Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98396 total results. Showing results 43441 to 43460 «216921702171217221732174217521762177Next ›Last » Council consultation on use of CCTV cameras in public areas REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Limerick City and County Council is undertaking a public consultation following the Data Protection Commissioner’s ruling on the use of CCTV cameras in public areas throughout the city and county. Limerick Post (Republic of Ireland) 12/3/2022 News Public order offences up over 61% REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Chief Superintendent of the Cavan Monaghan Garda Division says a sharp increase in public order offences reflects the opening up of society post Covid. The Anglo-Celt (Republic of Ireland) 12/3/2022 News Nearly 60 arrests following a week of action to tackle violence against women and girls This week West Yorkshire Police carried out a week of action to bolster its commitment to tackling violence and abuse against women and girls (VAWG). West Yorkshire Police 12/3/2022 News Police & Crime Commissioner launches new survey to inform future funding bids Following on from recent funding bid successes which led to the Safer Streets campaigns currently being rolled out in Warrington, Police & Crime Commissioner John Dwyer has launched a survey asking people for their views on the safety of women in public places across the county. Warrington Worldwide 12/3/2022 News Hero Scots police dog left with titanium tooth after snaring vile thug retires A hero Scots police dog who had a chunk of his ear ripped out by a vicious thug and had to get a titanium took fitted has retired. Daily Record 12/3/2022 News Police target two Merseyside areas in battle with drug dealers Police hit the streets across the region yesterday, seizing drugs, arresting suspects and even driving billboards with crime prevention warnings. Liverpool Echo 12/3/2022 News Top Scots firearms cop faces criminal probe after ‘lying’ about porn pictures sent to officers Sergeant Keith Warhurst has been suspended from frontline duties and is the subject of a report to prosecutors over evidence he gave at an employment tribunal. Daily Record 12/3/2022 News Flies, maggots and methamphetamine: How insects can reveal drugs and poisons at crime scenes Examples of forensic entomology – the use of insects in criminal investigations – can be traced back to the 13th century, and today flies and other insects can help to identify everything from a murder victim’s use of ketamine or cocaine, to the chemicals used in pet poisonings; Forensic Biologist Paola Magni of Murdoch University in Western Australia explains the forensic insights we can already gain from flies, and what more we could learn. Policing Insight 12/3/2022 Analysis, Feature Leadership figures A wave of resignations and retirements over the past two years mean more forces than ever before are being led by individuals with only limited experience in the role. Police Professional looks at the statistics behind the new breed of chiefs. Police Professional - Subscription at source 11/3/2022 Feature PFNI backs inquiry calls into Cookstown tragedy Northern Ireland officers have backed an inquiry into the deaths of three Northern Ireland teenagers in 2019 Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/3/2022 News Rehabilitation support for officers suffering ‘long Covid’ Oscar Kilo, the National Police Wellbeing Service has teamed up with Nuffield Health, the UK’s largest healthcare charity, to provide an online Covid-19 rehabilitation programme for those working in UK policing and their families. Police Professional 11/3/2022 News Dame Vera signals ‘firm intention’ to continue as Victims’ Commissioner Dame Vera Baird has signalled her “firm intention” to stand for a second term as Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales. Police Professional 11/3/2022 News London ‘better prepared’ for future terror attacks London is significantly better prepared to deal with a potential terror attack than five years ago, although the capital will never be “entirely safe”, an independent review has found. Police Professional 11/3/2022 News MPS breached rights of organisers of Sarah Everard vigil The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) breached the rights of organisers of a vigil for Sarah Everard with its handling of the planned event, High Court judges have ruled. Police Professional 11/3/2022 News Progress made on overhauling ‘damaging and outdated’ mutual aid payment setup The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has made progress on lobbying police chiefs to overhaul the “damaging and divisive” mutual aid payment system. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 11/3/2022 News Zachary Rolfe found not guilty of murder over Kumanjayi Walker fatal shooting AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory police officer Zachary Rolfe has been found not guilty of murder in relation to the shooting death of Kumanjayi Walker. The Guardian 11/3/2022 News Police chiefs ‘must’ rebuild public trust, says watchdog Officers must never refuse to attend the scene of a burglary or domestic violence incident, the police watchdog has said. Express 11/3/2022 News ‘We are all in so much pain’: Kumanjayi Walker family’s call for end to police guns has a long history AUSTRALIA: The families of Kumanjayi Walker have had to hold back their feelings from public view for more than two years. The Guardian 11/3/2022 News Further man sentenced for Operation Veyda AUSTRALIA: A 35-year-old man has been sentenced over his role in the criminal syndicate which attempted to import more than 1.9 tonnes of illicit drugs from the Netherlands in August 2017. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 11/3/2022 News Reclaim These Streets: Met Police ‘tried to trample’ on our right to protest, says co-founder Jamie Klingler The women’s safety activists from Reclaim These Streets wins a legal challenge against the force over its handling of the planned event on Clapham Common in March 2021 i News 11/3/2022 News «216921702171217221732174217521762177Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events