Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98397 total results. Showing results 42541 to 42560 «212421252126212721282129213021312132Next ›Last » NT Police Association concerned about impending end to alcohol restrictions in remote communities AUSTRALIA: The president of the Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) says its members are concerned about the end of alcohol bans in dozens of Aboriginal communities, due to expire in July. ABC News (Australia) 11/4/2022 News Police retail support unit to come into force amid soaring retail crime problems NEW ZEALAND: A new line of attack to fight New Zealand's soaring retail crime problem. NewstalkZB (New Zealand) 11/4/2022 News I was raped, then ruined by the systems that were supposed to help me NEW ZEALAND: She was raped by an ex-boyfriend, then further traumatised by her interactions with colleagues, police and ACC. A survivor asks why society still seems to unable to properly support victims of sexual assault. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 11/4/2022 Feature, Opinion LynnMall attack: Security fears trumped mental health support NEW ZEALAND: The Security Intelligence Service was calling the LynnMall knife attacker a terrorist for years, at the same time as courts were hearing he was a high, medium or even low-risk threat. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 11/4/2022 News The Police Service of Northern Ireland continues to crackdown on child sexual exploitation On Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness (CSE) Day this year (18th March) the Police Service of Northern Ireland launched a campaign called ‘Make Safe’ to help our local hospitality sector spot the signs of CSE specific to their work place. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 11/4/2022 News Shootings down 70 per cent and knife crime reduced as ‘disruption’ team targets OCGs Gun crime in Salford has been drastically reduced by more than 70 per cent since the introduction of a dedicated anti-gang taskforce to disrupt the activity of the city’s organised criminals two years ago. Police Professional 11/4/2022 News Police had ‘no security concerns’ about Sir David’s church meeting Sir David Amess had no known security concerns about meeting voters in community locations before his death, an officer from Essex Police has said. Police Professional 11/4/2022 News New National Chair will continue to fight for increased pay and improved conditions The new National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales says he will continue to fight for increased pay and improved conditions of service for the Federation’s 130,000-plus membership. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 11/4/2022 News Teachers say they no longer want police based in schools after Child Q outrage National Education Union members also vote for removal of senior Met police officers involved in the case The Guardian 11/4/2022 News Met Police officer tried to meet girl for sex, hears jury A Met Police officer was caught attempting to meet a 13-year-old girl for sex, a court has heard. BBC 11/4/2022 News Sarah Everard: Met Police bid to overturn vigil ruling rejected A Met Police appeal against a ruling that it breached the rights of the organisers of a vigil for Sarah Everard has been rejected. BBC 11/4/2022 News Meet the woman on mission to stamp out misogyny and hate in UK police forces The issues surrounding misogyny in the police has been much discussed since the tragic kidnap and murder of Sarah Everard last year at the hands of evil police officer Wayne Couzens Mirror 11/4/2022 News Slain RCMP officer went down in a gunfight with Nova Scotia mass shooter, inquiry hears CANADA: Const. Heidi Stevenson grabbed her pistol and began shooting at Nova Scotia's mass killer after he rammed her vehicle head-on, with the RCMP officer managing to fire 14 shots and injure the gunman's head before she was killed. CBC News (Canada) 11/4/2022 News New Mattawa police chief focused on community CANADA: Robert Salinas said transparency and making connections are a big part of successful law enforcement. Columbia Basin Herald (Canada) 11/4/2022 News Police report $27K surplus in operation budget CANADA: The city police service had a surplus of $27,249 on its 2021 operating budget, according to a new police staff report – far less than the $487,000 surplus it had at the end of 2020. 3FM, The Peterborough Examiner (Canada) 11/4/2022 News Keeping calm crucial to working at RCMP Operational Call Centre CANADA: No two days are alike at an RCMP Operational Call Centre (OCC). While the variety and the volume of calls constantly changes, the goal for operators remains the same - to support officers who are helping people. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 11/4/2022 Feature Money from Criminal Assets Bureau raids to go to crime-ravaged communities REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Justice Minister Helen McEntee has launched a new €2million fund from CAB proceeds that will see grassroots communities ravaged by gangland crime benefit Dublin Live (Republic of Ireland) 11/4/2022 News Migrant smuggling business is booming despite Covid: Can we tackle the trade in people? Despite travel restrictions imposed during Covid – and with the war in Ukraine now sparking a refugee exodus – criminal networks smuggling people into Europe increased their activity in 2021 after several years of declining figures, according to the latest Europol Migrant Smuggling Centre Report; Policing Insight’s Chris Allen looks at the report and highlights its key findings. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/4/2022 Analysis, Feature Rollout of Garda body cameras to begin over next year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The rollout of Garda body cameras in parts of the country is to begin over the next year. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 11/4/2022 News Proceeds of crime fund to support community projects open for applications by Minister McEntee REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, has today opened applications for a new fund which will see the proceeds of crime re-invested in local projects to improve community safety. Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 11/4/2022 News «212421252126212721282129213021312132Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events