Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98407 total results. Showing results 43581 to 43600 «217621772178217921802181218221832184Next ›Last » SPA statement: Strategic review of policing in England and Wales The impact of violence against police officers and staff will now be provided to the courts to allow them to take this into consideration when sentencing individuals convicted of assaulting a police officer or member of staff. Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 8/3/2022 News Police reform – a blueprint for change Sixty years after the Royal Commission on the Police published its final report, the Police Foundation has produced a version for the 2020s and beyond. ‘A New Mode of Protection’ isn’t based on the work of an official, government-sanctioned Commission, as the 1962 paper was, but it’s arguably the closest thing to a Commission report that policing has had since then. Crest Advisory 8/3/2022 Feature Sex Trafficking and Substance Use: Identifying High-Priority Needs Within the Criminal Justice System USA: Substance use disorder (SUD) is common among victims of sex trafficking. Traffickers may exploit individuals' existing opioid use or other SUDs to coerce them into sex trafficking, or they may facilitate substance use to keep trafficking victims from exiting. Additionally, trafficking victims may use substances to cope with trauma. The intersections of sex trafficking and SUD complicate both legal responses and victim advocate responses to sex trafficking cases. Victim SUD can lead to challenges for law enforcement and prosecutors in developing cases against traffickers. On the provider side, traditional victim services are often insufficient for victims of trafficking with SUDs, who face substantial barriers to accessing services. A better understanding of the nexus between sex trafficking and SUDs is critical for implementing victim-centered and trauma-informed responses to this vulnerable population. In this report, RAND researchers describe an online panel, convened in April 2021 by RTI International and the RAND Corporation on behalf of the National Institute of Justice, in which subject-matter experts and criminal justice practitioners discussed how SUDs and sex trafficking complicate the identification and screening of victims and victims' ability to access treatment and legal remedies. The panel participants identified 21 high-priority needs to support a better understanding of sex trafficking and SUDs and a variety of solutions for addressing these intertwined issues. RAND Corporation 8/3/2022 Report Canada: sloppy police work and racism marred inquiries into Indigenous deaths CANADA: Independent Canadian investigators call for reinvestigation of 14 deaths of Indigenous people in northern Ontario The Guardian 8/3/2022 News Prosecution in murder trial of NT police officer Zachary Rolfe says fatal shots not reasonable or necessary AUSTRALIA: The prosecution has begun its closing address in the murder trial of Northern Territory police officer Zachary Rolfe, telling the jury the accused intended to kill or cause serious harm when he fatally shot Kumanjayi Walker three times during an attempted arrest. ABC News (Australia) 8/3/2022 News The major drug case that lifted the lid on the unsworn police bungle AUSTRALIA: Members of an alleged major drug-trafficking syndicate are attempting to have evidence against them thrown out after it was revealed undercover police were not properly authorised to purchase the illicit drugs used to lay charges against them. The Age (Australia) 8/3/2022 News ‘People don’t choose to become addicts’: the push to end Victoria’s war on drugs AUSTRALIA: Baden Hicks battled drug addiction for 20 years, during which he says he survived 18 overdoses, five by the “skin of his teeth”. The Guardian 8/3/2022 Feature Renewed appreciation for police work NEW ZEALAND: On Sunday Metlink reopened the Lambton bus interchange in the aftermath of the 'protesters' having been moved on by our awesome police force after three weeks of occupation at Parliament and the surrounding streets, which spilled over into our bus interchange. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 8/3/2022 Feature, Opinion New Zealand Police reducing the size of its footprint, trials hybrid cars NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand police are trying to reduce the size of their footprint with the trial of a plug-in electric hybrid car. [VIDEO] NZ Herald (New Zealand) 8/3/2022 News Breaking bad… bias NEW ZEALAND: Sometimes, to break something you need unity. New Zealand Police 8/3/2022 News MPs call for better vetting and training to restore trust in policing MPs have called for a better vetting and training process to restore public trust in policing following a series of high-profile allegations of systemic misogyny within London’s force. Police Professional 8/3/2022 News Proposed ‘licence to practise’ checks for police officers branded ‘unnecessary’ The Police Federation of England and Wales, which represents rank-and-file officers, said it was ‘against’ the idea. The Standard 8/3/2022 News Coroners inquest into police shooting death of mentally ill man wraps with testimony reasonable force used CANADA: The first witness on the sixth and final day of the B.C. Coroners inquest into the police shooting death of Kyaw Naing Maung said Ridge Meadows police were "reasonable" in their use of force because the mentally ill man charged officers with a seven centimetre-long paring knife. CBC News (Canada) 8/3/2022 News Interim Ottawa police chief considering action against officers who allegedly supported ‘Freedom Convoy’ CANADA: Ottawa’s interim police chief, Steve Bell, said Monday the service was investigating the possibility that local officers may have supported and helped the “Freedom Convoy” protesters and would consider “all possible range of discipline” for those who did. Ottawa Citizen (Canada) 8/3/2022 News Women inspiring women: Stories of women in leadership CANADA: For International Women's Day 2022, we asked RCMP women leaders—from various backgrounds, ranks, and classifications—to tell us about the challenges or opportunities they've had in their careers, their thoughts on RCMP modernization, leadership, and bias. Over the next few months, we'll be sharing what they had to say with you. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 8/3/2022 Feature Garda recruitment events take place in Limerick as deadline to apply approaches REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A number of events have taken place across the Limerick garda division over the past week ahead of the deadline for applications under the new garda recruitment scheme. Limerick Live (Republic of Ireland) 8/3/2022 News International Women’s Day – Counter Terrorism Policing International Women's Day Counter Terrorism Policing 8/3/2022 News Garda Commissioner tells conference he wants to see more women join REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has said he wants to see more women join An Garda Síochana to help boost public confidence in the force. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 8/3/2022 News Garda Commissioner denies gardaí stood idle while truck driver crashed into gates of Russian embassy REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has denied that gardaí stood idle while a truck driver crashed into the gates of the Russian embassy in Dublin yesterday afternoon. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 8/3/2022 News ‘Disgraceful’ stop and search statistics for Welsh police forces released The findings have been branded as “bleak” and “disgraceful” Wales Online 8/3/2022 News «217621772178217921802181218221832184Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events