Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 45041 to 45060 «224922502251225222532254225522562257Next ›Last » Tax increase approved to pay for Devon and Cornwall Police Tax increases to help pay for policing have been approved on Friday. BBC 28/1/2022 News Retired Met police officer charged over rape 18 years ago Stephen Kyere, who was off-duty at time of attack, will appear in Wimbledon court on 1 February The Guardian 28/1/2022 News Remit letter for Police Remuneration Review Body 2022 Northern Ireland CORRESPONDENCE: Remit letter for Police Remuneration Review Body 2022 Northern Ireland Home Office 28/1/2022 Report Married police officer who sent sex messages to women whose details he got because they were witnesses to crimes is jailed for three months A married police officer who sent sexual messages to women whose details he obtained through his work has been jailed for three months. Mail Online 28/1/2022 News Wiltshire Police ‘Digi-dogs’ trained to sniff out technology A police force has two new recruits to help investigate cyber-related crime. BBC 28/1/2022 News Met’s request for Sue Gray report redactions only muddies the picture Analysis: Scotland Yard’s new request for minimised partygate report looks like questionable policing and perverse politics The Guardian 28/1/2022 Analysis, Feature Prince George councillors say they’re paying more for police than other cities and want to know why CANADA: Councillors say the city's RCMP budget seems to be higher than some larger municipalities CBC News (Canada) 28/1/2022 News Morriseau questions police board’s handling of human rights complaint CANADA: Thunder Bay Police Services Board member Georjann Morriseau says fellow board members named in her human rights complaints against police leadership must remove themselves from decision-making on the issue. TB News Watch (Canada) 28/1/2022 News RCMP host information meeting in Strathmore discussing potential provincial police service CANADA: The RCMP hosted an informational meeting at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #10 on Jan. Blue Line (Canada) 28/1/2022 News Nearly 300 incidents of criminals intimidating victims with drug debts reported REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Nearly 300 incidents of drug related intimidation were reported to gardai in Dublin last year. Dublin Live (Republic of Ireland) 28/1/2022 News 50 per cent drop in Limerick sex offence detection rates REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The detection of sex offences in the Limerick Garda Division has dropped by almost half over the last two years. Limerick Post (Republic of Ireland) 28/1/2022 News Three gardaà suspended for between five and eight years REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Four members of the Garda Reserve are among 91 personnel who are currently on suspension from the force, while three gardaà have been on suspension for between five and eight years. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 28/1/2022 News Police, PCCs and government should ‘grab the opportunity’ for wider, more effective use of out-of-court disposals Criminal justice stakeholders have been urged to take the opportunities offered by a new two-tier approach to out-of-court disposals as a route to cutting reoffending, reducing harm and clearing the CJS backlog – but a lot of work still needs to be done around oversight, openness and the evidence base, as Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/1/2022 Analysis, Feature Former MPS officer charged with rape A former officer from the Metropolitan Police Service has been charged with rape, attempted rape and indecent assault. Police Professional 28/1/2022 News West Midlands Police chief constable to step down after Commonwealth Games The chief constable of West Midlands Police has announced he is stepping down from his post after this summer’s Commonwealth Games. Police Professional 28/1/2022 News Range Rover Sport remains top of vehicle theft league Range Rover has remained the most stolen vehicle in Britain. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/1/2022 News Home Office urged to speed up forces funding review Political leaders have urged the Home Office to get on with reforming how forces are funded. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/1/2022 News Response to an inspection of Border Force’s role in Project Kraken POLICY PAPER: A government response to the ICIBI’s inspection into the effectiveness of Border Force's role in Project Kraken at small seaports. Home Office 28/1/2022 Report Met asked for ‘minimal reference’ in Sue Gray report to events it is investigating Police issue statement in response to questions about role they have played in delay of ‘partygate’ report The Guardian 28/1/2022 News The Threat of Terrorist and Violent Extremist Operated Websites A new report from Tech Against Terrorism has found that global terrorist and violent extremist actors are running at least 198 websites on the surface web. In-depth analysis of 33 of the most prominent websites – run by actors such as Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Atomwaffen Division and the Taliban – confirms that these sites have 1.54 million monthly visitors, with the majority of visits coming from Algeria, Pakistan, United States, and the United Kingdom. Tech Against Terrorism 28/1/2022 Report «224922502251225222532254225522562257Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events