Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 42741 to 42760 «213421352136213721382139214021412142Next ›Last » ‘Whole-system’ approach to tackling violent crime is working Government today announces a further £130 million to bolster efforts tackling serious violence and homicide. Home Office 4/4/2022 News Met Police officer charged with sexual assault of colleague A Met Police officer has been charged with sexually assaulting a colleague while on duty. BBC 4/4/2022 News Rape as a weapon: huge scale of sexual violence endured in Ukraine emerges UKRAINE: Women and girls have recounted the abuse they have suffered at the hands of Russian soldiers The Guardian 4/4/2022 News Speed camera app lets public check how fast cars are going and send footage to cops A new app boasts that it can turn any smartphone into a speed camera and make it more difficult for drivers to get away with traffic violations. The Sun 4/4/2022 News Gwent Police face cover-up claims as three senior officers face gross misconduct hearing in private after ‘sex attack on female colleague’ during ‘boozy’ retirement bash Gwent Police is facing cover-up claims as three senior officers face a gross misconduct hearing in private after a 'sex attack on a female colleague' during a 'boozy' retirement bash. Mail Online 4/4/2022 News Crime-fighting while WFH: Police chief says officers should be allowed to ‘choose their own hours and work from home’ in bid to get more mothers with young children to rise in the ranks The future of the police could see more officers working from home and choosing their own hours in a bid to improve diversity, according to a leading force official. Mail Online 4/4/2022 News UK public do not believe government will tackle crime, documents show Government polling finds a high fear of crime and little confidence anything will be done about it The Guardian 4/4/2022 News Prosecutors given new guidance to prevent ‘myths’ from stopping domestic abuse charges Prosecutors are to be given new guidance on domestic abuse cases that aims to tackle “myths and stereotypes” that can stop perpetrators being charged. The Independent 4/4/2022 News Serving Met police officer charged with sexually assaulting colleague PC Joseph Demir, attached to the North West Basic Command Unit, was charged by post on Wednesday, 9 March with sexual assault Mirror 4/4/2022 News UK: ‘Supercab’ police trucks now in use on the A1(M) The supercab initiative has already caught 26,000 offenders across the UK since 2015. 4/4/2022 News Why we put policing’s overlooked capability under the microscope Forensic science is often overlooked as a niche part of policing, but after six months as the new National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Forensic Lead, Chief Constable Nick Dean argues that forensics is vital for enabling crime investigation and prevention, and sets out a raft of changes which could help policing restore public trust. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/4/2022 Feature, Opinion Estimating the costs of serious and organised crime in Australia, 2020–21 AUSTRALIA: This report estimates the cost of serious and organised crime in Australia in 2020–21 to be between $24.8b and $60.1b. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 4/4/2022 Report Budget variance for the period ending February 28, 2022 CANADA: This report provides information and updates to the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC) on the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) current financial position for the period ending February 28, 2022. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 4/4/2022 Report Explaining Confidence in the Police Within Transitional Hong Kong: the Influence of Postmaterial Values The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has a tradition for being among the most respected national police organisations globally. More recent political events in Hong Kong have however placed the HKPF in highly visible public order situations. A wide array of political factions have emerged as a consequence of the handover of control in Hong Kong, many of which have involved young people protesting the curtailment of democratic rights. In this paper, we utilise Wave 7 of the World Values Survey (n = 2075). We utilise Inglehart’s (1971. The silent revolution in Europe: intergenerational change in post-industrial societies. American political science review, 65 (4), 991–1017) concept of postmaterialism to examine how far young people’s more negative attitudes to the police can be underpinned by cohort-based (or generational) explanations. Our findings identify associations between postmaterialist values and lower confidence in the police. Those that favoured stricter immigration controls, experienced higher fear of crime, perceived drug selling in their area, and consumed certain types of media (notably television and new media) were also less likely to have confidence in the HKPF. Policing and Society 3/4/2022 Research article Effects of Political Patronage Upon Police Practices and Police Reforms During Democratisation in Thailand in the Period of 1992–2006 In many new democracies, the police continue to be a political tool of the ruling elites, and governments are reluctant to reform the police to be a democratic police force. This article examines why these problems occur by analyzing how the police relate to ruling elites and how this relationship affects police practices and police reforms based on a case study on Thailand. By adopting the institutionalist approach concerning the impacts of informal institutions on formal institutions, this study finds that political patronage between politicians and police officers made the police a political tool of politicians in power and led to the failure to reform the police to develop democratic policing during democratisation in Thailand in the period of 1992–2006. After the 1992 uprising, businessman-politicians replaced military leaders to be patrons of police officers by manipulating police reshuffles in Thailand. Through these relationships, police officers abused their powers to aid politicians and political parties to suppress political opponents and dissent through selective law enforcement and criminal investigations. Policing and Society - Registration at source 3/4/2022 Research article ‘Curb Sitting’: An Evidence-Based Policing Practice Or An Officer Safety Myth? Law enforcement officers across the country are trained in various tactics and techniques intended to increase the overall safety within a police-citizen contact. One common, albeit controversial tactic is referred to as “curb sitting”. The curb-sitting tactic is generally associated with officers requiring criminal suspects to sit on a curb with their legs outstretched in front of them. The tactic is believed to provide officers additional reaction time to defend themselves from an attack but is also considered unnecessarily demeaning. The efficacy of the curb-sitting tactic has not previously been determined. The current study is the first to evaluate three common variations of the curb-sitting tactic to determine which, if any seated position allowed officers more time to respond to an attack when compared to a subject standing five feet away. Our results show that a seated subject with their legs extended is associated with a significant increase in time to cross five feet when compared to a standing subject. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 3/4/2022 Research article Proceeds of crime to fund new national police museum AUSTRALIA: Diving suits worn by Australian Federal Police officers during the 2018 Thailand cave rescue, the 1996 Red Notice alert flagged for fugitive Christopher Skase, fragments from the Sofitel Hotel destroyed by the 2004 tsunami and forensic evidence from the 2002 Bali bombings will be among the items on display when the Australian Police Museum opens in Canberra next year. RiotACT! 3/4/2022 News Victoria Police wants Australians ‘to forget what they’ve been up to’ AUSTRALIA: Sky News host Rita Panahi says Victoria Police wants Australians to “forget” about recent history after two years of “overreach and selective policing”. [VIDEO] Sky News 3/4/2022 News ‘I cried all the way to the station’: a police officer’s daily struggle NEW ZEALAND: As a mum of four, Diane Vickers joined the police to make a difference. She says her colleagues “burnt the passion” out of her. Jehan Casinader reports in part two of a four-part investigation of police training. Stuff (New Zealand) 3/4/2022 Feature, Opinion Saskatoon police to tackle hate crimes with designated officer CANADA: Saskatoon police are taking additional steps to address increased rates of reported hate crimes in the city. 650 CKOM (Canada) 3/4/2022 News «213421352136213721382139214021412142Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events