Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98411 total results. Showing results 43661 to 43680 «218021812182218321842185218621872188Next ›Last » Official police records confirm officers who refused COVID vaccine reinstated after legal action AUSTRALIA: Official police staff records published in the NT Police Gazette have confirmed the top brass were obligated to rescind the forced retirements of three officers who had allegedly refused the COVID-19 vaccine, but police sources still expect the officers to lose their jobs after their internal appeals have been heard. NT Independent (Australia) 6/3/2022 News Police ‘did the best that we could’ handling protest – Coster NEW ZEALAND: Police Commissioner Andrew Coster stands by how his officers conducted themselves during the operation to bring an end to the anti-mandate protest. [VIDEO] 1 News (New Zealand) 6/3/2022 News Family of man shot by officers upset with police statement following meeting with CPS brass CANADA: The family of a man shot dead by police officers two weeks ago says they were left angered by a meeting with Calgary police brass and a subsequent statement from the service. Calgary Herald (Canada) 6/3/2022 News Many Ontario police services keeping COVID-19 vaccine mandates for now CANADA: Ontario police services that implemented mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies — under which some employees faced possible termination for not getting the shots — are sticking with the requirement for now. Global News (Canada) 6/3/2022 News Garda attacked at gunpoint suffering from memory loss REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Mystery continues to surround the circumstances of a savage assault on a 29-year-old garda at gun point in Co Cavan, during which the officer was also doused in petrol. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 6/3/2022 News Gwent Police additional training for mental health call-outs Selected frontline Gwent Police officers will undergo ‘enhanced’ training to help them better respond to call-outs where someone is suffering from mental health issues. South Wales Argus 6/3/2022 News Hundreds march through London to call for end of male violence against women Hundreds of people marched through London on Saturday in a call to end male violence against women and girls. The Independent 6/3/2022 News Faith in police slides over failures on ‘basic’ crime Public confidence is dropping as forces ‘screen out’ fraud, burglaries and car theft The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/3/2022 News Fewer than 2 per cent of recorded spiking cases result in a charge, figures show Fewer than two per cent of spiking offences recorded by police result in a charge, figures obtained by The Independent reveal. The Independent - Subscription at source 6/3/2022 News Row breaks out over sell-off of another London police station The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime is believed to be seeking to complete the sale of Teddington police station by the end of March for an estimated £6m The Standard 6/3/2022 News Exploring Officers’ Perceptions of Mandated Crisis Intervention Training Many police departments across the USA have implemented some form of crisis intervention training. This training is modeled after Memphis’ 40 h Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training, a core component of their flagship CIT Program, and is designed, in part, to teach officers about the nature of mental illness as well as effective strategies for deescalating potentially volatile interactions. Some police departments have departed from the Memphis Model, where participation and completion of the training is voluntary, and have begun mandating that their officers complete the 40 h crisis intervention training. This study investigates patrol officers’ perceptions regarding this training mandate as well as their views on the utility of the training. The qualitative data were collected from a large, Midwestern, municipal police department and were triangulated to include the following: (1) 227 h of participant observation, (2) semi-structured interviews with police patrol officers who had completed the training (N = 32); and (3) interviews with executive command staff, CIT coordinators, Crisis Response Team officers, and telecommunications personnel (N = 13). Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 5/3/2022 Research article Nottinghamshire leading the way on phone data analysis Police in Nottinghamshire are leading the way in the prompt analysis of mobile phone data belonging to victims and suspects. The Digital Forensics Unit was recently visited by Home Secretary Priti Patel who was briefed on their work. A recent investigation by Channel 4 News revealed a backlog of more than 20,000 digital devices waiting to be examined by forces across England and Wales. Nottinghamshire Police, however, has just 31 phones, tablets and computers waiting to be examined which have all been triaged. Nottinghamshire Police 5/3/2022 News Big rise in number of rape cases collapsing The number of rape cases collapsing because victims drop out has risen sharply in six years, figures show. The latest data suggests that in the 12 months to last September, 40 per cent of people who reported to the police that they had been raped dropped the accusation, despite a suspect having been identified. That equated to 25,759 people voluntarily withdrawing their allegation. The Times - Subscription at source 5/3/2022 News Avon and Somerset police slam brakes on cycle crime spree A dedicated unit in Bristol shows other forces the way forward The Times - Subscription at source 5/3/2022 News Police keep clamps on youth offenders as part of Operation Alliance AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police has arrested dozens of serious and violent youth offenders across metropolitan Melbourne over the past week, continuing its intense focus on detecting, disrupting and dismantling youth gangs as part of Operation Alliance. The National Tribune (Australia) 5/3/2022 News Police restrained facing rioters NEW ZEALAND: The riot outside Parliament this week was just an excuse and opportunity to throw rocks, pavers and bottles at the police. Gisborne Herald (New Zealand) 5/3/2022 Feature, Opinion Surrey police to receive pay raises in first contract CANADA: The Surrey Police Department has signed its first collective agreement with the new force’s fledgling union that will add three-per-cent pay raises to salaries that are on par with Vancouver police and among the highest law-enforcement wages in Canada. Vancouver Sun (Canada) 5/3/2022 News Police Board grills chief over handling of protests CANADA: As the dust settles after the large convoy protest outside the Manitoba Legislative Building, police are now being grilled over how it was handled – this time by the Winnipeg Police Board at City Hall. Global News (Canada) 5/3/2022 News Munster child abuse case to be referred to review panel REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The case of several children sexually abused and neglected in Munster is to be referred to the National Review Panel (NRP), which examines serious incidents in the care of children known to child protection services. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 5/3/2022 News Limerick garda drug operation needs to tackle ’24/7 supermarket’, policing meeting hears REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The property in the St Mary's Park area, known locally as 'the shop', has been the subject of garda attention for nearly a year now Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 5/3/2022 News «218021812182218321842185218621872188Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events