Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 45221 to 45240 «225822592260226122622263226422652266Next ›Last » Police Superintendents’ Association announces new presidential team A new president and vice president have been elected to lead the Police Superintendents’ Association (PSA) for the next three years. Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 24/1/2022 News Police Superintendent’s Association announces new presidential team A new president and vice president have been elected to lead the Police Superintendents’ Association (PSA) for the next three years. Police Professional 24/1/2022 News Chief Constable welcomes Senior Executive Team Appointments The Northern Ireland Policing Board has today, Friday 21 January, confirmed the appointment of two new Assistant Chief Officers and two Assistant Chief Constables to the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Service Executive Team Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 24/1/2022 News The PCSO supervisor role in Kent The new team leader role was introduced to support PCSOs College of Policing 24/1/2022 News Mohamud Hassan and Mouayed Bashir: Families want answers The families of two men who died after incidents involving Welsh police forces have spoken for the first time about their fight for justice. BBC 24/1/2022 News Winston Churchill, suicide and me: The police response to Indigenous people in mental health crisis Police officers often deal with deaths and suicides by detaching and ‘normalizing’ distressing situations, but for former Queensland Far North Sgt Matthew Moloney, the suicide of someone he knew from the local Indigenous community prompted him to embark on an educational and research journey in an effort to change things for the better [WARNING: the article contains a graphic description of suicide that some readers may find distressing]. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/1/2022 Feature, Opinion Children as young as 10 are being groomed in Romania, to be trafficked to the UK ROMANIA: The BBC has found that children as young as 10 are being groomed in Romania, to be trafficked to the UK. BBC 24/1/2022 Feature Online safety bill ‘a missed opportunity’ to prevent child abuse, MPs warn Committee report says draft bill is neither clear nor robust enough to tackle some harmful content The Guardian 24/1/2022 News Home Office ‘will not back down’ in Prince Harry legal battle over police row The Home Office will not back down in the legal battle with Prince Harry over police protection, it has been claimed. Express 24/1/2022 News Metropolitan Police confirm they are looking into ‘Dronegate’ after Premier League clash between Brentford and Wolves Brentford's Premier League match with Wolves was dubbed 'Dronegate' after an 'unauthorised drone' brought play to a halt on Saturday. Mail Online 24/1/2022 News Is anti-social behaviour still seen ‘as a bit of bother’? Anti-social behaviour can devastate lives. Yet BBC Panorama has found an important tool to help repeat victims is rarely being used. BBC 24/1/2022 News UK may continue training Sri Lankan police even after Scotland ends contract SRI LANKA: The British government may continue to train Sri Lankan police, even after Police Scotland announced it would not extend its contract after March 2022 due to ongoing human rights concerns on the island. Tamil Guardian 24/1/2022 News Downing Street police ‘gave extremely damning evidence to partygate inquiry’ Downing Street police officers have reportedly been spoken to ahead of the publication of the ‘partygate’ report. Metro 24/1/2022 News Online Safety Act to tackle cyber bullying and child sex abuse AUSTRALIA: Social media giants, sexual predators and online bullies have been put on notice, with Australia’s eSafety commissioner granted greater powers to police the internet. The Australian 23/1/2022 News Child Matters warns of little action on dealing with high rates of child abuse NEW ZEALAND: There has been no progress in dealing with New Zealand's high rate of child abuse despite strategy talks in recent years, according to an independent child abuse advocacy and training provider. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/1/2022 News Provincial RCMP look to solve rural cold cases CANADA: In Alberta, murder cases in rural communities that have gone unsolved for years still have a chance of being solved, due to the work of the RCMP historical homicide unit. Blue Line (Canada) 23/1/2022 News False Confessions Predict A Delay Between Release From Incarceration and Official Exoneration. Objectives: Little empirical research has examined postconviction processes associated with the unique legal events of release from incarceration and official exoneration. Across various models, we tested the influence of risk factors associated with wrongful convictions (false confessions, faulty or misleading forensic evidence, inadequate legal defense, mistaken eyewitness identifications, official misconduct, and perjury) and relevant alternative factors (e.g., presence of DNA, false guilty pleas, and race) on the exoneration process, with a particular focus on the role of false confessions. Hypotheses: We expected that all risk factors would be meaningfully associated with the duration between wrongful conviction and release but that false confessions would be associated with longer delays between release and exoneration and would remain a meaningful predictor of the delay even when accounting for alternative factors. Method: Using data from documented exonerations of murder, attempted murder, and accessory to murder in the National Registry of Exonerations (N = 1,074), we examined the association of risk factors and alternative predictors with the time between exonerees’ wrongful conviction and release from incarceration and the time between release from incarceration and official exoneration. Law and Human Behavior - Registration at source 23/1/2022 Research article Evidence Strength (insufficiently) Affects Police Officers’ Decisions to Place A Suspect in A Lineup. Objective: We examined whether variations in the strength of the evidentiary connection between a suspect and the crime under investigation affected officers’ decisions to place suspects into an identification procedure and whether education about the problems associated with base-rate neglect sensitized officers to variations in evidentiary connection. Method: Police officers (N = 279; age range = 24–70; 86% male) read a hypothetical crime scenario, adopting the role of the lead investigator. The scenarios varied in how closely the suspect was connected to the crime (evidentiary connection: weak vs. strong). Before reading the crime scenarios, half of the participants received education about the relationship between the base rate of guilt among suspects placed in lineups and the prevalence of mistaken identifications (education: present vs. absent). Officers indicated whether they would conduct an identification procedure with a witness based on the evidence they currently had against the suspect. Law and Human Behavior - Registration at source 23/1/2022 Research article Mayor appeals to police for help protecting ‘vulnerable’ people who are homeless in downtown Oshawa CANADA: Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter has issued an appeal to Durham police for more help in policing the city’s downtown core, claiming in a deputation to the police services board that vulnerable people experiencing homelessness are being preyed upon by drug dealers peddling “poison.” (Canada) 23/1/2022 News Wicklow and Wexford Garda Divisions seize drugs worth €1.4million REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: On Saturday the 22nd of January 2022 as part of ongoing investigations targeting persons suspected of involvement in transnational organised crime, a joint intelligence led operation was conducted involving personnel from the Revenue Customs Service, the Garda National Drugs & Organised Crime Bureau and the Wicklow/Wexford Garda Divisions. Wicklow News (Republic of Ireland) 23/1/2022 News «225822592260226122622263226422652266Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events