Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 44901 to 44920 «224222432244224522462247224822492250Next ›Last » Garda Commissioner to face questions over lowering Irish language requirement REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris will face questions from an Oireachtas committee on Wednesday about the decision to lower Irish standards in An Garda Síochána, which has been criticised by Irish language campaigners. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 2/2/2022 News The IOPC ‘bad apple’ report shows exactly why I and most women have no confidence in the police to protect us The report shows that for every decent police officer, there are hordes behaving like the men all women have nightmares about i News 2/2/2022 Feature, Opinion Numbers quitting An Garda Siochana at five-year high REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The number of gardai quitting the force early has hit a five-year high, it has emerged. Figures obtained by The Irish Mirror show almost 100 officers resigned from the force in 2021 – an increase of more than a third on 2020. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 2/2/2022 News A National Analysis of Trauma Care Proximity and Firearm Assault Survival Among U.S. Police Past research on factors influencing firearm assault (FA) mortality have not focused on police officers who, compared to other U.S. workers and the general public, experience especially high rates of firearm victimization. This study focuses on this unique population of FA victims and examines the relationship between travel time to the nearest trauma care facility and the probability of survival among officers shot on duty. Combining data on trauma care center location and 7 years of data on U.S. police officers fatally or non-fatally assaulted with a firearm, we use logistic regression to model the probability of FA fatality among police by proximity of the FA to the nearest trauma care facility. We find that travel time to trauma care was not associated with reduced FA mortality among police from 2014 to 2020. FA mortality was significantly lower in 2020 than the six years prior. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 2/2/2022 Research article ‘Banter’ and hate speak: inside Operation Hotton Police Oracle talks to the IOPC investigator who led a major inquiry into a 'toxic' culture at a London police station. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/2/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Comment: don’t confuse canteen culture with lack of supervision You could be forgiven for thinking there are more MPS officers currently engaged in investigating their own colleagues than there are attempting to detect the many crimes that daily afflict one of the world’s largest cities. You would be wrong but the thought is an understandable one Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/2/2022 Feature, Opinion Police Scotland officers carrying Naloxone prevent 53 drug deaths The drug, which counters the effects of overdose from opioids such as heroin, has been carried by officers as part of national trial project starting in 2021. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/2/2022 News New specialist financial crime agency needed, say MPs The National Crime Agency and the City's specialist investigators are not enough to tackle the huge scale of financial crime, the Home Office has been warned. More funding and a specialist financial crime agencies is needed to tackle online fraud, MPs have told the government. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/2/2022 News ‘Shared ambition’ crucial to tackling VAWG, say PCCs Working across all levels of government and improving support for victims of crime will be part of plans to tackle violence against women. A summit of Police and Crime Commissioners and national partners heard that forces would have to work with central government, victims groups and other partners to improve outcomes. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/2/2022 News RUI being used too often ‘because evidence not collected quickly’ Officers have been accused by the Home Secretary of releasing too many suspects from custody without charge. Priti Patel told the Home Affairs Select Committee that officers were not getting evidence fast enough and as a result offenders were being released under investigation for even the most serious offences. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/2/2022 News Inquiry into child sexual exploitation finds ‘extensive failures’ by police and local authorities There have been “extensive failures” by local authorities and police forces to keep pace with the changing nature of sexual exploitation of children by networks, a report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has found. Police Professional 2/2/2022 News APCC violence against women and girls summit APCC Joint Victims’ Leads Donna Jones and Sophie Linden comment on the APCC Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Summit: “Today’s successful VAWG Summit gave us all an important opportunity to affirm our commitment to tackling violence against women and girls and protecting our most vulnerable. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 2/2/2022 News Report on an unannounced inspection visit to police custody suites in Surrey This report describes our findings following an inspection of Surrey Police custody facilities. The inspection was conducted jointly by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) in October 2021. It is part of our programme of inspections covering every police custody suite in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 2/2/2022 Report Surrey Police’s custody services have improved, but further changes are needed Surrey Police has improved its custody services, but further changes are needed to maintain privacy and dignity for detainees when receiving health care, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 2/2/2022 News Vulnerable children need care, not incarceration Lisa Harker from the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory says we need to rethink why young people are being deprived of their liberty The Guardian 2/2/2022 Feature, Opinion Scottish police numbers fall to lowest since 2009 The number of police officers in Scotland has fallen to its lowest level in more than a decade, prompting Tory claims the Government is putting public safety at risk. The Herald (Scotland) 2/2/2022 News Undercover female police launch patrols to catch men catcalling women and girls Detectives say "harassment of women and girls in any way is unacceptable" - and release an image of a driver having their details taken by officers after they were caught making comments "which were classed as causing alarm and distress". Sky News 2/2/2022 News Sexual Abuse inquiry finds ‘extensive failures’ by police and local authorities The report by the IICSA heard testimony from 30 young witnesses from six areas across England and Wales i News 2/2/2022 News Child sexual exploitation is downplayed to avoid bad publicity, report says Inquiry into abuse in England and Wales points to ‘extensive failures’ in way exploitation by criminal gangs is tackled The Guardian 2/2/2022 News Rastafarian woman ‘humiliated’ by police strip order The case of a Rastafarian woman left naked in a police cell shows officers need greater understanding of minority groups, ex-senior officers have said. BBC 2/2/2022 News «224222432244224522462247224822492250Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events