Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 42221 to 42240 «210821092110211121122113211421152116Next ›Last » The Influence of Distributive and Procedural Justice on Work–family Conflict, Enrichment, and Mental Health of Indian Police Employing the conservation of resources theory as a theoretical framework, the present research investigates a model that studies the influence of distributive and procedural justice on work–family conflict, work–family enrichment, and mental health. The model also evaluates the impact of work–family conflict and enrichment on mental health. The purposive sampling technique and a survey instrument were used to collect data from Rajasthan (India) police and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that perceptions of justice (distributive and procedural) reduce work–family conflict and foster work–family enrichment in the police. Additionally, work–family conflict and enrichment predict mental health. The results further suggest the mediating mechanisms of work–family conflict and enrichment between distributive (partial), procedural (full) justice, and mental health. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 24/4/2022 Research article Digital Equipment – A Game Changer For Police Training?! Experiences of the Bavarian Police Training Availability and appropriate use of digital devices are indispensable for modern learning and work environments. Compared to school and university education, however, there is hardly any empirical, scientifically sound knowledge available on this subject for the area of police training and education. The study therefore examined how the use of personally assigned digital devices such as tablet PCs and smartphones, as well as the use of interactive whiteboards, is related to the learning behaviour and academic performance of 99 police trainees during 18 months of police training. The results showed that a frequent use of digital devices was related to an improvement in learning behaviour and interest. The results on academic performance of these 99 police officers trainees compared to the trainees without personally assigned digital devices of the same cohort (N = 629) are mixed. The study points out several practical implications for the further implementation of digital devices, such as the need for training the police personnel, developing new didactic teaching methods as well as new teaching formats. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 24/4/2022 Research article Police lack training to spot coercive control as only three per cent of reports result in charges Coercive control regularly escalates into physical attacks and domestic violence and in extreme cases has resulted in homicide The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/4/2022 News Rapid DNA test keeps criminals off streets Rapid DNA technology that brings back results in less than two hours is being trialled by Britain’s biggest police force to get rapists and violent offenders off the streets faster. The Metropolitan Police has already used the fast-track technology to catch at least one offender suspected of historical offences, who was charged and remanded in custody but would ordinarily have been bailed while investigations continued. The Times - Subscription at source 23/4/2022 News Fast-track DNA technology links rape suspects to a crime within two hours It can also quickly match criminals to previous offences before they have to be released into the community where they could reoffend The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/4/2022 News Police pursuits claimed 77 lives over a decade in Canada, study finds CANADA: Aerial support greatly improves odds of capturing suspects while lowering risks, says watchdog CBC News (Canada) 23/4/2022 News Daniel Kinahan’s drug trafficking operations at risk of imploding as law enforcement cracks down on business partners REPUBLIC OF OF IRELAND: The Irish Mirror has learned that one of Kinahan’s two main contacts in Europe, the head of a Serbian gang, has gone to ground in recent weeks. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 23/4/2022 News From refugee’s son to Supreme Court judge NEW ZEALAND: The rule that wars bring ill fortune to everyone has undoubtedly proved true for the family of Stephen Kós, the country’s newest Supreme Court judge. Stuff (New Zealand) 23/4/2022 Feature Final man sentenced to 12 years’ jail for record Australian cocaine seizure AUSTRALIA: A Hong Kong man was yesterday (22 April 2022) sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment in relation to Australia’s biggest-ever cocaine seizure. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 23/4/2022 News Madeleine McCann: Parents welcome declaration of formal suspect Madeleine McCann's parents have welcomed news that a German man has been formally made a suspect over the three-year-old's disappearance. BBC 23/4/2022 News Madeleine McCann: German investigation could last until next year PORTUGAL: Portuguese police tell Christian Brückner, in prison for rape in Germany, he is ‘formal suspect’ The Guardian 23/4/2022 News Ukraine evidence handed to Met war crimes police ‘some of worst ever seen’ UKRAINE: Officers say they have received around 50 referrals relating to alleged war crimes. Planet Radio 23/4/2022 News Scots areas with highest number of sex offenders uncovered by new police data As of March 31, Police Scotland has 16 wanted sex offenders and enquiries suggest 14 of those have left the UK. Daily Record 23/4/2022 News Ukraine war: UK police describe ‘harrowing’ evidence of crimes committed during conflict UKRAINE: The head of the Metropolitan Police's War Crimes Team has described the evidence as "some of the worst possible footage you could imagine seeing". Sky News 23/4/2022 News PFNI elects new chair Liam Kelly has been elected as the new chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI), succeeding Mark Lindsay who is retiring from the post next month. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 22/4/2022 News Lincolnshire, Warwickshire and Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service causes of concern revisits Today we published three letters on Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service (FRS), Warwickshire FRS and Northumberland FRS’s progress against causes of concern we gave in our inspections in 2021. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/4/2022 News Measuring the scale and changing nature of child sexual abuse In recent years there has been increasing awareness of child sexual abuse (CSA) and its impact on victims and survivors. Knowledge and understanding have improved, but there is still too much that remains unknown about the sexual abuse of children and young people in England and Wales. Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) 22/4/2022 Report Why the police in England and Wales must do more than just learn lessons Police accountability is crucial to trust and confidence in the police. Quite what form that accountability should take, though, is a matter of debate. The Conversation 22/4/2022 Feature, Opinion WA man charged with possessing child abuse material AUSTRALIA: A 42-year-old man is expected to face Perth Magistrates Court today (22 April 2022) charged by the Western Australia Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team (JACET) with possessing child abuse material. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 22/4/2022 News NT Police, health bodies concerned about ‘hasty’ return of alcohol to remote communities AUSTRALIA: A senior Northern Territory police officer says the force is "very concerned" about the upcoming end of federal legislation that restricts access to alcohol in some of the NT's Indigenous communities. ABC News (Australia) 22/4/2022 News «210821092110211121122113211421152116Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events