Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98555 total results. Showing results 44521 to 44540 «222322242225222622272228222922302231Next ›Last » Home Secretary Priti Patel on Dame Cressida Dick resignation Home Secretary Priti Patel thanks Dame Cressida Dick for her service as Commissioner of Metropolitan Police. Home Office 11/2/2022 News Offensive Weapons Act 2019: draft statutory guidance The government published draft statutory guidance for consultation on 15 August 2019 which related to the sale and delivery of corrosive products, possession of corrosive substances in public, sale and delivery of knives, possession of certain offensive weapons, threatening with offensive weapons and enforcement as provided for by the Offensive Weapons Act 2019. Home Office 11/2/2022 Report An Impossible Job Yesterday, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police lost her job. After 40 years of public service, she reached the end of the road. And there were plenty of people lining up in the immediate aftermath of the announcement to say that it was not before time. Police Commander Blog 11/2/2022 Feature, Opinion New law to see increased use of police worn cameras AUSTRALIA: ACT police will now use body worn cameras (BWCs) when interacting with the public in most circumstances under new laws in effect from today (February 11). City News (Australia) 11/2/2022 News Two Sydney men sentenced to 28 years’ and 23 years’ jail for importing cocaine AUSTRALIA: Two members of a criminal syndicate arrested in 2019 for importing 228 kilograms of cocaine into Sydney have been sentenced to 28 and 23 years’ imprisonment respectively. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 11/2/2022 News Sydney man charged for child abuse material following Interpol tip-off AUSTRALIA: A 19-year-old Sydney man is due to appear before Sutherland Local Court today (11 February 2022) to face a range of serious child abuse charges following an Australian Federal Police investigation. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 11/2/2022 News Police Digital Service sets up AWS cloud platform The Police Digital Service (PDS) and Amazon Web Services have set up dedicated platform of cloud based technologies for police forces. 11/2/2022 News Parliament protest: ‘Several hundred’ complaints made to IPCA NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority has received several hundred complaints from anti-vaccine mandate protesters at Parliament. [VIDEO] Stuff (New Zealand) 11/2/2022 News Police detail response to Wellington protest NEW ZEALAND: Wellington District Commander Superintendent Corrie Parnell said police are working with Wellington City Council to seek "disestablishment" of food trucks and others bringing food to the Parliament protest, under council bylaws. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 11/2/2022 News New frontline officers coming to a place near you NEW ZEALAND: Eighty new frontline officers are joining the ranks with Wing 350 graduates posted to every Police district. New Zealand Police 11/2/2022 News Prisoners to be offered apprenticeships to cut crime Prisoners are to be offered apprenticeships for the first time as part of a new initiative aimed at cutting crime and addressing local labour shortages. Police Professional 11/2/2022 News PFEW granted leave to appeal to Supreme Court in case of ‘W80’ The Police Federation of England and Wales have been granted leave to appeal to the Supreme Court, following a ruling which puts officers at risk of gross misconduct hearings in cases involving use of force. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 11/2/2022 News The Role of Empathy in Bias Towards Mental Illness Among Prospective Law Enforcement Officers The criminalization hypothesis states that due to the deinstitutionalization of mental health patients and lack of available care, law enforcement officers (LEO) are interacting with people with mental illness (PWMI) more often. However, there is a lack of research regarding LEO attitudes towards PWMI. This study measures implicit and explicit bias along with levels of empathy prospective LEO hold towards mental illness. Participants completed the Go-No-Go Association Task and a survey. Results suggested that participants viewed PWMI as unpredictable, but did not hold fear/avoidance, malevolence, or authoritarian views towards PWMI. Participants did not hold negative implicit bias towards PWMI, nor did implicit bias scores predict explicit bias scores. Empathy, however, was significantly negatively correlated with explicit bias scores, and was a significant predictor of explicit bias. Participants who scored lower on empathy scored higher on explicit bias, while participants with higher empathy scores scored lower on explicit bias. Journal of Criminal Justice Education - Registration at source 11/2/2022 Research article Priti Patel: I will select the right Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police esterday I expressed my thanks to Dame Cressida Dick for her service as she announced her resignation as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. The Standard 11/2/2022 News Met officers referred to prosecutors over Wayne Couzens WhatsApp group Two serving officers with crisis-hit force referred over group in which misogynistic messages allegedly exchanged The Guardian 11/2/2022 News Home Secretary Priti Patel on Dame Cressida Dick resignation Home Secretary Priti Patel thanks Dame Cressida Dick for her service as Commissioner of Metropolitan Police. Home Office 11/2/2022 News The scale of the challenge facing the next Metropolitan Police commissioner is immense Dame Cressida Dick’s successor will have to rebuild public confidence, while salvaging officers’ morale, The Independent - Subscription at source 11/2/2022 Analysis, Feature Cressida Dick resignation: A chance to reconsider what the police are for eading up the Metropolitan Police is akin to being England manager — no shortage of armchair critics, abuse from all directions, and a very good chance it will all end in ignominy. The Times - Subscription at source 11/2/2022 Analysis, Feature Cressida Dick: New Met chief must tackle policing culture, says Priti Patel The new Metropolitan Police commissioner must tackle police culture and conduct, Priti Patel has said. BBC 11/2/2022 News Alberta’s police watchdog to investigate after man shot by RCMP officer at Ponoka courthouse CANADA: Alberta's policing watchdog is investigating after a 39-year-old man was shot by an RCMP officer Thursday morning outside a central Alberta courthouse. CBC News (Canada) 11/2/2022 News «222322242225222622272228222922302231Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events