Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 45001 to 45020 «224722482249225022512252225322542255Next ›Last » Illegal wildlife trade and illicit finance in the UK The UK IS a leading advocate of the need to ‘follow the money’ linked to illegal wildlife trade (IWT) on the international stage. [pdf] RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) 31/1/2022 Report 1,000 days between rape offence and case completion in UK, data shows Median delay was over two and a half years in first nine months of 2021, up more than a quarter on previous year The Guardian 31/1/2022 News Police officers shot dead on patrol in western Germany GERMANY: Shooting took place during routine traffic check near Kusel in early hours of Monday morning The Guardian 31/1/2022 News Cocaine trafcking from non-traditional ports: examining the cases of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay SOUTH AMERICA: This article presents the results of an exploratory study aimed to analyze the contexts in which the use of Non-Traditional ports of cocaine departure and counterintuitive routes is prioritized, based on the experience of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. [pdf] Trends in Organized Crime 31/1/2022 Research article Policing on paddleboards to help anxious bobbies from feeling blue Police officers are being encouraged to go kayaking and paddleboarding during work hours to boost their wellbeing The Times - Subscription at source 31/1/2022 News Counterterror police will protect ferry passengers Armed counterterrorism officers are to be deployed on British ferries for the first time this summer, The Times has learnt. The Times - Subscription at source 31/1/2022 News Burglars go unpunished with only 5% of cases solved Police success rate nearly halves in seven years The Times - Subscription at source 31/1/2022 News Police reported to watchdog after visiting women’s charity boss to question ‘female-only’ tweet Police Scotland has been reported to the UK's equality watchdog after a senior officer was accused of suggesting a women's charity had acted 'deplorably'' . The Telegraph - Subscription at source 31/1/2022 News A life-saving spray can reverse opioid overdoses; so should all police officers carry naloxone? The use of naloxone by officers to reverse the effects of opioid overdoses is being trialled by several UK forces, having saved hundreds of lives in the US and Canada, and debates are ongoing in Australia and New Zealand – but not everyone believes it’s the best way forward; Policing Insight Contributing Editor Tina Orr Munro takes an in-depth look at the impact the medication can have, how and where it is being used, and the barriers to a wider roll-out. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 31/1/2022 Analysis, Feature Police forces across the country reveal speed camera thresholds for drivers Breaking the speed limit doesn't necessarily mean you'll get caught on camera Essex Live 31/1/2022 News Budget variance for the period ending December 31, 2021 CANADA: This report provides information and updates to the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC) on the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) current financial position for the period ending December 31, 2021. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 31/1/2022 Report New Zealand not having a gun registry “lacks common sense” NEW ZEALAND: Police Association president Chris Cahill speaks to Tim Roxborogh and Roman Travers about the latest stats showing that police are encountering an average of ten firearms a day. NewstalkZB (New Zealand) 30/1/2022 Feature, Opinion Canadian police investigate monument ‘desecration’ and ‘illegal’ behaviour by Freedom Convoy protesters CANADA: Authorities say Ottawa police officers and city officials were ‘threatened’ during demonstration The Independent 30/1/2022 News Big Data Applied to Criminal Investigations: Expectations of Professionals of Police Cooperation in the European Union Big Data is seen as an increasingly important tool to support policing activities, define security governance policies and assist criminal investigations. Although significant literature has explored the predictive capabilities of Big Data, there has been less focus on the uses of Big Data in criminal investigations, focused on detection and apprehension that occur after a crime has been committed. This article aims to fill this gap through the lens of expectations of professionals involved in police cooperation in the European Union. Based upon a set of qualitative interviews, our analysis explores these professionals’ expectations for the application of Big Data techniques in criminal investigations by using DNA data held in national criminal DNA databases and, therefore, potentially increasing the interoperability between genetic and non-genetic data. Our results reveal a flexible repertoire of interpretation of the expectations for the uses of Big Data in criminal investigations and its associated potential risks and benefits. The perceived benefits relate to expectations for Big Data’s potential to advance cold cases and strengthen the interoperability of multiple datasets in ways that produce intelligence valuable for criminal investigations. Perceived risks concern the difficulties associated with investigating large sets of data, the potential for enforcing genetic discrimination, and threatening privacy and human rights. Policing and Society - Registration at source 30/1/2022 Research article The trauma of being stalked stays with you, we must listen to victims on changing the law REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A new law to make stalking a stand-alone offence is close to being enacted. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 30/1/2022 News Facial recognition technology used to arrest fugitives in central London Critics of live facial recognition technology say it raises significant human rights concerns over its potential to track the movement of people and invade privacy i News 30/1/2022 News Nicola Murray: Police pursue ‘thought crimes’ Police in Scotland have been accused of pursuing “thought crimes” after visiting the home of a charity founder to ask about her stance on female-only services when no offence had been committed. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 30/1/2022 Feature Council tax rise of £10 in Manchester to pay for police after damning inspection report THE Labour mayor Andy Burnham has announced plans for a £10 hike in council tax bills for Manchester residents in order to pay for its troubled police force. Express 30/1/2022 News Just two Met Police officers face discipline for social media posts in a year, data shows Only two cases concerning the social media posts of Metropolitan Police officers resulted in reprimands being handed out in the past year, out of 98 reported, can disclose. Express 30/1/2022 News Guns, drugs and $100,000 cash is seized and 115 arrested in just two days as police swoop on warring crime families AUSTRALIA: Police have rounded up 115 alleged gangsters and seized guns, $1.2 million worth of drugs and $100,000 cash in a huge two-day blitz. Mail Online 30/1/2022 News «224722482249225022512252225322542255Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events