Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 42861 to 42880 «214021412142214321442145214621472148Next ›Last » Parking row murder suspect caught on CCTV as off-duty police officer tries to intervene Footage shows off-duty police officer intervening to stop Can Arslan minutes after he had stabbed Matthew Boorman on front lawn The Telegraph - Subscription at source 31/3/2022 News Former Leicestershire police chief, 55, is found dead at home in ‘suspected suicide’ just two weeks after retiring from the force A former police chief was found dead at his home in a suspected suicide yesterday, less than two weeks after retiring. Mail Online 31/3/2022 News Leicestershire Police’s former chief constable found dead at home The recently retired chief constable of Leicestershire Police has died, the force has said. BBC 31/3/2022 News New mobile phone law will only work if there are enough roads policing officers to enforce it Last Friday it became illegal for motorists to touch their mobile phone for any reason while behind the wheel. This is a welcome change in the law which could save lives. But, as the Police Foundation’s recent report, The Future of Roads Policing, argues, legislation only works if there are sufficient roads policing officers to enforce it. The Police Foundation 30/3/2022 Feature, Opinion Police are still misjudging domestic violence and victims are suffering the consequences AUSTRALIA: Picture this. Lee*, who lives with her boyfriend in suburban Melbourne, reaches breaking point one day and finally calls the police. ABC News (Australia) 30/3/2022 News Motorola Solutions upgrades WA Police app with car integration AUSTRALIA: Motorola Solutions has upgraded the Western Australia Police’s public safety mobile application with Apple CarPlay functionality, claiming it to be the “world’s first” public safety app with the capability. ARN (Australia) 30/3/2022 News New AFP Taskforce to protect Federal politicians and candidates AUSTRALIA: The AFP will set up a major incident coordination centre with a specialised investigative taskforce to help ensure the security of high-office holders and parliamentarians during the 2022 Federal election. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 30/3/2022 News Behind the story: The secrecy around how we police the police NEW ZEALAND: When RNZ’s Guyon Espiner started looking into fatal police shootings and how the police investigate themselves, he was staggered to discover the level of secrecy surrounding the police watchdog, the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA). [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 30/3/2022 Feature Use of force to arrest man in Auckland unjustified NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found an officer used excessive force during the arrest of a man in Auckland on 21 June 2020. Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) (New Zealand) 30/3/2022 Report Talking Crime with Danny Shaw: Sir Tom Winsor, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services PolicingTV 30/3/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Southland Police focus on making our roads safer NEW ZEALAND: Southland Police recognise that as restrictions around COVID-19 ease, more people are wanting to get out and about in the community. New Zealand Police 30/3/2022 News The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Miscommunication in UK Police Interviews and US Police Interrogations This is the first comparative empirical study of miscommunication in US police interrogations and UK police interviews with suspects. The research was based on an extensive real-life data consisting of 100 transcripts. The main goal was to detect when and why miscommunication occurs in these two policing contexts, whether and how it gets resolved, and what the consequences of miscommunication may be. Miscommunication arises when speech participants draw opposing inferences from the same communicative exchange. Two main sources of miscommunication were identified: a) inferential ambiguity and b) linguistic complexity. The quantitative and qualitative analyses showed that, while the types of miscommunication are shared in the two jurisdictions, their frequencies and functions differ in some respects. Namely, deliberate miscommunication is more likely to be found in the US context while in the UK miscommunication is more likely to occur inadvertently. On the other hand, linguistic complexity gives rise to miscommunication more often in the UK than in US police communication. We discuss the results with respect to the two different approaches to questioning suspects in the two locales and translate our findings into practical applications for the training of law enforcement and language professionals worldwide. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 30/3/2022 Research article Parole boards ‘must have’ members with police backgrounds says review Policing experience particularly relevant in cases of murder, rape, child killings and terrorism. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 30/3/2022 News ‘Root and branch’ reform of parole system to keep dangerous offenders off the streets Ministers will be given new powers to refuse the release of “highest-risk prisoners” under a ‘root and branch’ reform of the Parole Board unveiled by the Justice Secretary today Police Professional 30/3/2022 News New plan to tackle domestic abuse unveiled The Home Secretary Priti Patel has unveiled a new plan to tackle domestic abuse which aims to tackle perpetrators, prevent offences from happening in the first place and help all victims and survivors. Police Professional 30/3/2022 News Traffic tickets down, police commissioner concerned about enforcement CANADA: As tires begin to claw back some grip on Queen City Streets, traffic cops are going to be keeping a closer eye on how those tires behave. Regina Leader-Post (Canada) 30/3/2022 News FAQs on pension remedy A new in-depth set of pension FAQs have been created by PFEW to assist members in understanding the current status of the pension remedy. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 30/3/2022 News Guelph police members nominated as heroes of the year CANADA: Two Guelph Police officers were nominated for the Police Hero of the Year Awards put on by the Police Association of Ontario. [AUDIO] Guelph Today (Canada) 30/3/2022 News Police officers to carry Tasers in Jersey Uniformed police officers in Jersey will be allowed to carry Tasers, the states confirmed. BBC 30/3/2022 News Home Secretary launches new Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan Home Secretary Priti Patel has today (30 March) launched a new Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan informed by victims and survivors. Home Office 30/3/2022 News «214021412142214321442145214621472148Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events