Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98407 total results. Showing results 42341 to 42360 «211421152116211721182119212021212122Next ›Last » Report on an unannounced inspection visit to police custody suites in West Mercia This report describes our findings following an inspection of West Mercia Police custody facilities. The inspection was conducted jointly by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services and HM Inspectorate of Prisons in January 2022. It is part of our programme of inspections covering every police custody suite in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/4/2022 Report West Mercia Police needs to urgently improve its custody services West Mercia Police is not providing good custody services, and some important areas of custody now require urgent attention, a report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/4/2022 News West Mercia Police ‘must urgently improve custody services’ A police force is not providing good custody services and its care of detainees is poor, inspectorates say. BBC 20/4/2022 News Greater Manchester police ‘failed children in the past’, says chief constable Stephen Watson says force had lacked professional curiosity when it came to young victims of grooming gangs The Guardian 20/4/2022 News Former NSW police officer Scott White spared jail after perjuring himself during false rape investigation AUSTRALIA: A former New South Wales police officer has avoided jail after he was sentenced for giving false evidence in a case against his now wife. ABC News (Australia) 19/4/2022 News Three people charged after £16m worth of crystal meth seized in Australia AUSTRALIA: Three UK nationals have been charged for their suspected involvement in smuggling 24 kilograms of crystal meth worth almost £16 million into Australia last year. National Crime Agency (NCA) 19/4/2022 News Police search leads to over 100 child abuse charges against Perth man AUSTRALIA: Police have charged a Ballajura man over the alleged abuse of four young children after a forensic analysis of devices seized from his house. The Age (Australia) 19/4/2022 News Government votes down gang-funding ban bill NEW ZEALAND: The Government has voted down a bill sponsored by Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown that would have banned taxpayers’ money being given to gangs. Times Online (New Zealand) 19/4/2022 News Auckland young people ‘out of control’ as ram-raids ramp up across city NEW ZEALAND: Youth workers believe parents across Auckland have “lost control of their young people”, as the city's recent crime wave of ram-raids continues to increase. Stuff (New Zealand) 19/4/2022 News More than 480 children and young people pepper sprayed by police NEW ZEALAND: Children as young as 10 and 12 are being pepper sprayed by the New Zealand Police. Stuff (New Zealand) 19/4/2022 News MPS officer who killed pedestrian dismissed without notice An officer from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) who caused the death of a pedestrian by careless driving has been dismissed without notice following a disciplinary hearing. Police Professional 19/4/2022 News Thames Valley homicide team wins excellence award A crime unit handling a significant increase in violent offences has won a Federation award. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/4/2022 News Officer created ‘disgusting’ WhatsApp group to rate female colleagues An officer from Merseyside Police took dozens of secret pictures of female colleagues and set up a WhatsApp group titled ‘would you, wouldn’t you’ so other male officers could rate their sexual interest in them. Police Professional 19/4/2022 News GMP’s past response to grooming gangs was ‘borderline incompetent’ The chief constable of Great Manchester Police (GMP) has said the force was “borderline incompetent” in the way it dealt with grooming gangs in the past. Police Professional 19/4/2022 News Online Safety Bill must ‘go further’ to stop child sexual abuse, says NSPCC Ahead of today’s second reading of the ‘historic’ Online Safety Bill, the NSPCC is urging the Government to “go further” to better tackle grooming and child abuse. Police Professional 19/4/2022 News Greater Manchester Police chief admits force ‘were borderline incompetent over Rochdale grooming gangs’ Stephen Watson acknowledged that his predecessors had "failed" children in the past Manchester Evening News 19/4/2022 News The Protective Role of Self-Esteem on Burnout and Depression Symptoms Among Police Officers: A Path Analysis Approach The aim of this cross-sectional study is to investigate the effect of self-esteem on burnout symptoms and depression, using a path analysis approach. A total of 396 Greek police officers, 145 female and 251 male, with a mean age of 37.7 years, participated in the study. The questionnaire included: (a) social–demographic characteristics, (b) Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale, (c) Zung’s depression scale, and (d) Maslach’s burnout scale. Analysis of variance was applied to find whether the demographic variables of gender, age and urban/rural location had a significant effect on the examined psychometric scales. A path model was then tested, aiming to quantify the direct and indirect effects of age, working location and self-esteem on depression and burnout symptoms. Emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment scores were found to have a direct effect on depression and completely explained the effect of urban area on depression. Self-esteem was found to be a significant regressor on depression and the three burnout subscales, while older and more experienced officers had significantly lower burnout symptoms. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 19/4/2022 Research article Chief Maris Herold: ‘We need to think about policing differently, focusing on prevention and not reaction’ Boulder PD Chief Maris Herold has a wealth of policing experience, including at the forefront of significant reform; she spoke to Policing Insight’s Christine Townsend about the holistic governance approach, the importance of involving communities and other agencies in tackling gun crime, and why police departments need to focus more strongly on prevention rather than reaction. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/4/2022 Feature, Interview Impact of Extralegal and Community Factors on Police Officers’ Decision to Book Arrests For Minor Offenses Booked arrests carry greater harms than non-booked arrests. When booked following an arrest, individuals are confined without guilt and an official criminal record forms that carries several negative consequences. Even with these greater harms, police decision to book arrests is understudied with little research on what factors influence this decision. This study utilizes official booking data to determine if suspect extralegal and community factors affect officers’ decisions to book arrests across minor offenses. The study uses data from the Chandler Police Department in Arizona and the American Community Survey from 2013 to 2019. These data include suspect legal/extralegal, officer, time, and block-group level factors. Using a cross-classified modeling approach, we examine factors associated with booking arrests across five offenses (cannabis possession, drug paraphernalia, shoplifting, criminal damage, and non-DUI-traffic). Results suggest that legal factors, particularly felony charges, are associated with higher odds of booking after arrest. However, we also demonstrate how extralegal factors significantly impact police decision to book arrests. Native Americans, Blacks, older individuals, and those with prior records had higher odds of booked arrests. While the odds of booked arrest varied across officers and communities, few officer or community factors were related to the decision to book arrests. Results suggest extralegal factors remain significant across minor offenses. These findings highlight the need to examine disparities on police post-arrest outcomes, expand racial categories studied, and incorporate less utilized variables like prior record. American Journal of Criminal Justice 19/4/2022 Research article Tsuut’ina police adopt locally-designed beaded vests for community events CANADA: Male members of the Tosguna Tsuut'ina Nation Police Service will wear a locally-designed ceremonial vest at all upcoming community events on the Nation including funerals. CTV News (Canada) 19/4/2022 News «211421152116211721182119212021212122Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events