Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 43181 to 43200 «215621572158215921602161216221632164Next ›Last » Prof Sir Jon Murphy: ‘Organised crime is a constant battle that has existed since the world began!’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Chris Allen spoke to Sir Jon Murphy, Professor of Advanced Policing Studies at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and former Chief Constable of Merseyside Police about the untapped academic resource in fighting organised crime, targeting criminal communications, and the challenges of technological change. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/3/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Madeleine McCann case closed by Met Police after 11 years, amid fears suspect may never be charged Christian Brueckner, the German prime suspect, has denied any involvement in the girl's disappearance The Telegraph - Subscription at source 21/3/2022 News Woke Harvard students force closure of on-campus police station after moaning that cops’ presence was ‘a violent, visual intimidation tactic’ UNITED STATES: An on-campus Harvard University police station was forced to closed after students complained that its presence was 'a violent, visual intimidation tactic.' Mail Online 21/3/2022 News Cops at woke force ‘scared of flashing blue lights & get dropped off by parents’ Rookie PCs at a woke force are scared of flashing blue lights and struggle with car sickness, a whistleblower claims. The Sun 21/3/2022 News Met rebuked for strip searches two years before Child Q case in Hackney Report said incidents were not all warranted or properly justified The Guardian 21/3/2022 News UK police officer convicted of Sarah Everard murder charged with additional crimes Former UK Metropolitan Police Officer Wayne Couzens, sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Sarah Everard last year, has been further charged with four counts of indecent exposure on Friday. Jurist (Canada) 21/3/2022 News Policing in Scotland has been radically reformed – all UK forces can learn from us There is still work to do, but structural improvements mean the people of Scotland are now safer and better served by the police The Guardian 21/3/2022 Feature, Opinion UK police must do more on misogyny and racism, says head of Scottish force Iain Livingstone says lessons from reform of Police Scotland can help other forces take ‘practical, firm, progressive, visible action’ The Guardian 21/3/2022 News ‘Woke’ police force recruits ‘get sick when blue lights are on and turn up to work with parents’ New recruits to the police are getting sick when driving with their emergency vehicles' flashing lights on while their parents are treating them like children. LBC 21/3/2022 News As New Zealand police face criticism over parliament protests, Canada could provide lessons NEW ZEALAND: Ottawa police have abandoned their policy of de-escalation against anti-Covid mandate demonstrators The Guardian 20/3/2022 Feature, Opinion WA Police Aboriginal cadetships successfully helping better reflect the people in its regions AUSTRALIA: Western Australia Police say a cadet program is successfully helping to increase its number of Aboriginal employees as the service tries to better reflect regional communities. abc news (USA) 20/3/2022 News Victoria police establish ‘access points’ ahead of planned COVID protests CANADA: Police did not give details on how long these controlled access points would last CBC News (Canada) 20/3/2022 News Gardai slam ‘driver hardly fit to walk’ who fled scene of serious bank holiday crash REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai are now hunting for the motorist involved in the late night collision. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 20/3/2022 News Cyclist who films motorists committing offences at the wheel says HE is now facing a fine of £1,000 after police accused him of breaching traffic laws A cyclist has been warned he could get hit with a £1,000 fine for filming motorists committing offences at the wheel. Mail Online 20/3/2022 News Fixing Greater Manchester Police is like ‘flying a jumbo jet and rebuilding it in the air’ Greater Manchester Police’s deputy chief constable has likened fixing the failing police force to ‘flying a jumbo jet and rebuilding it while it’s in the air’. Manchester Evening News 20/3/2022 News Met Police ‘set to wind up’ probe into Madeleine McCann’s disappearance later this year Scotland Yard is set to wind up its investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance, according to reports. Mail Online 20/3/2022 News Gwent Police boss and PCC on police station closures The number of police stations in Gwent has dropped significantly in recent years, and there are just five now open to the public. South Wales Argus 20/3/2022 News Police and crime chief’s experiences of harassment guide tough new stance She has spoken to Derbyshire Live in depth for the first time Derbyshire Live 20/3/2022 News ‘Traumatised’ black schoolgirl wrongly strip-searched to sue Met Police A "traumatised" black school girl who was strip-searched by police officers after being wrongly suspected of carrying drugs is to sue the Met Police. LBC 20/3/2022 News Just An ‘Optional Extra’ in the ‘Victim Toolkit’?: the Culture, Mechanisms and Approaches of Criminal Justice Organisations Delivering Restorative Justice in England and Wales Despite policy and guidance stating that all victims of crime should have ‘equal access’ to restorative justice in England and Wales, victim participation remains low. Here, the ways in which criminal justice agents – responsible for providing victim services, including restorative justice – offer restorative justice to victims are explored. Drawing upon empirical data collected from criminal justice organisations in two police force areas, this article outlines what factors lie behind the inconsistencies found across police forces in terms of structure and delivery of restorative justice. Work pressures, differing views of the suitability or effectiveness of restorative justice and a lack of systematic guidance that underpins the work culture of criminal justice organisations all impede victims’ access to restorative justice. This paper concludes with recommendations for embedding a culture of restorative justice within criminal justice organisations based upon the principles of inclusivity and engagement. International Review of Victimology - Registration at source 19/3/2022 Research article «215621572158215921602161216221632164Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events