Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 44681 to 44700 «223122322233223422352236223722382239Next ›Last » ‘Fear of attack’ at home can never be tolerated – justice minister REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee has said that “violent crime has no place in our society” following an horrendous assault on a retired farmer in Sligo last week. AgriLand 9/2/2022 News Grave being exhumed at Glasnevin for 1980s cold-case inquiry REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A grave at Glasnevin Cemetery in north Dublin was being exhumed by gardaí on Wednesday as part of a cold-case inquiry dating back to the 1980s. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 9/2/2022 News An Garda Síochána to mark 100 years since formation REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A series of initiatives and events have been planned to mark 100 years since the formation of An Garda Siochana. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 9/2/2022 News Counter-terrorism operations: Targeting online bomb-making manuals The surge in terrorist content online has presented law enforcement agencies and tech companies with significant challenges in tackling dangerous extremists; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at European efforts to target such activities and online material, including new draft legislation governing how the EU can work with third countries to exchange data. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/2/2022 Analysis, Feature Predictive Validity of Mmpi-2 Immaturity Index For Early Termination of Police Officers Personality tests are frequently administered during the process of hiring police officers. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) is one of the most widely used instruments in the selection of candidates. Pre-employment MMPI-2 scores have also been used to predict police misconduct and early termination of police officers. This study looked at the predictive ability of the immaturity index for the early termination of officers. The immaturity index is a composition of three scales from the MMPI-2 that includes the Lie scale, Hypomania, and Psychopathic Deviate. Results showed the immaturity index as a significant predictor of officers being terminated for cause and no longer being employed by the department within one year of hire. This data supports the utility of the index for predicting potentially problematic behavior in police officer recruits. In addition, because the MMPI-2 is a common assessment given during the onboarding psychiatric evaluation of police officers, potential candidates for hire with elevated immaturity index scores may be reconsidered or warrant further evaluation. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 9/2/2022 Research article Women and children at heart of new ‘vision for justice’ Victims will be placed at the heart of a new ‘Vision for Justice’ published by the Scottish government with a range of reforms designed to “transform Scotland’s justice sector through the Covid-19 recovery period and beyond”. Police Professional 9/2/2022 News Facebook to redirect users away from extremist searches Facebook and Instagram users in the UK who search for content related to organised hate or violent extremism will now be redirected to resources and support as part of a major counterspeech update. Police Professional 9/2/2022 News Police Service of Northern Ireland response to the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland public statement. Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Jonathan Roberts said: “It is important to say that, first and foremost, I recognise the continuing distress being felt by all of the families of those killed and injured in these attacks and want to acknowledge the pain and suffering that they all continue to feel. They have suffered as a result of the Troubles and, understandably, they continue to seek answers. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 9/2/2022 News Police help parents spot the signs of abuse on Safer Internet Day Statistics show that online child sexual abuse crimes, recorded by the PSNI, have jumped by over 80% in the last three years and the team that investigates the most serious of these crimes are busier than they have ever been. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 9/2/2022 News Testing the Effects of A Problem-Solving Policing Strategy on Crime Outcomes: the Promise of An Integrated Approach Police problem-solving is one of the most recognized innovations of recent decades, and evidence provides practitioners with hope in their challenges to affect crime. Yet, practitioners need more than hope as they struggle to implement and institutionalize this innovation. This paper shares the results of an integrated problem-solving intervention situated within a comprehensive approach. A Case of Place intervention served as an instrument of problem-solving, which became institutionalized through analytical and Compstat changes. The intervention guided police and crime analysts through problem-solving processes, ensuring attention to each problem-solving step. Using interrupted time-series, post-intervention results revealed a significant reduction in aggravated assaults, motor vehicle breaks, and robberies, as compared to pre-intervention patterns. Additionally, organizational shifts moved the department towards the goal of holistic problem-solving. This study reveals positive results from the Case of Place problem-solving instrument and may offer a path to address the analytical and institutionalization shortcomings of problem-solving. Police Quarterly - Registration at source 9/2/2022 Research article Report on an unannounced inspection visit to police custody suites in Warwickshire This report describes our findings following an inspection of Warwickshire Police custody facilities. The inspection was conducted jointly by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services and HM Inspectorate of Prisons in September 2021. It is part of our programme of inspections covering every police custody suite in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 9/2/2022 Report Warwickshire Police’s custody services need improvement Warwickshire Police has improved its oversight of its custody services, but further changes are needed, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 9/2/2022 News Ex head of Special Branch: Police ombudsman’s task is to produce hard evidence Is the police ombudsman an investigator or just another media commentator? The Newsletter 9/2/2022 Feature, Opinion Domestic abuse survivor urges others in violent relationships to contact police ‘My life’s completely turned around,’ she said The Independent 9/2/2022 News Narrative interviewing highlights professional standards investigations as a key cause of officer mental ill-health The often traumatic nature of policing has long been regarded as having a major effect on police wellbeing, but research in recent years has also highlighted the impact of organisational factors; former police officer Mark Brain, now a PhD Researcher at Cardiff University, used narrative interviewing techniques to determine that lengthy professional standards department investigations are one of the leading causes of officer mental ill-health. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/2/2022 Analysis, Feature Met Police officer who tasered girl, 10, should face gross misconduct proceedings, says watchdog The finding of the IOPC comes after the Met Police said "no misconduct was identified" when it reviewed the incident last year. Sky News 9/2/2022 News Football police chief says cocaine a ‘contributing factor’ to increased disorder Cocaine use is helping to drive a rise in disorder at matches in England and Wales, says the country's lead police officer for football. BBC 9/2/2022 News Met Police cop who Tasered 10-year-old girl ‘threatening woman with garden shears and hammer’ should face gross misconduct proceedings A Metropolitan Police officer who tasered a 10-year-old girl 'threatening a woman with garden shears and a hammer' at her home should face gross misconduct proceedings, a watchdog has ruled. Mail Online 9/2/2022 News Hillsborough: Police watchdog still investigating 150 complaints More than 150 complaints or allegations against former police officers involved in the Hillsborough disaster are still being investigated 33 years later. BBC 9/2/2022 News UK police are not investigating COVID-19 vaccine programme Multiple police forces in the UK have denied claims that an investigation has been launched into the country's vaccination programme. euronews 9/2/2022 News «223122322233223422352236223722382239Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events