asset confiscation, and the importance of grassroots initiatives when tackling organised crime. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/1/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Northern Irish police are not required to re-investigate incidents from the Troubles The Police Service of Northern Ireland could not be required to conduct new investigations into the killing of a woman in Belfast in 1972 or into the ill-treatment of people detained for questioning by the Royal Ulster Constabulary in 1971 despite the emergence of new evidence in recent years raising the possibility that the woman had been killed by a unit of the British Army and that the ill-treatment had been knowingly authorised by members of the cabinet of the United Kingdom government. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/1/2022 News Paisley man who took LSD and threatened to rape police officers fined more than £4,000 Jack Cunningham appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court over his appalling behaviour Daily Record 10/1/2022 News COP26 police officer accused of sex attack on woman in Scots pub during summit A police officer from an English force has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman in a pub while in Scotland for the COP26 summit. The Scottish Sun 10/1/2022 News Exploring Public Trust in Policing At A Community in Ghana Public trust in community policing plays a major role in enhancing police effort in securing peace, public safety, and crime combat. Fractured relationship between a community and the police breeds corruption and social disorderliness. This study used qualitative case study to explore public trust in community policing at a peri-urban community in Ghana using 120 landlords as respondents. The researcher used interview, triangulated with focus group and direct observation, to collect data from the subjects who freely consented to become participants of the study. The author of this paper ensured reliability of the outcome of the study using member-checking, bracketing, and rigor. A qualitative software, NVivo, aided the analysis of the data which generated three main themes. The outcome of the study revealed that lack of public trust in the community policing resulted from fear of reprisals from criminals reported to the police, poor visibility of police officers, and lack of confidence due to perceived poor performance of the police. Security Journal - Registration at source 9/1/2022 Research article Crime Registration and Distress Calls During Covid-19: Two Sides of the Coin This paper inspects changes in crime trends brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in Tamil Nadu, India. Using Bayesian structural time-series models, the authors study the changes in two metrics of criminal activity – crime registration and distress calls. In addition to absolute changes, the authors analyse the relative changes in one metric with respect to the other during two stay-at-home orders across six categories of crimes: property offences; offences against the human body; cases of missing persons and unidentified dead bodies; vehicle- and traffic-related offences; crimes against women, children and elders; and emerging crimes. While there was an overall decrease in most types of crime, results show that each category was impacted by restrictions in human mobility in different ways; emerging crimes, in particular, increased significantly during both periods. The crime and call trends exhibited a synchronous pattern with respect to a majority of offences except in the category of crimes against women and missing persons, where a contrary trend of decreasing crime registrations and increasing distress calls was noticed during the partial lockdown period. Policing and Society - Registration at source 9/1/2022 Research article A Crisis of Legitimacy?: the Importance of Procedural Justice in Frontline Private Security Provision The private security industry has expanded rapidly in recent decades. Yet the sector has been plagued by suggestions that its personnel lack the professionalism, skills, effectiveness and legitimacy to perform many of the tasks they are employed to do. This raises questions of how the sector has or should attempt to enhance their perceived legitimacy. The current study tests whether citizens’ perceptions about procedural justice might be associated with legitimacy judgements in the private security sector. Specifically, it explores whether citizens focus more on procedural justice concerns or effectiveness concerns when forming judgements about the legitimacy of frontline private security practitioners. Using survey data from 347 Australian citizens, the findings show that procedural justice concerns are most strongly associated with citizens’ legitimacy evaluations; concerns about effectiveness seem to be less important. Further inspection of the data reveals that the ‘neutrality’ and ‘trustworthiness’ sub-components of procedural justice are what matters to Australian citizens. The implications of these findings for scholarship and practice in the private security sector are discussed. Policing and Society - Registration at source 9/1/2022 Research article Missing teenager located after geo-targeting alert issued – Canley Heights AUSTRALIA: A teenager missing from Canley Heights has been located safe and well after police issued an SMS geo-targeting alert. New South Wales Police Force 9/1/2022 News A proud career on the force AUSTRALIA: During his career with Victoria Police, Eric Sutton investigated hundreds of crimes from petty larceny to murder. Star Weekly (Australia) 9/1/2022 Feature, Interview Injured NSW Police costs more than doubled in three years to $381m AUSTRALIA: The annual cost of compensating injured NSW police has more than doubled in three years to $381 million as the majority of officers who left the force in 2021 were deemed ‘medically unfit’ to continue their careers. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 9/1/2022 News Edmonton peace officer unions blame police, city for ‘crime wave’ on city transit; EPS refutes ‘baseless’ claim CANADA: "The city has been warned that there were problems coming related to this for a long time. And here we are facing those kind of problems" Edmonton Journal (Canada) 9/1/2022 News «228022812282228322842285228622872288Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events