Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98575 total results. Showing results 44601 to 44620 «222722282229223022312232223322342235Next ›Last » Parliament protest: Police arrest 122 in efforts to control occupation NEW ZEALAND: Tensions rose on Thursday as the protest against Covid-19 protection measures dragged on into its third day, with police hauling away dozens of protesters who refused to leave Parliament grounds. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 10/2/2022 News Firearms prohibition orders take the first step NEW ZEALAND: As MPs get into the swing of things on their first week back in parliament following the summer break, one of the items up for consideration is the first reading of the Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Bill. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 10/2/2022 News Policing inspection programme and framework commencing April 2022 For consultation s policing moves beyond the immediate pressures of the pandemic, the work of HMICFRS continues to promote improvements in policing, to keep people safe and reduce crime and disorder. The inspectorate must continue to do so in a way that is very different to what has gone before. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 10/2/2022 Report Policing inspection programme and framework commencing April 2022: For consultation From April 2022, our inspection programme takes a multi-year approach rather than an annual one, setting out how we will work and the things we will inspect in the next three years. However, we intend to review it each year in light of new and emerging priorities for policing, as well as how our ability to inspect and promote improvement is affected by government funding. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 10/2/2022 News Met Police officer asked teenage girls out, court hears A Met Police officer arranged to meet a 15-year-old girl in a park where he put his arm round her, a court has heard. BBC 10/2/2022 News Downing Street ‘partygate’ rule-breakers will be fined, Cressida Dick confirms Metropolitan Police chief says it is inevitable that some of those contacted by officers would get fixed penalty notices The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/2/2022 News Police officer ‘took schoolgirl’s number and invited her for a drink after class’ PC Adnan Arib, 45, has been accused of asking two teenage girls to meet up - but has denied two counts of misconduct in public office Mirror 10/2/2022 News Plan to rename Leicestershire Police slammed by federation Plans to rename Leicestershire Police to incorporate the neighbouring county of Rutland have been criticised by the Police Federation. BBC 10/2/2022 News Talking crime with Danny Shaw: Mike Barton PolicingTV 10/2/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video P.E.I. police review report includes call for civilian oversight CANADA: Prince Edward Island should have a civilian board to provide oversight of policing in the province, and to make recommendations for changes in policing standards to the minister of justice. CBC News (Canada) 10/2/2022 News 9 human rights complaints allege Thunder Bay, Ont., police on leave called ‘broken toys’ in toxic workplace CANADA: The Thunder Bay Police Service faces allegations of a toxic work culture, detailed in nine complaints with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario that claim members of the force are discriminated against based on their mental health, race and gender. CBC News (Canada) 10/2/2022 News Saskatchewan and Alberta First Nations speak out against the “freedom” convoys and the police inaction CANADA: First Nation leaders in Saskatchewan are adding their voices to the growing list of Indigenous Nations who are condemning the nation-wide protests, and the Indigenous cultural appropriation within it. Blue Line (Canada) 10/2/2022 News Older people in Kerry urged to use Garda card initiative following aggravated burglaries REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Older people in rural parts of Kerry are more nervous, following recent high-profile burglaries. Radio Kerry (Republic of Ireland) 10/2/2022 News Code of conduct for members and staff of the Policing Authority REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Code sets out in written form the standards of principle and practice which govern the conduct of Members and staff of the Policing Authority – including external members of Authority Committees. [pdf] Policing Authority (Republic of Ireland) 10/2/2022 Report An Garda Síochána Commence Latest recruitment competition for new Garda trainees 10/2/22 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda Síochána, in partnership with the Public Appointments Service, has today commenced a recruitment competition for Garda trainees. An Garda Síochána 10/2/2022 News It’s time to improve road safety and reinvest in roads policing Despite many more people dying on the roads than from terrorism or knife crime, roads policing resources have been significantly cut back over the past decade; now the Police Foundation has called for roads policing to be made a Strategic Policing Requirement, and a new Road Safety Commissioner appointed, in an effort to reverse the de-prioritisation of roads policing, as Police Foundation Director Rick Muir explains. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/2/2022 Feature, Opinion The Effects of Nonresponse and Follow-Up Mailings on A Citizen Survey of Law Enforcement Services Law enforcement agencies in many countries conduct surveys to learn about community opinions and concerns but low response rates can raise doubts about the generalizability of the results. This study examined differences between responders vs. nonresponders, and early vs. late responders, in a mailed survey of citizen satisfaction about law enforcement, and whether survey estimates changed with follow-up mailings. The univariate analysis revealed significant but small race/ethnicity and age differences between responders and nonresponders. Nonresponders tended to be nonwhite rather than white and to be younger. Late responders reported more negative attitudes toward law enforcement than did early responders with respect to perceived procedural justice and police legitimacy, although differences were small. While follow-up mailings increased the number of returns, this study found that the characteristics and attitudes of responders changed very little with additional mailings. The multivariate analysis revealed no evidence of multivariate bias, in particular, late survey responses did not change the positive association between procedural justice and police legitimacy. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 10/2/2022 Research article Revisiting the Ferguson Effect: Law Enforcement Perception of Recruitment in the Post George Floyd Era Mainstream media have argued that prolonged and harsh criticism of police officers prompted by death of Michael Brown at the hands of Ferguson police has had a major negative effect on the US law enforcement community. This phenomenon, known as the “Ferguson effect”, was exacerbated in the following years by the availability of other violent public–police interactions propagated through social media. The academic literature found almost no evidence that the Ferguson effect had any impact on crime rates and only limited evidence that it resulted in de-policing in the United States. Missing from this conversation is research on how the Ferguson effect impacted the ability of police departments to maintain staffing levels and recruit new officers nationwide. This article fills this gap in the research literature by examining levels of officer retention and recruitment from an organizational perspective. Police chiefs in Texas were surveyed about their perceptions of the Ferguson effect on department recruitment and retention efforts. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 10/2/2022 Research article Physical Fitness Standards: An Assessment of Potential Disparate Impact For Female State Police Applicants To improve diversity in hiring, this quantitative study examines the applicant physical fitness testing standards of the Kentucky State Police (KSP) to determine whether the test or specific events have a disparate impact for female state police applicants. A sample of 427 state police applicants was collected from applicant fitness testing conducted by the KSP between 2014 and 2019. Bivariate analysis was used to compare the output of males and females. Logistic regression was used to determine predictors for passing fitness testing. The results show a potential disparate impact based upon significant performance differences in three of the five fitness events: bench press, 300-meter run, and push-ups. Predictors for passing applicant fitness testing were being male, having a lower body weight and having 2 years of military service. Sex was found to be a predictor for passing push-ups and 300-meter run. Recommendations suggest amending the fitness events, establishing equitable scoring criteria based upon sex without averaging, and reassessment and evaluation. Provisions for evaluation were provided. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 10/2/2022 Research article Assessing Alibi Believability: the Alibi Story, Presence of Physical Evidence and Timing of Disclosure The content of the alibi story, corroborative physical evidence and timing of the alibi’s disclosure may all affect alibi believability. CloudResearch workers (N = 276) read a mock case. The defendant’s alibi story was scandalous (or neutral), included a receipt (or no mention), and was disclosed one day (or three weeks) later. Participants rated the alibi’s believability, the defendant’s character, and rendered a verdict. As expected, alibi believability ratings were higher when the alibi story was neutral versus scandalous (p Psychiatry Psychology and Law - Registration at source 10/2/2022 Research article «222722282229223022312232223322342235Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events