Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 45501 to 45520 «227222732274227522762277227822792280Next ›Last » Policing During A Pandemic It is much remarked upon that the pandemic exposed underlying tensions and weaknesses in European societies. Police attention, in enforcing lockdowns and other restrictions on movement and assembly, has tended to be disproportionately focused upon minority communities. However, middle class white people have also been policed in ways they have perhaps not previously experienced. As a consequence, the pandemic has shed light on the use of police powers more generally. While police powers to stop citizens, to check their identity and to search or otherwise detain them have long been controversial in the US and in the UK, they have now become a focus of debate in Belgium, France, Germany and beyond. In a public health pandemic, the police largely continued to discipline the working class and minorities (despite the alarm raised by middle classes). Attention was not equally distributed and there is little to connect patterns of policing with, for instance, prevalence of the virus within local populations. Instead, policing continued to act as a disciplinary instrument in particularly problematic and unruly communities. This paper draws upon a review of policing of the pandemic undertaken by an EU COST Action (CA17102) on Police Stops. In the absence of clarity and transparency, the use of police powers can undermine legitimacy in particular communities and, this presents particular threats to the social health and security of all. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Registration at source 14/1/2022 Research article Police Training in Baltimore During the Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic presented significant challenges for police training in the United States city of Baltimore. The city’s police department operates its own police academy, training both new recruits and incumbent officers. The police academy was able to quickly shift to remote learning for recruits enrolled in entry-level training. All recruit classes graduated nearly on time, but the prolonged period they spent in remote learning interfered with the trainees’ ability to subsequently apply what they had learned in practical scenarios. For incumbent officers, continuing education was interrupted for four months, reducing the amount of in-service training that could be accomplished during 2020. This article recounts the police department’s experience with training during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning in March 2020. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Registration at source 14/1/2022 Research article Minister to take action on exempt housing after visit to West Midlands Officer tells Kit Malthouse that landlords are exploiting supported housing loophole in high crime areas. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/1/2022 News 2021 worst year on record for online child sexual abuse Last year was the worst on record for online child sexual abuse with a three-fold increase in self-generated imagery of children aged seven to ten, according the latest figures from the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) . Police Professional 14/1/2022 News Violent stalker has sentence tripled A man who stalked, assaulted and kidnapped a woman has had his sentence tripled following a referral to the Court of Appeal by the Solicitor General, Alex Chalk QC MP. Police Professional 14/1/2022 News Forensic Science Regulator: draft core statutory code for comment The Forensic Science Regulator has made a draft of the core statutory code available for informal comment. Home Office 14/1/2022 Report Forensic Science Regulator seeks comments on draft core statutory Code The Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021 grants the Forensic Science Regulator statutory powers to enforce compliance with scientific quality standards in forensic science, presenting a significant change in the governance of forensic science in England and Wales. Forensic Capability Network 14/1/2022 News Domestic violence groups say new government plan must secure generational change AUSTRALIA: A new federal commission will be set up to combat domestic violence as part of the next draft action plan unveiled by the federal government. SBS News (Australia) 14/1/2022 News Draft National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032 document AUSTRALIA: Consultation period 14 January 2022 - 6:00 am To 31 January 2022 - 11:00 pm Department of Social Services - Australian Government 14/1/2022 Report North Korean hackers stole $400m in digital assets last year, says report KOREA: The regime has launched at least seven cyber-attacks on cryptocurrency platforms, say blockchain experts The Guardian 14/1/2022 News ‘Significant concerns’ over RUC handling of loyalist activity, finds ombudsman Long-delayed report into killings of 19 people says the police displayed ‘collusive behaviours’ The Guardian 14/1/2022 News New Drug Deaths Taskforce Chair Former police chief will take up the role with immediate effect. Scottish Government 14/1/2022 News Time to review how RCMP can best serve communities, union head says CANADA: OTTAWA — The head of the RCMP officers' union says it's time for a basic look at how the national police force can best serve communities across the country. Prince George Citizen (Canada) 14/1/2022 News Police Ombudsman probe examined 19 loyalist murders The investigation focused on 11 attacks carried out by the UDA/UFF. Belfast Telegraph 14/1/2022 News Cleveland Police develops app to help engagement with force A crisis-hit police force still trying to recruit a new chief constable plans to introduce its first policing app. BBC 14/1/2022 News Expanding ‘4Es’ approach and investing in neighbourhood policing among key lessons in pandemic report The latest report on the policing of the pandemic in the UK has suggested expanding the ‘4Es’ approach to other law enforcement activities, investing the additional capability from Operation Uplift into neighbourhood policing, and improving national co-ordination and workforce planning, as some of the key lessons from Covid policing; Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons takes a closer look at the report. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/1/2022 Analysis, Feature Policing minister rejects need for ethical guidance on emerging tech 'We have to be slightly careful not to stifle innovation,' Kit Malthouse MP told a House of Lords Committee, despite campaigners' fears over AI-driven policing. Tech Monitor 14/1/2022 News ‘How being a Pagan police officer helps me spot right-wing extremists and occultists’ The founder of the Police Pagan Association tells Kasia Delgado about the surprising cases he helps investigate, and the stereotypes about Paganism as ‘all sex and naked dancing’ that he’s working to change i News 14/1/2022 Feature, Interview Met police won’t investigate alleged No 10 lockdown party Force says it does not look into flouting of Covid restrictions ‘long after they have taken place’ The Guardian 14/1/2022 News ‘We will treat racist and homophobic football chants as hate crimes’ Director of Public Prosecutions Max Hill QC wants the police to know the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) will fully support them in taking action against those who use discriminatory language in football stadiums. Police Professional 13/1/2022 Feature «227222732274227522762277227822792280Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events