Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98397 total results. Showing results 43501 to 43520 «217221732174217521762177217821792180Next ›Last » Watchdog tells police bosses to stop declaring thoughts are crimes Sir Tom Winsor vented his frustrations as he set out his final annual assessment of the state of policing in England and Wales. The Independent 10/3/2022 News Rush to recruit police officers risks hiring racists and criminals, warns watchdog Chief inspector of constabulary says England and Wales police must confront major problems to ‘rebuild public trust’ The Guardian 10/3/2022 News Investigating the Impacts of A Global Pandemic and George Floyd’s Death on Crime and Other Features of Police Work The current study involves a two-level examination of the impact of COVID-19 and George Floyd’s death on police work in the Tempe (AZ) Police Department. We employ interrupted time series analysis to test weekly trends (January 2017–January 2021) in crime and officer activity measures. We also examine body-worn camera footage (n = 474) to compare dynamics of police-citizen encounters over time. The impact on crime was mixed and varied by crime type. When declines occurred, they were short-term. The pandemic altered every aspect of police activity, and George Floyd’s death led to separate impacts on a few of those measures. Overall, the pandemic had a larger impact than did George Floyd’s death. Routine activities theory proved to be a useful framework for understanding the findings. Body-worn camera footage highlighted the consistency in how officers handled citizen encounters. The findings underscore the importance of localized context for these events and their effects. Justice Quarterly - Registration at source 10/3/2022 Research article Public trust in policing must be restored and rising fraud ‘tsunami’ tackled, Chief Inspector of Constabulary says Sir Tom Winsor says "major shortcomings in policing persist" and public trust in the police is damaged and needs to be repaired as soon as possible. Sky News 10/3/2022 News Fraud must be taken ‘far more seriously’ by police Outgoing chief inspector of constabulary Sir Tom Winsor said the detection rate in fraud is “woefully low”. The Standard 10/3/2022 News State of Policing: The Annual Assessment of Policing in England and Wales 2021 This is Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary’s report to the Secretary of State under section 54(4A) of the Police Act 1996. It contains his assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of policing in England and Wales based on the inspections we carried out between April and November 2021. This report draws on findings from inspections of police forces in England and Wales, to provide an overall view of the state of policing. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 10/3/2022 Report Policing has come a long way but major problems persist, says outgoing Chief Inspector of Constabulary Today, Sir Thomas Winsor has published his ten-year view of policing in England and Wales as he prepares to leave office on the expiry of his appointment on 31 March 2022. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 10/3/2022 News Alberta Municipalities leaders reject provincial police force models CANADA: Alberta Municipalities — which represents cities, towns and villages around the province — voted Wednesday to oppose the UCP government’s provincial police service pitch. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 10/3/2022 News Edmonton police union calls allegations of EPS critics list ‘a false narrative’ CANADA: The head of the Edmonton Police Association says the union doesn’t monitor a “list” of police critics following questions raised by the union president’s complaint against Coun. Michael Janz. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 10/3/2022 News Council to vote on reduced Halifax Regional Police budget increase after heated debate CANADA: The proposed Halifax Regional Police operating budget is headed back to Regional Council for further approval after an in-depth debate that left more questions than answers. Global News (Canada) 10/3/2022 News Cllr believes more armed Gardai are needed following serious assault on Garda REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There are calls for more armed Gardai in light of a serious assault on a member of the force last month. [AUDIO] Highland Radio (Republic of Ireland) 10/3/2022 News Ex-senior garda in drug seizure case to draft signed guilty plea REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A former Garda superintendent charged over a drug seizure in Dublin is to draft a signed plea of guilty, a court heard on Thursday. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 10/3/2022 News Garda chief urged by councillor to put more officers patrolling the streets of Tipperary Town REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A councillor involved in organising a student demonstration in Tipperary Town last month to highlight harassment of local teenage girls, has highlighted with the county's Garda chief calls made at the event for more gardaí on visible patrol in the town. Tipperary Live (Republic of Ireland) 10/3/2022 News Digital disinformation: Policing online propaganda With the Russian invasion of Ukraine once again highlighting the key role that social media and digital communications play in international state actions and legitimacy, Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at a new European research project on the impact of online networks on politics and democracy, which could have significant implications for policing and the rule of law. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/3/2022 Feature, Innovation New law to be considered on tackling misogyny in Scotland The Scottish government is to consider creating a new law aimed at tackling misogyny. Police Professional 10/3/2022 News Forensic Wellbeing Festival 16 – 20 May 2022 Save the date. A week of insight, expertise and shared experience to support forensic professionals. Part of the FCN Workforce Strategy. Forensic Capability Network 10/3/2022 News Transforming Forensics secures up to £10.4m completion funding for FY 2022/23 The Transforming Forensics (TF) Programme has received confirmation from the Home Office that it will receive up to £10.4m in funding for the 2022/23 financial year. Forensic Capability Network 10/3/2022 News Thames Valley Police appoints new Assistant Chief Constables Three Assistant Chief Constables have taken up new roles this week as part of the senior leadership team for Thames Valley Police. Thames Valley Police 10/3/2022 News Government response on giving PCCs greater powers of competence CORPORATE REPORT: Government response to the consultation on giving Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) greater powers of competence. Home Office 10/3/2022 Report Operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act 2000, quarterly update to December 2021 NATIONAL STATISTICS: Contains statistical material relating to the Terrorism Act 2000, including arrests and outcomes, and stops and searches. Home Office 10/3/2022 Report «217221732174217521762177217821792180Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events