Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98397 total results. Showing results 42521 to 42540 «212321242125212621272128212921302131Next ›Last » Co-operating at an international level in protecting communities from organised and serious crime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Today 12 April 2022 An Garda SÃochána, Ireland’s national policing and security service, in conjunction with international law enforcements partners, launched an initiative to tackle transnational organised crime gangs. An Garda SÃochána 12/4/2022 News Talking Crime with Danny Shaw: Deputy Commissioner Hanneke Ekelmans, Netherlands Police In the latest of a series of interviews recoded at the World Police Summit in Dubai, Policing TV’s Chief Presenter, Danny Shaw, spoke to Deputy Commissioner Hanneke Ekelmans, from the Netherlands Police Force Command Team, about the importance of good leadership during difficult times. PolicingTV 12/4/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video MPS officer numbers reach record levels The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has reached its highest ever number of police officers, according to new figures released by the force. Police Professional 12/4/2022 News Killer of Sir David Amess planned to die at the hands of armed officers A ‘fanatical terrorist’ who fatally stabbed MP Sir David Amess wanted to be shot dead by the police and surrendered only when he realised the first officers on the scene were unarmed. Police Professional 12/4/2022 News PCs who confronted MP’s killer with ‘flimsy equipment’ given award They've basically gone in armed with a stick' says chief superintendent after trial of Sir David Ames's killer. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/4/2022 News Retired Chief Constable Simon Cole made a tremendous contribution to national policing before his sad death As condolences and reflections of Simon are shared, we wanted to reflect on his contribution to policing nationally. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 12/4/2022 News MPs urge police forces in England and Wales to have specialist rape investigators Expansion of specialist teams proposed in report, along with independent legal advice for complainants The Guardian 12/4/2022 News At least 40% of child-to-parent violence in UK unreported, study finds Rate of abuse against parents is highest among 19- to 25-year-olds and most perpetrators are male The Guardian 12/4/2022 News Teachers call for police to be kept out of school after Child Q strip search Teachers attending the National Education Union conference in Bournemouth passed a motion calling for officers involved in the Child Q case to be sacked i News 12/4/2022 News Who do you think you are? A question of policing culture and professional identity The recent controversies around ‘shameful’ behaviour and policing failings in the Metropolitan Police Service have prompted a wider debate about policing culture and identity across UK forces; in this article Professor Simon Robinson and Dr Jonathan Smith argue the need for policing to establish a clearer professional identity, with the lead taken nationally rather than left to be addressed by individual forces. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/4/2022 Analysis, Feature Frontline police not taught what evidence they can get from tech companies, training documents reveal Training provided by the College of Policing uses incorrect terminology and is failing to teach frontline officers what information is available from messaging apps. Sky News 12/4/2022 Feature MPs urge police forces in England and Wales to have specialist rape investigators Expansion of specialist teams proposed in report, along with independent legal advice for complainants The Guardian 12/4/2022 News France sends police and forensic experts to Ukraine to capture evidence of Russian war crimes UKRAINE: Team includes two forensic doctors and 15 gendarmes, which is a unit of the French army The Independent 12/4/2022 News More specialist cops needed to bring rapists to justice, say MPs MORE specially trained detectives dedicated to investigating rape would "significantly improve the police response", MPs say. Express 12/4/2022 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/4/2022 News The Role of the Courts in Protecting Children’s Rights in the Context of Police Questioning in Ireland and New Zealand Ensuring safeguards are in place from the earliest stages of criminal investigation is essential to ensure that children’s rights in the youth justice system are adequately protected. The rights of children in conflict with the law are protected under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), and in situations where these rights are breached, children must have access to an effective remedy. National courts have a role to play in ensuring that children’s rights are protected and in providing necessary remedies. This article explores the role the courts have played in upholding children’s rights in the police questioning process in Ireland and in New Zealand. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 11/4/2022 Research article Researching Inside Police Custody in Four Jurisdictions: ‘Getting In’, ‘Getting On’, ‘getting Your Hands Dirty’ and ‘Getting Through It’ As a unique criminal justice organisation, the police present challenges, but also opportunities for those who research them. These are examined, in terms of getting in, getting on, getting your hands dirty and getting through it, using data collected as part of a comparative multi-method study of police custody in large cities in Australia, England, Ireland and the United States in 2007 and 2009. As this research took place on the cusp of the proliferation of research with the police, retrospective examination of field notes is used to reflect on how the research process is influenced not just by one’s social origins but also by the culture of academia and the politics of knowledge production. It is argued that while research with the police is becoming the norm, research on the police is still of value as part of a diverse police research agenda. Criminology and Criminal Justice - Registration at source 11/4/2022 Research article Investigating the Role of Social Media Abuse in Gender-Based Violence: the Experiences of Women Police Officers Online abuse communicated via social networking sites has increased considerably in recent years, with a significant amount of pejorative communication targeted at women. This mixed methods research study investigates the online abuse received by women police officers in the course of their work. The study considers how the abuse received in the online space echoes other forms of gender-based violence, drawing upon evidence gathered from semi-structured interviews with serving senior police officers in England and Wales. The research has devised a seven-element framework to demonstrate that the online abuse directed at women is misogynistic, frequently includes violent threats and dismisses female contributions to online discussions. The study also reveals that the abuse directed at women varies significantly, depending on occupation, with women police officers more likely to receive abuse that questions their ability or criticises their appearance. Criminology and Criminal Justice 11/4/2022 Research article ‘Patience for all parties’: Mandurah police prepare for school holidays AUSTRALIA: As school holidays begin, Mandurah police are issuing a reminder to locals that the seasonal period should be a time of both "patience" and "responsibility". Mandurah Mail (Australia) 11/4/2022 News Queensland man jailed for sharing child abuse material AUSTRALIA: A 25-year-old man from Logan, south of Brisbane, has been sentenced to three years jail by the Brisbane Supreme Court today (11 April 2022) for sharing child abuse material online. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 11/4/2022 News «212321242125212621272128212921302131Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events