Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 45201 to 45220 «225722582259226022612262226322642265Next ›Last » Fall in calls to MPS whistleblowing line The number of calls to the internal whistleblowing service of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has declined every year since 2017, new figures show. Police Professional 24/1/2022 News South Wales Police apologises for ‘significant failings’ over Mayhill riot South Wales Police (SWP) has apologised over its handling of a riot that broke out in a Swansea neighbourhood last year after a panel found there were “significant failings”. Police Professional 24/1/2022 News Where police attended the most firearm-related call-outs revealed NEW ZEALAND: Canterbury police have attended to the highest rate of firearms-related call-outs in the nation over the last five years. NewstalkZB (New Zealand) 24/1/2022 News Men ‘getting away with’ sexist behaviour online as police see rise in dating app rape cases The national police lead for violence against women and girls said men are not being held to account for behaviour online i News 24/1/2022 News Police, health services to jointly respond to critical incidents after pilot success NEW ZEALAND: A mental health response trial in which police and health staff were dispatched to critical incidents together is now permanent after emergency department demand reduced “significantly”. Stuff (New Zealand) 24/1/2022 News R/protectandserve: An Exploration of the Virtual Canteen Culture Regarding Police Misconduct This study examined a specific online community of verified law enforcement personnel to uncover how police officers frame issues of police misconduct among other law enforcement on the social media website, Reddit. This study engaged in three stages of grounded theory analysis on 223 posts from the subreddit, r/ProtectandServe. This study found four major themes that emerged from conversations within this subreddit of verified law enforcement personnel and their perceptions of police misconduct: (1) negativity towards the media and politicians, (2) trust in their police administrators and organisations, (3) solidarity with fellow police officers, and (4) scepticism (at minimum) towards civilians. How officers use the Reddit platform and what they gain is consistent with the characteristics of police culture found within the existing literature, including solidarity with colleagues, the ‘us versus them’ mindset, the code of silence, and ‘canteen culture’ at the police station but in an online format. Policing and Society - Registration at source 24/1/2022 Research article ‘After Sarah Everard’s murder, we want policing to change for good’, says violence against women police chief Violence against women and girls has reached a ‘level of criticality we haven’t seen since the murder of Stephen Lawrence’ i News 24/1/2022 News Mayhill riot: South Wales Police response criticised in independent review Police have been criticised over their handling of a riot which broke out in Swansea, in an independent review that said residents were left "unprotected". BBC 24/1/2022 News Met apologises to woman for ‘sexist, derogatory’ language in strip-search Force pays compensation to Dr Konstancja Duff for language used after CCTV captures officers’ comments The Guardian 24/1/2022 News DPD praise work of police dog units CANADA: Delta’s three police dog and handler pairs, who are part of the Lower Mainland Integrated Police Dog Service, recently looked back at the past year. Delta Optimist (Canada) 24/1/2022 News SoCrowd Free Webinar: ‘Supercharge your social with the power of Community Engagement’ Social Media Guru Hel Reynolds shares her experiences of why now is the time to invest in your social media engagement to enhance your reputation and grow your organisational reach. Policing Insight 24/1/2022 Advertisement, Feature Edmonton Police Service taking on ‘complete review’ of social media after recent backlash CANADA: The Edmonton Police Service said it will be reviewing its social media practices and accounts after a Facebook post in December drew a lot of negative attention. [VIDEO] Global News (Canada) 24/1/2022 News York Region police officer sentenced to 7.5 years in jail on corruption related offences CANADA: Police say a Toronto-area constable who was the focus of an undercover corruption probe has been sentenced to 7.5 years behind bars. Blue Line (Canada) 24/1/2022 News Limerick’s illegal use of CCTV is ‘shocking’ according to DPC REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The lead investigator into the illegal use of CCTV surveillance by Limerick City and County Council has described the transgressions as “quite shocking”. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 24/1/2022 News Garda reports of domestic abuse in Ireland rose by 10% in 2021 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí responded to 48,400 domestic abuse incidents last year, an increase of 10 per cent on 2020. The Nationalist (Republic of Ireland) 24/1/2022 News Three new ACCs to join Police Scotland Police Scotland has appointed three new assistant chief constables with “significant and diverse value and experience” to its leadership team. Police Professional 24/1/2022 News Increased Garda patrols in Tralee following Ashling Murphy killing REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Increased patrolling is taking place in Tralee following the killing of 23-year-old Ashling Murphy in County Offaly earlier this month, Tralee Garda District Superintendent Fearghal Pattwell has confirmed. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 24/1/2022 News The Enforcement Turn in Plural Policing? A Comparative Analysis of Public Police Auxiliaries in England & Wales, France and the Netherlands This paper examines ‘auxiliary’ police in three European countries and the extent to which they continue to present a pluralisation of public sector policing. Examining findings from existing empirical research, we will argue that despite different origins, systems of governance, formal powers and levels of centralisation, the police auxiliaries in England & Wales, France and The Netherlands have all experienced an overall trend towards becoming more ‘enforcement-orientated’. This unique comparative analysis measures each agency’s powers, appearance, organisational dimensions and mandate and the associated drivers towards change, such as the politicisation of law and order, large-scale institutional transformations and professionalisation attempts. This analysis will have implications for pluralised policing scholarship as it questions the extent to which auxiliary officers provide a true alternative to the standard or national public policing mandate, which has historically highlighted the ‘law and order’ function of the police. It also highlights the lack of research on what ‘policing by government’ ( Loader, 2000) looks like in practice and the need for further comparative research with these auxiliary state policing actors. European Journal of Criminology 24/1/2022 Research article Dr Simon Sneddon: ‘OC groups could move into arms trafficking to support synthetic narcotic manufacturers’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Chris Allen spoke to Dr Simon Sneddon, Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Northampton, about firearms research, the links between organised crime and environmental injustice, and the potential growth of the synthetic narcotics trade. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/1/2022 Feature, Interview Stress and the Interpretation of Ambiguous Faces in Police Officers Fast and accurate decision-making are central in police officers’ duties. The processing of information relevant to inform decisions can be biased by the state of mind of officers, notably in the presence of stressful conditions. We sought to examine the link between different sources of stress and the presence of an interpretation bias in a task presenting ambiguous faces. A sample of 234 Canadian police officers took part in an online study measuring the number of stressful life events and the level of occupational stress. Participants were assigned to a stress-induced group or a control group. The stress induction was a challenging arithmetic task and the control task was a non-challenging arithmetic task. Participants indicated if the facial expression of 60 ambiguous faces was ‘negative’ or ‘positive’. The dependent measure was the mean number of positive interpretations. Perceived stress level, measured on a visual analogue scale, collected throughout the task indicated that the induction was successful. We found no difference in interpretations resulting from the stress induction. We did however find a significant negative correlation between the perceived stress measures and the interpretation of the faces; higher levels of perceived stress were associated with less positive interpretations. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 24/1/2022 Research article «225722582259226022612262226322642265Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events