Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98590 total results. Showing results 44421 to 44440 «221822192220222122222223222422252226Next ›Last » Appeal launched for the UK’s most wanted fugitives The 12 most wanted offenders have been identified in a new appeal to track them down College of Policing 16/2/2022 News Interaction Satisfaction With University Police: Procedural Justice and Perceptions of Safety and Fear on Campus We investigate student satisfaction with university police interactions in the context of the practice of procedural justice. Drawing from a telephone survey project with a randomized sample of 1,400 university students, we identified 56 respondents who indicated direct contact with campus police. Student perceptions of university police officer conduct is evaluated through: (a) student satisfaction with campus police contact, (b) individual-level predictors of satisfaction, (c) contextual predictors of satisfaction, (d) student perceptions of campus safety, and (e) student fears of victimization on campus. The data are analyzed using multiple logistic regression models assessing the impact of procedural justice measures on student perceptions. We find that procedural justice is a significant predictor of student satisfaction across police interactions. However, it has no impact on student feelings of safety and mitigating circumstances for fear of victimization on campus across gender. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 16/2/2022 Research article MI5 forced to hand over secret files on Northern Ireland operations Revelation from Operation Kenova leader comes at US hearing at which UK’s amnesty plan is called ‘cover-up’ The Guardian 16/2/2022 News UK Black Lives Matter group dissolves following police infiltration plot Swansea BLM cited concerns for their members’ safety, harassment and threats from the far-right as the primary reasons for shutting down its operations. The Independent 16/2/2022 News ‘Defunding the Police’: A Consideration of the Implications For the Police Role in Mental Health Work This paper examines the role of the police in mental health work. It explores whether the calls to ‘defund the police’ can be the basis for fundamental reforms of mental health services and the police role. The paper outlines the roots of the calls to ‘defund the police’ situating the perspective in the wider Black Lives Matter movement (BLM). The wider BLM movement seeks to overturn long standing racial and social injustices, including the disproportionate use of force against black citizens and racial biases within the Criminal Justice System. It goes further in that BLM calls for a shift in funding from policing towards an investment in welfare and community services. These calls are captured in the phrase ‘defund the police’. These calls have highlighted the police role in mental health, particularly, the police response to citizens in mental health crisis. The paper examines the police role in mental health work, highlighting the historic impact of policies of deinstutionalisation and more recently austerity and welfare retrenchment. In calling for this policy shift, campaigners have highlighted the need to significant investment in mental health services. The police role in mental health services increased because of the failings of community care (Cummins, 2020a). Police officers have increasingly become first responders in mental health crises. Police Journal 16/2/2022 Research article Women in the Police Academy: A National-Level Exploration of the Gendered Nature of Non-Completion The underrepresentation of women in policing is well documented as are efforts to understand the disparity. Some of these efforts have examined the first point newly hired women experience occupational socialization: basic law enforcement training at police academies nationwide. Largely absent from this line of research are studies of why women recruits—compared to men—fail to successfully complete basic training. To fill this empirical void, the current inquiry utilizes national-level data to examine the reasons women, compared to men, fail to complete academy basic training. Our results reveal statistically significant gendered differences in reasons for training non-completion by level of stress emphasized during training and type of academy affiliation that include voluntary withdrawal by recruits and non-voluntary withdrawal for failure to meet qualifying standards for physical fitness, firearms, and driving. The implications of these findings for police practice and research are discussed and recommendations are made. Women and Criminal Justice - Registration at source 16/2/2022 Research article Policing Gender, Race, and Place: A Multi-Level Assessment of Stop and Frisks Literature on race and policing as well as place and policing has often neglected the role of gender. With an intersectional and ecological framework in mind, this study uses NYPD Stop, Question, and Frisk data to examine how the intersections of gender, race, and place simultaneously shape stop and frisks. Specifically, this study examines if suspect identity and characteristics of the stop location impact whether an officer pursues further action such as a frisk, search, summons, or arrest. Investigatory stops are not gender-blind, not uniformly experienced by all women, and do no operate identically across place. Evidence indicates that characteristics of place (concentrated disadvantage, racial composition) along with suspect race and gender might shape officers’ evaluations of suspiciousness and dangerousness. Research on policing practices and changes to policing procedures should consider how intersections of gender, race, and place shape officers’ actions. Race and Justice - Registration at source 16/2/2022 Research article PFEW survey finds officer morale ‘at breaking point’ Six out of ten rank and file police officers are suffering from low morale and 93 per cent say they do not feel respected by the Government, according to the latest pay and morale survey conducted by the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW). Police Professional 16/2/2022 News PC claimed sexualised conversations about young girls were merely ‘banter’ A former officer from Hertfordshire Constabulary has been sentenced to 25 months in prison after pleading guilty to corruption and making indecent images of children. Police Professional 16/2/2022 News Senior officer acknowledges ‘people with racist views’ are employed by MPS A senior officer at the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has admitted that racism remains a problem within the force. Police Professional 16/2/2022 News One tenth of domestic abuse cases involve grown-up children attacking parents One in ten cases of domestic abuse involve grown-up children attacking their own parents, new research suggests. Police Professional 16/2/2022 News The occupation of NZ’s parliament grounds is a tactical challenge for police – but mass arrests are not an option Policing protests during Covid is proving challenging for many forces, and the anti-vaxxers and others who have gathered at New Zealand’s parliament grounds in Wellington have been difficult to dislodge; Monash University Criminology Lecturer Dr Ross Hendy, a former NZ Police sergeant, believes that while the waiting game may not be the ideal response politically, it could be the safest route to a peaceful resolution. Policing Insight 16/2/2022 Feature, Opinion SYP officer facing assault charge found dead An officer from South Yorkshire Police who was due to appear in court charged with wounding a teenage football fan has been found dead. Police Professional 16/2/2022 News Police morale is plummeting – and ministers are turning a blind eye After more than a decade of pay caps and freezes, the Police Federation of England and Wales’s pay and morale survey reveals a worsening morale crisis in policing and acts as a health warning for anyone considering joining the service. The Times - Subscription at source 16/2/2022 Feature Almost 80% of police officers don’t feel respected by public Almost 60 per cent of rank and file police officers are suffering from low morale and 78 per cent said they did not feel respected by the public, according to a survey. The Times - Subscription at source 16/2/2022 News We don’t want to say we’re institutionally racist, insists Met Police The Metropolitan Police are resisting pressure for chief constables to declare that policing is institutionally racist, despite warnings that they cannot repair broken relations with the black community without the admission. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 16/2/2022 News Police Ordered Not To Use Some BMWs For High-Speed Pursuits Over Safety Concerns In The UK A number of police forces across the UK have reportedly been forced to ditch BMW 3-Series, 5-Series, and X5 models used in their fleets due to fire concerns. Car Scoops 16/2/2022 News Greater Manchester Police officer charged with sexual assault A student police officer has been charged with sexual assault. BBC 16/2/2022 News Review summary – Falsification of preliminary breath test results by Victoria Police AUSTRALIA: This summary focuses on the review of four Victoria Police investigations into allegations that police officers were falsifying Preliminary Breath Test results. Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) - Victoria (Australia) 16/2/2022 Report Met PC Adnan Arib says he met teenage girl for careers advice A Met Police officer accused of getting a girl to meet him in a park for an improper reason has claimed he only wanted to give her "careers advice". BBC 16/2/2022 News «221822192220222122222223222422252226Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events