Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98575 total results. Showing results 44441 to 44460 «221922202221222222232224222522262227Next ›Last » Regina Police Service appoints its first-ever woman deputy chief CANADA: As part of this year’s growth plan, the Regina Police Service (RPS) has appointed a woman to the role of the second deputy chief. Global News (Canada) 15/2/2022 News Trudeau invokes rare emergency powers in attempt to quell protests CANADA: The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has invoked legislation that gives his government sweeping powers to fight a growing number of “illegal and dangerous” blockades across the country. [VIDEO] The Guardian 15/2/2022 News Restoring public confidence through the delivery of improved community policing in Rackhamshire Neighbourhood policing is central to supporting public confidence in England and Wales. However, the delivery of neighbourhood policing models is increasingly fragmented and under pressure from austerity measures and from changes to demand and priorities. This research aims to understand the current state of neighbourhood policing in the county of “Rackhamshire” and its ability to support public confidence. The authors conducted six focus groups, three with officers who were part of Community Policing Teams (CPTs) and three with members of the community who were actively engaged with community policing and local concerns. These were supplemented by two interviews with senior officers (35 participants in total). Austerity-driven changes to policing in Rackhamshire have damaged the capacities of CPTs and residents have begun to lose confidence in the ability of the police to respond to their fears. The authors argue that reforms intended to make policing more efficient and effective appear to have the opposite effect on community policing, by preventing it from working in a way that can support public confidence and that this could have longer-term consequences. The effects of austerity on the mechanisms by which neighbourhood policing supports confidence have been relatively neglected. By exploring the state of these mechanisms in one English constabulary, this research has exposed serious weaknesses in the way that community policing is able to support public confidence and suggests practical operational responses. In light of these findings, this study argues for the urgent reinstatement of earlier models of neighbourhood policing. Safer Communities - Registration at source 15/2/2022 Research article College review sets out new strategy amid concerns over poor quality products and remoteness from the frontline The findings of a year-long review of the UK College of Policing have highlighted concerns over the quality of products, their usefulness, and the College’s remoteness to frontline officers; but its efforts to ‘reset’ the relationship with policing and launch a new four-year strategy have sparked a rebuke from the Chief Inspector of Constabulary, as Policing Insight’s Keith Potter reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/2/2022 Analysis, Feature Attacks on gardaí ‘under-reported’: 466 gardaí recorded as being attacked on duty in two years REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Figures recorded for assaults on gardaí are “only a drop in the ocean as to what goes on every day”, the Cork representative of the Garda Representative Association (GRA) has said. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 15/2/2022 News Cabinet approves Harris to remain as Garda Commissioner until 2025 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Commissioner has been granted a two-year extension. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 15/2/2022 News Policing Authority welcomes Government decision to extend the contract of Garda Commissioner REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: On behalf of the Authority, I warmly welcome the decision of the Government to extend the contract of the Garda Commissioner for the maximum period permitted by current legislation. Policing Authority (Republic of Ireland) 15/2/2022 News Social Order and Social Justice: Moral Intuitions, Systemic Racism Beliefs, and Americans’ Divergent Attitudes Toward Black Lives Matter and Police We examine the influence of moral intuitions on Americans’ divergent attitudes toward Black Lives Matter (BLM) and police. Drawing on Moral Foundations Theory, we hypothesize that individualizing moral intuitions that put care and protection of the vulnerable at the center of moral concern (a social justice orientation) lead people to express positive feelings toward BLM and negative feelings toward police, whereas binding moral intuitions that put social stability at the center of moral concern (a social order orientation) lead people to express positive feelings toward police and negative feelings toward BLM. We find strong support for these hypotheses using data from a 2021 YouGov survey of 1,125 U.S. adults including a 100 percent oversample of Black respondents. We also find that belief in systemic racism as a cause of police use of excessive force mediates much of the effects of the moral intuitions measures, except for the association between binding moral intuitions and positive feelings toward police, which is largely direct. Our results provide compelling evidence that moral intuitions play an important role in explaining American’s divergent attitudes toward BLM and police. Criminology 15/2/2022 Research article PSNI launches campaign in response to rise in ‘sextortion’ reports The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has launched a campaign to raise awareness of “heartless” scammers who trick victims into sharing intimate images of themselves online. Police Professional 15/2/2022 News Senior officer acknowledges ‘people with racist views’ are employed by MPS A senior officer at the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has admitted that racism remains a problem within the force. Police Professional 15/2/2022 News Only one third of Scots have confidence in police Little more than one third of Scots trust the police to do their job effectively, according to a damning new report. The Times - Subscription at source 15/2/2022 News Claim appropriately brought against chief constable alleging discrimination by police disciplinary panel It was appropriate that a claim by a police officer alleging discrimination by a police disciplinary panel should be brought in the employment tribunal against the chief constable, who had appointed the panel, rather than the panel itself. The Times - Subscription at source 15/2/2022 Feature Learning from others to progress into leadership Learning from people around you who have different skills and experiences can make all the difference College of Policing 15/2/2022 News PM ‘to tell police lockdown parties were part of his job’ Boris Johnson will argue that he attended alleged lockdown parties in Downing Street as part of his job, it was claimed yesterday. The Prime Minister will not reveal details of his response to Scotland Yard's probe into allegations of lockdown gatherings. Express 15/2/2022 News Effects of New York City’s Neighborhood Policing Policy Between 2015 and 2018, New York City adopted “neighborhood policing,” an expansive policy to encourage interactions between police officers and community members. Among other changes, the initiative established hundreds of new “neighborhood-coordination” officers and gave “steady-sector” officers time away from 911 response to dedicate to resident interactions. This study evaluates the initiative’s effects on crime, complaints of police misconduct, racial disparities, and arrests. Using monthly data on New York City’s 76 police precincts between 2006 and 2019, we estimate the policy’s causal effect using high-dimensional time series models. This approach accounts for the policy’s staggered adoption, addresses potential correlation among outcomes and between precincts, and controls for unobserved precinct characteristics. Police Quarterly - Registration at source 15/2/2022 Research article Senior Met officer acknowledges racism problem in UK’s largest force Bas Javid says racism is an issue ‘but what I won’t do is describe all of the organisation as a racist organisation’ The Guardian 15/2/2022 News Police Federation official accused of sharing details of Wayne Couzens interview during Sarah Everard trial Sgt Simon Kempton is said to have sent messages about the man who raped and killed Sarah Everard i News 15/2/2022 News Police had intel on Manchester Arena bomber years before attack, inquiry told Detectives found Salman Abedi had exchanged 1,300 text messages with another suspected terrorist in 2014 The Guardian 15/2/2022 News Thames Valley Police PCs used unnecessary force after M4 chase, panel told Two officers who tasered and kicked a driver after a high-speed chase on a motorway used "unnecessary force" to detain him, a panel has heard. BBC 15/2/2022 News Boris Johnson’s responses to Partygate police questionnaire ‘will not be made public’ PM promises he will have ‘lot more’ to say once investigation concludes The Independent 15/2/2022 News «221922202221222222232224222522262227Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events