Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 42241 to 42260 «210921102111211221132114211521162117Next ›Last » Australian police to get new US-built armoured vehicles that are strong enough to bulldoze entire homes AUSTRALIA: Western Australian Police force are receiving two new custom-built armoured tanks strong enough to bulldoze through double-bricked homes. Mail Online 22/4/2022 News Drones over Waiouru – Fire and Emergency New Zealand NEW ZEALAND: Fire and Emergency, New Zealand Police, and New Zealand Defence Force personnel have joined forces to improve their drone operating skills. 22/4/2022 News Cleaning up for Anzac Day NEW ZEALAND: Police have picked up paintbrushes to help smarten up a Northland cemetery ahead of Anzac Day commemorations. New Zealand Police 22/4/2022 News Arrests and stolen vehicles recovered in Manurewa NEW ZEALAND: Police in Manurewa have made multiple apprehensions after patrols came across stolen vehicles travelling through the area overnight. New Zealand Police 22/4/2022 News Police Scotland records increase in non-sexual violent crime Police Scotland recorded a two per cent fall in overall crime last month, down from 19,148 offences in March 2021 to 18,775. Police Professional 22/4/2022 News CPS publishes latest statistics on all crime types showing steady increase in rape convictions Today the CPS has published the Q3 Performance data which covers the three-month period from 1 October to 31 December 2021. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 22/4/2022 News Stephen Lawrence Day 2022 A video message from Alison Lowe OBE, APCC Lead for Equality, Diversity and Human Rights and Deputy Mayor for West Yorkshire. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 22/4/2022 Video Remembering Stephen Lawrence is keeping alive the Lawrence agenda for change On Stephen Lawrence Day, we must keep the spotlight on tackling institutional racism in the police, writes Richard Sudan The Voice 22/4/2022 News Children as young as 10 strip searched by Met Police – new data reveals Following the police strip-searching of a 15-year-old girl, now referred to as Child Q, new data has revealed that the Metropolitan Police have employed full strip searches on kids as young as 10. 22/4/2022 News Circular 002/2022: Amendments to Police Regulations 2003 CORRESPONDENCE: Circular amending Annex F made under the Police Regulations 2003 to implement changes to police pay. Home Office 22/4/2022 Report Following cannabis legalisation, Canadian cities propose public health approach to decriminalising drugs Following Canada’s legalisation of cannabis, some cities are now looking to decriminalise personal possession of all illegal drugs, as a public health-driven response to the country’s opioid overdose crisis; Policing Insight’s Keith Potter looks at the background to the proposals, the qualified support from police chiefs such as Toronto’s James Ramer, and how the drug enforcement landscape is shifting. Policing Insight 22/4/2022 Analysis, Feature Residents’ ‘incivility’ toward others a reason for increase in crimes, police chief says CANADA: March’s crime statistics from the Moose Jaw Police Service tell two different tales, as crimes against people rose nearly 11 per cent and crimes against property fell 23 per cent compared to 2021. Moose Jaw Today (Canada) 22/4/2022 News Why Stay With the Police? How Meaningfulness in Life Moderates the Mediated Effects of Role Stressors’ Appraisals on Anxiety and Intention to Leave the State Brazilian Police Brazilian police officers’ increasing levels of work anxiety and intention to leave the job are consistent with other police forces around the world. Among the important variables that appear to be antecedents of these unwanted organizational outcomes are increasing role stressors associated with police work. We conjecture that how police officers appraise stressors would affect whether adverse outcomes prevail. Specifically, stressors appraised as challenges result in weaker adverse outcomes compared with stressors appraised as hindrances. We also anticipate that a boundary condition that might further attenuate adverse outcomes is having meaningfulness in life (MIL). Likewise, having low MIL can intensify the potential adverse outcomes of stressors appraised as hindrances. This study aims to investigate how role stressors appraised as either challenges or hindrances may influence anxiety and intention to leave among state police officers in the Brazilian Federal District (DF), as well as implications of MIL as a moderator variable of these relationships. Our hypotheses supported the mediating effect of role stressors’ appraisals in their prediction of police officers’ anxiety and intention to leave their job, and the moderator effects of MIL in these same relationships. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 22/4/2022 Research article Edmonton Police Service annual report 2021 CANADA: We cannot talk about 2021 without first acknowledging frontline and essential workers – EPS civilian and sworn members included – who continue to show up for the health and safety of Edmontonians during the pandemic’s many challenges. [pdf] Edmonton Police Service (Canada) 22/4/2022 Report A drop in the ocean? PACIFIC: Although Pacific Island countries do not experience high levels of criminality, shifts in transnational dynamics are changing the region’s organized crime landscape. More needs to be done to address these emerging issues multilaterally. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime 22/4/2022 Analysis, Feature Police Federation selects new chair as Mark Lindsay set for retirement The Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) has announced Liam Kelly will take over as chair of the organisation after Mark Lindsay’s retirement next month. Belfast Telegraph 22/4/2022 News Disbanding of Dorset wildlife crime team puts birds of prey ‘at risk’ Birds of prey are being put at risk by the disbanding of one of the country’s leading wildlife crime teams, campaigners have warned, raising fears it could be part of a nationwide pattern. The Guardian 22/4/2022 News Review shows increase in use of force by Edmonton police officers, EPS attributes rise to better reporting CANADA: New figures related to use of force by police officers in Alberta’s capital show a significant jump in such recorded incidents between 2020 and 2021, but the Edmonton Police Service says that is likely to be largely due to a policy initiative brought in last year to improve reporting of those events. Global News (Canada) 22/4/2022 News, Video Community Engagement Day to discuss rural crime prevention and security REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Over 800 communities from across the country will be meeting with their local Gardaà and community representatives as part of National Community Engagement Day taking place on Wednesday, April 27. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 22/4/2022 News Hero Garda who helped disarm crazed Derek ‘Bottler’ Devoy still under investigation over incident REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The hero garda honoured for helping disarm crazed thug Derek ‘Bottler’ Devoy is still under investigation over the incident. The Irish Sun (Republic of Ireland) 22/4/2022 News «210921102111211221132114211521162117Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events