Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98411 total results. Showing results 42281 to 42300 «211121122113211421152116211721182119Next ›Last » Arrest after investigation into methamphetamine near school NEW ZEALAND: Police have arrested a 41-year-old man after an investigation into methamphetamine dealing near a primary school in Blenheim. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 21/4/2022 News BOP shooting clubs under threat of closure NEW ZEALAND: Bay of Plenty shooting clubs fear many will be forced to close if proposed new police regulations governing their operations are adopted. SunLive (New Zealand) 21/4/2022 News Police mishandled arrest of youth on Auckland motorway causing injury NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that an officer in Auckland used force that was unjustified and excessive during the arrest of a 14-year-old male (Mr X). [pdf] Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) (New Zealand) 21/4/2022 Report US police have killed nearly 600 people in traffic stops since 2017, data shows USA: Deaths continue apace this year, with Black victims disproportionately harmed, amid calls to reduce traffic encounters The Guardian 21/4/2022 News Shrinking the Police Footprint The most influential agenda for progressive police reform today aims to shrink the police footprint by reassigning many problems they currently manage to other institutions. This paper argues that this agenda relies on faulty understanding of the police role, and that a more promising agenda based on a better understanding is available. Police are a residual institution, charged with managing the crises that other institutions cannot handle adequately on their own, and it is not easy to reassign that work to anyone else. In the course of doing it, however, they develop expertise in the nature and sources of these crises that positions them to identify and help repair the institutional failures that generate them. The paper illustrates these claims with case studies of the challenges that efforts to reassign police work elsewhere have encountered and the role that police have played in institutional repair. It concludes by considering he normative concerns that this important aspect of the police role raises. Criminal Justice Ethics - Registration at source 21/4/2022 Research article Call for Parliament to review whether S.163 road stops ‘are necessary’ Alison Lowe, who is West Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for crime and policing says the IOPC report is a "crucial step in the right direction". Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/4/2022 News MPS issues go beyond ‘a few bad apples’ says acting head The acting head of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has called for a change in dismissal procedures to make it easier for chief constables to remove errant officers from their forces. Police Professional 21/4/2022 News Male domestic abuse victims seen as ‘under the thumb’ A mother whose son was murdered by his girlfriend has said the domestic abuse of males is all too often dismissed as men just being "under the thumb". BBC 21/4/2022 News Temitope Oriola: Police authority must come with accountability CANADA: The death of Tanner Brass, a 13-month-old boy, in Prince Albert, Sask., on Feb. 10, 2022, is another reminder of the need for urgent reforms in policing and oversight of law enforcement. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 21/4/2022 News Defunding the police is a move towards community safety CANADA: The large budgets allotted for urban policing must be reconsidered so that communities can explore safer alternatives. Coast Reporter (Canada) 21/4/2022 Feature, Opinion Scots police have ‘lost’ records relating to historic sex abuse in football The cops revealed 'very little' information exists of reports made to Strathclyde Police between 1966 and 1997 in response to a FOI request. Daily Record 21/4/2022 News New RCMP training reinforces human rights and de-escalation CANADA: The RCMP operates a number of Tactical Support Group (TSG) units across the country covering every province and territory. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 21/4/2022 News Police drug-testing pilot disproportionately targets Black people South Yorkshire Police was given £32,000 for the scheme, but is now facing questions over racism openDemocracy 21/4/2022 News Organisational commitment to learning and development and the link to officer welfare In the latest in our series of articles on continuing professional development in policing, Dr Emma Williams of the Open University’s Centre for Policing Research explores the importance of CPD in wellbeing, particularly in relation to equipping officers with the skills, knowledge and learning required to investigate complex rape cases and sexual offences more effectively. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/4/2022 Analysis, Feature Baby P’s mum could stay in jail after Dominic Raab writes to Parole Board The mother of Baby P could stay locked up after Justice Secretary Dominic Raab wrote to the Parole Board urging them not to release her. Metro 21/4/2022 News Man and woman arrested after nearly €400,000 worth of drugs seized in Finglas REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai have arrested two people after seizing nearly €400,000 in North Dublin followings a recent search operation. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 21/4/2022 News Met police delay updates on Partygate fines until after May local elections Spokesman says investigations to continue but further information will not be released until after 5 May The Guardian 21/4/2022 News GSOC protected disclosures unit ‘struggled to meet demand’ with 20 cases in 2021 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The 'increased complexity' of many of the issues being brought to the ombudsman’s attention raise 'serious concerns about GSOC's capacity to deal with them in a timely and effective manner' Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 21/4/2022 News Minister McEntee to make stalking and non-fatal strangulation standalone offences REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD has secured Government approval to draft legislation to make stalking and non-fatal strangulation standalone offences. Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 21/4/2022 News Recorded Crime in Scotland: March 2022 A report on the number of crimes and offences recorded by police in Scotland during the month of March 2022. Scottish Government 21/4/2022 Report «211121122113211421152116211721182119Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events