Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 45021 to 45040 «224822492250225122522253225422552256Next ›Last » Letters: take to the streets to defy police and crime bill The government would find it hard to ignore hundreds of thousands of protesters from a coalition of environmental groups The Guardian 30/1/2022 Feature, Opinion Will Met inquiry into Downing Street lockdown parties ‘neuter’ Gray report? Force’s direction that civil servant makes ‘minimal reference' to events could dampen investigation dictating Johnson’s future The Guardian 30/1/2022 News The Benefits and Supervisory Styles of Women Police Leaders While research has identified four main police supervisory styles, it is unclear whether the framework accurately represents the supervisory styles of women. We explored the benefits of promoting women in policing and examined their supervisory styles, drawing on interviews with 38 ranking women. Participants attributed three benefits to promoting women – diversity, people-orientation, and conscientiousness. All 34 who described their supervisory style fell into one of the four previously identified categories. Most common was innovative (50%), then supportive (32%), traditional (12%), and active (6%). We link findings to calls for gender diversity up the ranks of law enforcement. Feminist Criminology - Registration at source 30/1/2022 Research article Procedural Justice, Neighbourhood Context, and Domestic Violence Reporting Intention Among Subgroups of Immigrants Although research shows immigrants are less likely to report crimes to the police than native-born individuals, few studies have examined domestic violence reporting behaviours among immigrant subgroups. Empirical studies have examined the role of procedural justice and neighbourhood factors on citizens’ satisfaction and willingness to cooperate with the police. However, these studies have often ignored immigrants’ willingness to report domestic violence in their neighbourhoods. To address the research gap in the crime reporting literature, this study uses a representative sample from a major US city with high concentrations of immigrants to examine whether there are differences in reporting domestic violence across various subgroups taking into account procedural justice and neighbourhood characteristics. We found that differences between subgroups of immigrants are reduced when procedural justice is included in the multilevel models. The study highlights the importance of procedural justice in understanding immigrants’ willingness to report domestic violence to the police. Policing and Society - Registration at source 30/1/2022 Research article Nexus Between Police Attitudes and Responses to Domestic and Family Violence in Australia: Does Training Matter? Police attitudes, knowledge, and beliefs about domestic and family violence (DFV) are crucial for promoting a sense of safety and security for victim-survivors seeking criminal justice support and protection. Using survey data collected from a statewide sample of police officers (N = 243) in one jurisdiction in Australia, this study investigates the influence of police attitudes toward DFV on their decision-making in relation to providing support services, taking proactive actions, and seeking domestic violence protection order (DVO) applications in response to DFV. This study further examines whether the receipt of DFV training as well as confidence in handling aspects of DFV moderate police response to DFV situations. Based on multivariate logistic regression adjusted models, police officers who had proactive attitudes (e.g. pro-arrest attitudes) were more willing to provide support services and take other actions, whereas those who possessed reactive attitudes (e.g. minimum police involvement attitudes) were less likely to seek DVO applications and take other actions. Policing and Society - Registration at source 30/1/2022 Research article There are good reasons why the Met may want a redacted version of the Gray report If criminal offences are alleged to have taken place, police have to follow a rigorous investigation process. Parm Sandhu is a former chief superintendent with the Metropolitan police The Guardian 30/1/2022 Feature, Opinion Gardai to consider investigating failings of Kerry child mental health service REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai are to consider whether there are grounds to begin a criminal investigation following a highly critical review of south Kerry mental health services. Tipperary Live (Republic of Ireland) 29/1/2022 News Father, two children dead in Huntingdale, Perth from suspected murder-suicide AUSTRALIA: A father and his two young children have been discovered dead in Perth in what is believed to be a horrific murder-suicide. (Australia) 29/1/2022 News Toronto police sending resources to Ottawa ahead of ‘major demonstration’ CANADA: The Toronto Police Service (TPS) says it is sending resources to Ottawa ahead of the trucker convoy protest this weekend. Global News (Canada) 29/1/2022 News Number of sexual assault and rape crimes climb in Ireland as Gardai reveal latest crime statistics REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The number of sexual assault and rape crimes in Ireland has climbed in recent Gardai statistics. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 29/1/2022 News ‘Best ever’ mutual aid offer to support summer games says force A mutual aid call for 2,000 officers has been made to support this summer's Commonwealth Games. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/1/2022 News Are police investigations stuck in the past? Former Essex Police frontline officer Ben Peter comments on the current state of investigations, why the number of unsolved crimes remains high and how the boundaries for proportionally closing an investigation can be expanded to deliver more successful case outcomes for both the police and the public. Police Professional 29/1/2022 Feature Terms of reference: Inspection of the police’s handling of serious youth violence Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services will carry out a thematic inspection of how well police address serious youth violence to reduce violent crime involving young people (particularly between the ages of 16 to 24 years). HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 29/1/2022 Report Inspection of the police’s handling of serious youth violence Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services will carry out a thematic inspection of how well police address serious youth violence to reduce violent crime involving young people (particularly between the ages of 16 to 24 years). HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 29/1/2022 News Police release new plate scanning technology AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police has established new technology that will allow them to scan for unlicensed drivers. Star Weekly (Australia) 28/1/2022 News ‘Colonial document’: Victorian justice department reports raise concerns about welfare of Indigenous young people AUSTRALIA: Internal reports raise significant concerns about how young people from Aboriginal and African backgrounds are being cared for by the Victorian justice department as it struggles to deal with increasingly complex youth offenders. The Guardian 28/1/2022 News Millions of files being reviewed to identify victims of child sexual abuse AUSTRALIA: AFP and state police identification specialists are reviewing almost 4 million files seized from alleged sex offenders in a bid to identify and rescue children. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 28/1/2022 News Tough times for thin blue line NEW ZEALAND: A ‘perfect storm’ over the past 12 months created the lowest staffing levels in Wairarapa’s police force since 2019. Times-Age (New Zealand) 28/1/2022 News Top Whanganui cops take knowledge of community liaison to Wellington NEW ZEALAND: Whanganui policing has changed since police started listening to the community - and the results are impressive, Whanganui/Ruapehu Area Commander Nigel Allan says. NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 28/1/2022 News Frontline police set for significant pay boost after Police Association wins at arbitration NEW ZEALAND: Police officers have been awarded a 3.5 per cent pay rise plus significant bonus payments, after the Police Association’s offer was chosen at final arbitration. Stuff (New Zealand) 28/1/2022 News «224822492250225122522253225422552256Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events