Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98407 total results. Showing results 42361 to 42380 «211521162117211821192120212121222123Next ›Last » First Nations police chiefs in Alberta say no to a provincial police force CANADA: Police chiefs Keith Blake and Dale Cox both say the First Nations they serve are not interested in a provincial police service in Alberta. APTN News (Canada) 19/4/2022 News, Video Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners to discuss drug decriminalization CANADA: The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners is scheduled to discuss drug decriminalization in the city. Global News (Canada) 19/4/2022 News Child sexual abuse in 2020/21: Trends in official data This review focuses on the recorded cases of child sexual abuse by professionals in 2020/21, drawing on the latest available evidence from the official data released by child protection, criminal justice and health agencies in England and Wales. It paints a worrying picture of the gap between what is estimated to be the prevalence of child sexual abuse in England and Wales and what is recorded in official data. Right now, agencies are only identifying and responding to a small minority of child sexual abuse that occurs in society and the latest data from services shows significant variations in the levels of child sexual abuse identified and responded to across local areas in England and Wales. Nearly two thirds of local authorities in England – including the majority of those in Inner London – placed five children or fewer on a child protection plan under the category of sexual abuse. Half of all local authorities in Wales also placed no or very few children. In policing, forces differed threefold in the rate of recorded child sexual abuse offences relative to the size of their child population. Data from Sexual Assault Referral Centre’s (SARC’s) also varied widely across the seven health regions, with London having the lowest and South West the highest reach among under-18s. Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) 19/4/2022 Report Report calls for changes to handling of abuse cases REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A woman who reported being sexually abused has said that she was told not to get pregnant before the trial or her "sexual activities would be put into question". RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 19/4/2022 News Government urged to clarify if Garda recording law covers facial recognition REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The government has been urged to clarify whether proposed legislation on digital recording by gardaí explicitly covers facial recognition and other emerging technologies. Irish Legal News (Republic of Ireland) 19/4/2022 News Survivor tells researchers garda flirted as she reported rape REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A woman who was reporting being raped to An Garda Síochána said a member of the force flirted with her during the interview, according to research into abuse survivors’ experiences of the criminal justice system. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 19/4/2022 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/4/2022 News Students and staff at South Wales University join thousands who have FREE access to Policing Insight – Find out how Policing Insight welcomes staff, students and researchers from the University of South Wales who now have FREE access with the start of a new organisation wide subscription. They join a community from many other UK and international institutions, police forces and other criminal justice organisations with an interest in progressive policing. Read on to find out how to use your FREE subscriber access. Policing Insight 19/4/2022 Feature Trends and drivers of homicide A summary of Nick Morgan's presentation looking at findings from research carried out on what is behind the trends, peaks and troughs of homicide, both in the UK and around the world. Who is responsible for homicides, who are the victims and why has this changed so much over the decades? PolicingTV 19/4/2022 Analysis, Feature, Video Police super-complaints: A new spotlight on old problems Established in 2017, the police super-complaint process allows designated bodies to raise concerns about policing practices which harm the public; policing expert Ben Twomey takes an in-depth look at the impact the new process could have, and also explores how the Criminal Justice Alliance super-complaint against s60 stop and searches has developed. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/4/2022 Analysis, Feature Using the National Injuries Database (NID) to record corrosive substance injuries The National Injuries Database (NID) is a unique national dataset and holds information from over 5,000 cases, including: images (injuries, scene and weapons), together with medical, forensic and police reports. Forensic Capability Network 19/4/2022 Feature, Opinion Law enforcement organisations deliver new digital service to support international fight against crime Five law enforcement organisations have partnered to deliver a ground-breaking new digital service that will help to identify foreign criminals, solve serious crimes and protect the public across the UK and European Union. Forensic Capability Network 19/4/2022 News Justice for All: Do community alternatives to prison actually work? James Wright had been “unlawfully at large” for five months when he murdered Craig McClelland in Paisley in 2017. McClelland, 31, a father of three, was simply walking along the street when he encountered the man who was to end his life, someone with a string of convictions who had removed an electronic tag within days of being released from prison earlier that year. Holyrood Magazine 19/4/2022 Feature Covid in Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon gets police warning but no fine after mask law break Nicola Sturgeon has been reprimanded by the police after she was filmed breaching Scotland’s mask laws. The Times - Subscription at source 19/4/2022 News Our commitment to the community CANADA: The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) is committed to engaging with the diverse communities it serves and working with partner agencies towards the shared goal of improving public safety. [pdf] Vancouver Police Department 19/4/2022 Report Rape victims failed by UK criminal courts are being forced to seek justice elsewhere With prosecutions at an all-time low, some women are turning to civil courts – but the process can be difficult and expensive The Guardian 19/4/2022 Feature, Opinion Police officer ‘shared pics of female staff on “would you, wouldn’t you” group chat’ A police officer has been accused of secretly photographing his female colleagues’ body parts for a sexist WhatsApp group chat. Metro 19/4/2022 News Police warn Nicola Sturgeon for breaking face mask rules Scottish first minister was recorded without a mask in a barber shop, breaching her own Covid regulations The Guardian 19/4/2022 News Football hooliganism deterrent scheme launched as kids learn how to stay away from disorder Youngsters aged 13-16 who were identified as being vulnerable to becoming involved in football hooliganism took part in a Police Scotland programme in Ayr. Daily Record 19/4/2022 News Police Scotland say Nicola Sturgeon will face ‘no further action’ on face mask row Advice given to First Minister after weekend complaint Holyrood Magazine 18/4/2022 News «211521162117211821192120212121222123Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events