Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 44841 to 44860 «223922402241224222432244224522462247Next ›Last » More than 900 drug crimes by children in Hucknall and wider Nottinghamshire in last decade Children committed more than 900 drug crimes in Nottinghamshire in less than a decade, figures show. Hucknall Dispatch 3/2/2022 News Cleveland Police: Mark Webster in line to become chief constable The man in line to become the seventh chief constable of Cleveland Police in less than a decade has been announced. BBC 3/2/2022 News Domestic Abuse Bill second reading: correspondence from ministers to Jess Phillips MP We are grateful to you and all the other members who spoke and put in to speak at second reading on 28 April. It was pleasing to hear the cross-party support for the measures in the bill, although we recognise that there were suggestions for making changes or adding new provisions. 3/2/2022 News Three found guilty of murdering Cardiff doctor in homophobic attack Teenage girl and two men found guilty of killing Dr Gary Jenkins, as Stonewall criticises language used during trial The Guardian 3/2/2022 News Essex Police to be biggest it has ever been following approval of 2022/2023 budget Essex residents will see significant extra neighbourhood policing, including more officers in town centres, as part of increased investment in policing in the county over the next year. Essex OPFCC 3/2/2022 News ‘You have the power but you don’t have resources’: Lostock Hall police constable’s appeal to help highlight under-reported ASB hotspots A Lostock Hall police constable is urging people to help highlight the town’s antisocial behaviour hotspots as many cases go unreported. Lancashire Post 3/2/2022 News Victoria police seize 2.5 kg of fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine in Fort Street suite CANADA: Investigation into drug trafficking operation finds ties to Lower Mainland gang activity Vancouver Island Free Daily (Canada) 3/2/2022 News Why Alberta’s police chiefs are misguided on drug decriminalization CANADA: Every day in Canada, 19 families lose a loved one to opioid poisoning. More people die this way than in motor vehicle accidents or from heart attacks. Across the country, communities are reeling with grief — in particular, Indigenous communities, which have suffered staggeringly disproportionate losses. Calgary Herald (Canada) 3/2/2022 Feature, Opinion ‘All options on the table’ to end protest ensnaring Ottawa, says police chief CANADA: The head of the Ottawa police says “all options are on the table”, including calling in the military, to end the ongoing anti-vaccine mandate protest that some city councillors are calling an “occupation” of the capital. Blue Line (Canada) 3/2/2022 News All Garda cars to be fitted with defibrillators – Gallagher REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A local senator has received commitment that all Garda cars are to be fitted with Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). The Anglo-Celt (Republic of Ireland) 3/2/2022 News 32 per cent rise in Garda domestic violence reports since 2019 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai in Limerick received 2,181 reports of domestic violence last year, representing a 32 per cent increase in only two years. Limerick Post (Republic of Ireland) 3/2/2022 News Garda apology to Oireachtas committee over language measure ‘omission’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A senior Garda officer has apologised after an Oireachtas committee was not informed of discussions surrounding the removal of an Irish language requirement for members seeking promotion within the force. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 3/2/2022 News Instilling trust and confidence in the use of AI in policing Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to be a gamechanger in law enforcement, but only if there is confidence in its deployment both inside and outside of the sector; Steve Ainsworth, Executive Director of Public Safety at NEC Software Solutions UK, argues the case for more transparency around the use of AI in policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/2/2022 Feature, Opinion Detectives urge Police Minister Malthouse to act on disclosure rules Frustrated officers have appealed directly to Kit Malthouse, calling for him to intervene with the Attorney. General over reforms to disclosure rules they say are costing valuable time and causing stress Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/2/2022 News Ten forces pulled into ending homelessness with ADDER scheme Ten forces with some of the country’s highest rough sleeping numbers have joined a Whitehall initiative to get people off the streets. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/2/2022 News West Midlands cleared for dedicated drone airport lift-off A pop up airport for drones is being developed with the help of Britain’s second-biggest police force. West Midlands will be working with a private firm (Urban-Air Port) and the Civil Aviation Authority to setup a vertiport in Coventry that will be a landing and take-off site for drones. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/2/2022 News CPS and South West Regional Organised Crime Unit charging statement on a large-scale timeshare fraud The CPS has authorised the South West Regional Organised Crime Unit (SW ROCU) to charge 18 people with 79 counts related to a large-scale fraud targeting timeshare owners. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 3/2/2022 News Solomon Islands: Cops bearing gifts Australia has a lengthy and costly 40-year history of providing assistance to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force, but the offer recently accepted by the Islands’ Government of officers and equipment from China has raised some strategic concerns; Gordon Peake and Dr Graeme Smith of the Australian National University explore the Australian Federal Police’s capacity-building efforts to date, as well as China’s moves to extend their policing reach in the Pacific. Policing Insight 3/2/2022 Analysis, Feature Operation Encompass Pilot Programme rolled out to another 77 schools in Northern Ireland Schools across the Newry and South Armagh area are to join Pilot Programme, Operation Encompass. The programme, which is already operational across the Downpatrick area, sees police sharing information with schools where there have been instances of domestic abuse involving a child. This will allow officers to pass on relevant information to the school the child attends so that the right support can be put in place. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 3/2/2022 News NPCC responds to release of latest report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Yesterday, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) published a report focussing on child sexual abuse and exploitation by organised networks. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 3/2/2022 News «223922402241224222432244224522462247Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events