Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 44821 to 44840 «223822392240224122422243224422452246Next ›Last » Police use force tactics more than 10,000 times in a year, figures show Frontline police officers in Norfolk increased use of force tactics such as physical restraint, pepper spray and tasers during the first year of Covid, figures reveal. Eastern Daily Press 4/2/2022 News DNA breakthrough could identify victims and provide suspect descriptions in current and unsolved cases A new DNA technique being pioneered by the Australian Federal Police uses Massively Parallel Sequencing to predict gender, age, eye colour, hair colour and bio-geographical ancestry – with new markers being identified for traits such as facial metrics or physical stature – in a breakthrough that could help investigators identify human remains as well as potential suspects, as Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/2/2022 Feature, Innovation San Francisco police chief REFUSES to work with woke DA Chesa Boudin on use-of-force cases and accuses him of ‘concealing’ evidence that could help officer facing trial for beating USA: San Francisco’s police chief has pulled out of an agreement allowing District Attorney Chesa Boudin to investigate police shootings and in-custody deaths, accusing the DA's office of 'concealing' evidence and not being impartial in use-of-force cases. Mail Online 3/2/2022 News Police officers still being recruited without face-to-face interviews At least four forces have continued to use online centres set up during the pandemic to carry out assessments, checks and job offers The Telegraph - Subscription at source 3/2/2022 News Johnson and Patel’s claims about falling crime ‘misleading’, says UK watchdog Head of watchdog writing to PM and home secretary about England and Wales data, which excludes fraud The Guardian 3/2/2022 News Domestic abuse advisors support police at incidents Nearly one in every five incidents of police-recorded crime is related to domestic abuse. Northamptonshire Police has made domestic abuse a matter of priority, and is now using the expertise of specialist Crisis Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) at some police incidents. This is to better help safeguard victims of domestic abuse and ensure they are aware of the support available to them. Northamptonshire Police 3/2/2022 News Cleveland Police: Mark Webster in line to become chief constable The man in line to become the seventh chief constable of Cleveland Police in less than a decade has been announced. Mark Webster, the deputy chief constable of Cumbria, has been named as the choice of Cleveland's Police and Crime Commissioner Steve Turner. BBC 3/2/2022 News Plans for 100 new Leicestershire police officers shelved A plan to fund an extra 100 police officers in Leicestershire this year has been halted. The county's police and crime commissioner (PCC) Rupert Matthews said the proposal was no longer "sustainable" in the longer term. BBC 3/2/2022 News ‘The answer is not defunding the police’: Joe Biden in meeting with NY mayor USA: The president pressed for community intervention programs and said it is ‘outrageous’ gun manufacturers are exempt from lawsuits The Guardian 3/2/2022 News More than 220,000 seizures of illegal drugs made by police and Border Force Drugs seizures by police and Border Force have increased by more than 20 per cent according to latest figures. Police Professional 3/2/2022 News PSNI chief constable warns of ‘stark choices’ due to budget shortfall The chief constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has warned that “stark choices” will need to be made as a consequence of the proposed police budget allocation. Police Professional 3/2/2022 News Victoria Police step up effort to uncover illegal and unregistered guns AUSTRALIA: Crime Stoppers together with the federal government have launched a national gun amnesty, with holders told to surrender their illegal firearms or face the full force of the law. Bendigo Advertiser (Australia) 3/2/2022 News As the scandals keep coming, distrust of the police has gone mainstream The stories engulfing the Met – from partygate to appalling WhatsApp messages – mark the start of a crisis in policing The Guardian 3/2/2022 Feature, Opinion ‘Hand it in’: gun amnesty targets 260,000 unregistered firearms across Australia AUSTRALIA: A national gun amnesty has been launched across Australia, with holders told to surrender their illegal firearms or face the full force of the law. The Guardian 3/2/2022 News AFP releases glossary of terms used by some sex predators to groom children AUSTRALIA: The AFP is today releasing a glossary of acronyms and emojis that can be used by child predators who engage in sexualised communication online and via text message. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 3/2/2022 News Ministry of Justice report shows continuous decrease in youth offending NEW ZEALAND: The report highlights the influx of children and young people into the youth justice system The Lawyer 3/2/2022 News Five charged in Hutt Valley methamphetamine importation investigation NEW ZEALAND: Five people are facing more than 30 charges relating to the importation of methamphetamine destined for the Wellington community. Stuff (New Zealand) 3/2/2022 News WATCH: Highlighting Counties Manukau’s work in preventing firearms-related violence NEW ZEALAND: Every day our Police staff are out targeting illegal firearms as we continue to work towards disrupting and preventing firearms-related violence by criminal gangs and organised crime groups. [VIDEO] New Zealand Police 3/2/2022 News ‘The Worst of Us… Why?… What Can We Do About It?’ | Guest Blog Written by Andrea Quinton – a serving police officer [ACQ91 on Twitter]. I, like many of you, felt sick and shocked at the latest information to emerge from the IOPC led Operation Hotton investigation. Emergency Services News 3/2/2022 Feature, Opinion Whose crime is it anyway? Organized crime and international stabilization efforts in Mali Since 2013, the Republic of Mali has become a focal point of international efforts to stabilize the Sahel region through a mix of direct military intervention, security assistance, development aid and humanitarian support. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime 3/2/2022 Analysis, Feature «223822392240224122422243224422452246Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events