Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 42681 to 42700 «213121322133213421352136213721382139Next ›Last » West Mercia Police officers charged over racist images Two West Mercia Police officers have been charged with sending grossly offensive messages. BBC 5/4/2022 News Police officer in court charged with sexual assault PC Joseph Demir appeared at Willesden Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday. Belfast Telegraph 5/4/2022 News Testing an Evaluation Tool to Facilitate Police Officers’ Peer Review of Child Interviews Providing child forensic interviewers with ongoing opportunities for feedback is critical to maintaining their interviewing skills. Given practical difficulties with engaging experts to provide this feedback (such as costs and workloads), the current paper explores whether a structured evaluation tool can assist police interviewers to accurately peer review interviews. A structured checklist of best practice skills was created, and participants in two studies used it to evaluate mock transcripts of child interviews that ranged in quality. Transcripts were manipulated to present the opening, transitional, and substantive interview phases as a strong, poor, or mixed performance of best practice skills. In Study 1, 57 police participants from one jurisdiction evaluated the opening and substantive phases of the transcript less accurately when the transcript contained a mixed performance of best practice and the transitional phase less accurately when it contained poor performance. In Study 2, a similar pattern of results was replicated with a sample of 37 police interviewers from a separate jurisdiction with shorter interview training. Results suggest that structured tools are helpful to inform peer review of child interviews, but tools that are too rigid might not be helpful when nuanced improvements are required Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 5/4/2022 Research article Unifor hands over alleged kickback funds to police CANADA: Canada’s largest private sector union has handed over part of the money obtained by its former president Jerry Dias in an alleged kickback scandal to the police. Toronto Star (Canada) 5/4/2022 News Guelph police launches awareness campaign to address accidental 911 calls CANADA: Guelph Police continue to have their phone lines tied up with accidental calls. Global News (Canada) 5/4/2022 News B.C.’s police watchdog can’t retain staff due to high workload and low pay CANADA: The agency keeping an eye on police in B.C. says they are unable to retain staff due to high workload and low wages. Coast Reporter (Canada) 5/4/2022 News Garda exodus: nearly a quarter leaving force are resigning rather than retiring REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Nearly a quarter of the gardaí who left the force last year resigned rather than retired, figures seen by the Irish Independent reveal. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 5/4/2022 News Garda use of spy power down 80% as Graham Dwyer ruling due today REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda use of spy powers has plummeted by 80% in the last three years, following a landmark High Court ruling that the laws could not be used in investigating serious crime. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 5/4/2022 News ‘There’s little recourse for victims in all of this’ – Former Garda Chief on Graham Dwyer European Court victory REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A former garda chief has said today’s Court of Justice for the European Union (CJEU) ruling in favour of Graham Dwyer will diminish the ability of gardaí to tackle crime going forward. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 5/4/2022 News Enhancing Police Efficiency in Detecting Crime in Hong Kong In this study we examine how the process of crime detection by frontline and investigative police can be modified so that the same level of policing inputs (i.e. police strength) can produce more outcomes (i.e. crime detection rate). A pooled frontier analysis method is used to measure the relative efficiency of 18 police districts in Hong Kong from 2007 to 2015 (n = 18 districts × 9 years = 162 decision making units (DMUs)), demonstrating variable returns-to-scale. Findings reveal that 95 of the 162 DMUs were found to be inefficient compared to the benchmark DMUs (those police districts identified by the Free Disposable Hull (FDH) approach as efficient) with an average FDH efficiency score of 95.37 out of a possible score of 100. Efficient districts provide an exemplar on how an inefficient district could achieve an optimal input–output translation for the detection of crime. This evidence can be used to shape police policy at the district level. This study represents the first frontier analysis of police efficiency in the detection of crime in Hong Kong using the most recent efficiency technique. We produce evidence that can inform police policy regarding the deployment of finite resources that improve the efficiency of detection without compromising other institutional targets. Crime Law and Social Change 5/4/2022 Research article Police Integrity in Taiwan and Its Correlates Police integrity is critically important because of the nature of police work: most police field work is under-supervised where unethical interactions could happen in low visibility, and in a non-invocation milieu. The aim of this research is to investigate police officers’ self-recognized integrity. We broke the new methodological ground by advancing a composite measure of police integrity based on the insight of (Stoddard, The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 59:201–213, 1968) and tested the extent of police integrity as being related to individual and organizational factors. Data were collected from Taiwan in 2020. We found that police integrity is associated with both individual and organizational factors beyond the demographic control variables of age and education. Specifically, self-control, anti-excessive-force attitudes, moral alignment with citizens, and internal procedural justice are found to be positively correlated with police integrity whereas being previously disciplined is negatively associated. We provide suggestions on how the police organization might exercise some influence on officer integrity based on the findings. Asian Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 5/4/2022 Research article Peers warn of ‘new Wild West’ over lack of governance, transparency and scrutiny of police use of AI A new report from the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee has called for more governance and scrutiny of technology in the UK justice system, amid concerns that the lack of standards and transparency over the police use of artificial intelligence threatens human rights and civil liberties, as Policing Insight’s Keith Potter reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/4/2022 Feature, Innovation BTP Federation chair announces retirement Nigel Goodband, chair of the British Transport Police Federation, has confirmed he will retire this summer. Police Professional 5/4/2022 News Study warns of ‘detrimental’ impact of station closures in Scotland People living in remote and rural areas of Scotland are less likely to contact police officers due to the “detrimental impact” of station closures, a study has found. Police Professional 5/4/2022 News Metropolitan Police’s tech plan to rebuild public trust Scotland Yard is considering introducing warrant cards that can be scanned by smartphones in an attempt to restore confidence in officers after the murder of Sarah Everard. The Times - Subscription at source 5/4/2022 News Trust in police ‘damaged’ after rural stations closed and sold Communities in rural parts of Scotland have little confidence in the police after scores of local stations were closed when the force was unified nine years ago, union leaders say. The Times - Subscription at source 5/4/2022 News In context: Economic Crime Act 2022 RUSSIA: The UK Government’s Economic Crime Bill, which creates new powers for dealing with oligarchs, was enacted last month after being fast-tracked through parliament in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Holyrood Magazine 5/4/2022 Feature GPEC General Police Equipment Exhibition & Conference® 2022 Visit or exhibit at Europe's biggest closed specialized trade fair for police and all authorities related to internal security. More than 365 exhibitors from 24 countries, covering all subject areas and types of equipment and participants from 5 continents, are registered for GPEC® 2022 taking place 31 May to 2 June 2022. Policing Insight 5/4/2022 Advertisement, Feature UK Police Warns Parents against Creepy ‘Huggy Wuggy’ Bear’s Song on Internet The police department of a country in South West England has issued an official warning to parents to prevent their kids from watching a particular animated character. News 18 5/4/2022 News UK Commissioner Says Police Shouldn’t Use Facial Recognition to Identify Witnesses The UK’s Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner has spoken out strongly against a new College of Policing guidance for the use of facial recognition. The Authorised Professional Practice document suggests that police should be using facial recognition to put both suspects and witnesses on watchlists when investigating potential crimes. The UK’s Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner has spoken out strongly against a new College of Policing guidance for the use of facial recognition. The Authorised Professional Practice document suggests that police should be using facial recognition to put both suspects and witnesses on watchlists when investigating potential crimes. Find Biometrics 5/4/2022 News «213121322133213421352136213721382139Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events