Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 45601 to 45620 «227722782279228022812282228322842285Next ›Last » Police to no longer photograph youth unless in custody, barrister concerned arrests of Māori could increase NEW ZEALAND: Police are being commended for tightening the rules for officers photographing young people, but there are concerns it could lead to the perverse outcome of more Māori being arrested. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 11/1/2022 News Concerns over ‘zombie knife’ loophole Concerns have been raised over a “farcical” legal loophole than enables those found in possession of so-called zombie knives in their homes to avoid prosecution or having the weapons seized. Police Professional 11/1/2022 News Manchester Arena Inquiry: Police-embedded medics idea considered The inquiry into the Manchester Arena terror attack is looking into whether embedding doctors with armed police could speed up future response times. BBC 11/1/2022 News Everard inquiry to look at ‘red flags’ in Wayne Couzens’ policing career Priti Patel has published terms of reference for the inquiry to discover how the killer of Sarah Everard was able to be employed as a police officer. The Standard 11/1/2022 News Downing Street party: Police could issue fine for No 10 BYOB garden drinks even though Covid powers have ended While police powers to target mass gatherings during Covid lockdowns no longer exist, forces could still retrospectively issue fines to those who are found to have broken rules i News 11/1/2022 News Met police accused over failure to investigate No 10 lockdown parties Force considers next steps amid warning stance on alleged breaches is sapping public trust in policing The Guardian 11/1/2022 News Locks, Lights, and Lines of Sight: An RCT Evaluating the Impact of A CPTED Intervention on Repeat Burglary Victimisation This study tested whether a police-led initiative providing a CPTED (Crime Prevention by Environmental Design) intervention to residential burglary victims reduced revictimisation. Victims of eligible burglaries were randomly allocated to intention-to-treat and control groups in three New Zealand Police districts. Following the qualifying burglary, intention-to-treat victims were offered free installation of window and door locks, security lights and improved lines of sight (foliage trimming). Revictimisation, perceptions of safety and police, and displacement outcomes were measured using police administrative data and a survey of victims. During the first trial year, there was no effect on revictimisation but positive effects on victims’ perceptions. Supplementary analyses suggest implementation and contextual factors which contributed to the lack of effect on revictimisation. The findings highlight the limitations of CPTED interventions in particular contexts and confirm the importance of delivering prompt, contextually tailored interventions for the prevention of repeat burglary victimisation. Journal of Experimental Criminology - Registration at source 11/1/2022 Research article The Potential Introduction of Police-Issued Family Violence Intervention Orders in Victoria, Australia: Considering the Unintended Consequences The Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence, in its landmark 2016 report, recommended that in five years – 2021 – the Victorian Government consider expanding police powers to include the ability to grant on-the-spot family violence intervention orders. Such orders would see a bypassing of judicial oversight where deemed appropriate, thus mirroring the Tasmanian model, where police can issue orders for up to 12 months, unless the respondent seeks to have the order varied or revoked in court. There is currently a division in the family violence sector as to the appropriateness of police-issued civil protection orders, with many family violence advocates raising significant concerns. This article considers current debates regarding police-issued civil protection orders and highlights the misidentification of women victim-survivors of family violence as predominant aggressors as a possible unintended consequence of such reform. With the Victorian Government due to respond to Recommendation 59 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence this year, this commentary provides a timely analysis of sector debates and reinforces the potential harms of increasing police powers in a space where they have historically responded poorly. Current Issues in Criminal Justice - Registration at source 11/1/2022 Research article Covid: South Yorkshire Police hit by outbreaks South Yorkshire Police is facing facing staff shortages due to rising Covid cases, said the force's top officer. BBC 11/1/2022 News Increase in mental health calls to Fredericton police signals lagging supports, experts say CANADA: The Fredericton Police Force saw 27 per cent more calls for mental health-related incidents in 2021, and that has law enforcement experts concerned about a lack of mental health support by the province. CBC News (Canada) 11/1/2022 News Should Toronto police have horses? $5.9 million budget shines spotlight on pricey mounted unit CANADA: At 135 years old, it’s the longest-running unit in the Toronto Police Service — a team based out of a stable, not a station, and staffed by two- and four-legged employees alike. Toronto Star (Canada) - Subscription at source 11/1/2022 News Stabbings, assaults, road rage: Vancouver police stretched over weekend of violent crime CANADA: Vancouver police say their resources were stretched thin this past weekend after responding to at least eight incidents of violent crime, including assault, stabbings and road rage. Global News (Canada) 11/1/2022 News Drug dealing among areas targeted by gardaí last year but cyber crime and vandalism on the rise REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Reflecting on 2021, Sergeant Stephen Ennis said that areas like drugs, domestic assaults and cyber crime were targeted but mental health and Covid anxiety still remains a huge issue. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 11/1/2022 News Abuse case was most horrific of garda’s 20-year career, court hears REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The lead investigating garda in the case of five family members convicted of the sexual abuse and exploitation of a number of children told the Central Criminal Court it was the most horrific case he had dealt with in his 20-year career. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 11/1/2022 News Case to move Garda corruption trial to Dublin set for January 20 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A motion to transfer the trial of four Gardai and a retired Garda Superintendent on corruption charges from Limerick to Dublin will be heard in Limerick Circuit Court on January 20. Limerick Post (Republic of Ireland) 11/1/2022 News Pre-Identification Confidence Is Related to Eyewitness Lineup Identification Accuracy Across Heterogeneous Encoding Conditions. Objective: Eyewitness research has generally failed to show an association between eyewitnesses’ pre-identification confidence in their ability to identify the perpetrator from a lineup and their subsequent identification accuracy. However, this observed lack of an association may be an artifact of methodologies in which witnesses experienced homogenous encoding conditions, which would tend to restrict the range of witnesses’ confidence, thereby effectively weakening its relationship with subsequent identification accuracy. The current study examined whether pre-ID confidence is associated with subsequent lineup identification accuracy when there is variability in encoding conditions across witnesses. Law and Human Behavior - Registration at source 11/1/2022 Research article Key issues in contemporary policing: Policing a diverse society Continuing a new series of The Police Student, Policing Insight Academic Editor Dr Carina O’Reilly explores the challenges around policing a diverse society, including the issue of institutional racism, the police use of stop and search, and the implications of the latest rulings in relation to hate crimes and free speech. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/1/2022 Feature Lincolnshire awards £8m custody services contract to new supplier Move follows ending of contract with G4S which will not be extended beyond March. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/1/2022 News First phase of Couzens vetting inquiry to be completed within a year The early career and vetting of Wayne Couzens will be looked at in the initial inquiry's first phase. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/1/2022 News Bid to bolster powers of Sarah Everard inquiry fails The Government has seen off a bid to bolster the powers of an independent inquiry into Sarah Everard’s murder. Police Professional 11/1/2022 News «227722782279228022812282228322842285Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events