Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 42141 to 42160 «210421052106210721082109211021112112Next ›Last » Nearly 200 NSW police officers investigated for alleged social media breaches since 2019, documents show AUSTRALIA: Almost 200 New South Wales police officers have been investigated over alleged breaches of the force’s social media policy since the start of 2019, while 10 officers remained under active investigation last month. The Guardian 26/4/2022 News $3.5 million Parliament occupation investigation won’t get all the answers, National says NEW ZEALAND: The police watchdog, the Independent Police Conduct Authority, will undertake one of its biggest-ever investigations to analyse the Parliament grounds occupation, but National says the multi-million dollar review won’t get all the answers. Stuff (New Zealand) 26/4/2022 News, Video Northland police encounter 505 firearms in 145 separate incidents in just over a year NEW ZEALAND: Northland police have encountered 505 firearms in just over a year, more than any other district except Canterbury. NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 26/4/2022 News Financial support helps BOP youth centre open NEW ZEALAND: he Bay of Plenty Youth Development Trust is opening of its new Youth Centre with the help of financial support from a local philanthropist, as well as the NZCT, TECT, and NZ Lotteries. SunLive (New Zealand) 26/4/2022 News People feel unsafe amid ‘staggering fall’ in police stations The Government is being warned that people feel “unsafe on their own streets” as new analysis suggests more then 200 police stations and counters have closed in the past seven years. Police Professional 26/4/2022 News Viewpoint: a response to the IOPC’s one sided stop and search report Chris Hobbs argues for a more constructive dialogue on the use of stop and search in areas blighted by high levels of violent crime Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/4/2022 Analysis, Feature Notts officer stabbed during stop and search operation Three people have been arrested after an officer from Nottinghamshire Police was stabbed while carrying out a stop and search. Police Professional 26/4/2022 News Sexual abuse imagery of girls online at record high following pandemic lockdowns The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) says Covid-19 lockdowns created a “new normal” for online grooming, with 97 per cent of the imagery of children suffering sexual abuse it dealt with last year featuring female victims. Police Professional 26/4/2022 News APCC portfolio responds to Home Affairs Select Committee Report on spiking Responding to the Home Affairs Select Committee’s report on spiking, Joint Leads for the APCC’s Addictions and Substance Misuse Portfolio, PCCs Joy Allen and David Sidwick, said: “We were pleased to have contributed to the Committee’s important inquiry on spiking. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 26/4/2022 News Alberta criminologist advocates for both police and social workers in schools CANADA: The debate about school resource officers is back in the spotlight after a series of violent crimes involving teenage students in both Edmonton and Calgary. Global News (Canada) 26/4/2022 News, Video New Surrey Police Service begins training its first class of recruits CANADA: The Surrey Police Service’s first class of recruits have begun training to become constables, the new force confirmed Monday. Global News (Canada) 26/4/2022 News, Video Police treat theft of new plaque for black man hounded by officers as hate crime Leeds Civic Trust, which organised the plaque, called the theft abhorrent and cowardly. The Independent 26/4/2022 News 300 police officers in Manitoba to receive cellphones paid for through criminal forfeiture fund CANADA: Manitoba police forces are getting $750,000 from the Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund to expand a Winnipeg pilot project that gives officers cellphones to better manage note taking, evidence gathering and other administrative tasks. CBC News (Canada) 26/4/2022 News Gardai confirm week-long checkpoint operation with multiple agencies involved in one county REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai will be manning "multi-agency" checkpoints on roads across Waterford along with inspectors from RSA, Customs Office and Social Welfare. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 26/4/2022 News Good victim care isn’t dependent on spending more time with victims of crime With police resources regularly overstretched, many officers voice concerns that they don’t have enough time to spend with victims to deliver a better service and improve satisfaction rates; but Police Foundation Associate Malcolm Hibberd argues that what officers can say in 30 seconds or less has a major impact on a crime victim’s experience of policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/4/2022 Feature, Opinion 50% increase in gardaí in Kerry Divisional Drug Unit since 2021 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There’s been a 50% increase in the number of gardaí in the Kerry Divisional Drug Unit in the last year. Radio Kerry (Republic of Ireland) 26/4/2022 News Looking At the Big Picture: Using Systems Theory to Understand the Impact of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Accountability The widespread adoption of body-worn cameras (BWC) began amid public pressure for police accountability following a series of highly publicized use-of-force incidents. Extant BWC research primarily associates the concept of police accountability with the prevalence of police misconduct alone, often focusing on quantitative changes in citizen complaints and use-of-force reports. However, perceptions of accountability following unjustified use-of-force incidents are shaped not only by the prevalence of police misconduct, but also by the broader systemic response, including the way in which the mechanisms of arrest, prosecution, and sentencing are applied to unjust police behavior. This article proposes a systems approach to police accountability in the context of BWCs. Such an approach considers the outcomes of police, prosecution, court, and corrections agencies as equally important to the achievement of accountability. To understand the impact of BWCs on police accountability, their effect on the entire criminal justice system should be considered. Critical Criminology - Registration at source 26/4/2022 Research article Go Purple Day for domestic violence awareness launches in Athlone REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Athlone's Esker House Domestic Abuse Support Services, in association with Safe Ireland and An Garda Síochána, are calling on members of the public to 'go purple' this Friday, April 29, to raise awareness of domestic violence and to raise funds for their service. Westmeath Independent (Republic of Ireland) 26/4/2022 News ‘The service to the public is better and that’s what matters’ Humberside Police was last month named UK Police Service of the Year, and plans to further improve its effectiveness and response to the public with the forthcoming launch of a purpose-built £20m operational support centre in Melton. But it will make the move without the woman who played a leading role in delivering it; Assistant Chief Officer Nancie Shackleton, who is leaving after five influential years with the force. She spoke to Simon Bristow The Hull Story 26/4/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Procedural Justice and Legitimacy of the Law in the Criminal Justice System: A Longitudinal Study Among Dutch Detainees Procedural justice theory suggests that when authorities in the criminal justice system treat people fairly and respectfully, people will be more likely to view the law and its representing authorities as legitimate. Previous research has largely focused on the association between the procedurally just treatment by a single authority and citizens’ legitimacy beliefs. Up until now, it is unknown whether and how multiple criminal justice authorities can encourage individuals’ legitimacy beliefs by treating them in a procedurally just manner. Using longitudinal data from the Prison Project, this study examines how procedural justice perceptions experienced during interactions with the police, prison staff, and the judge influence Dutch detainees’ legitimacy beliefs about the law. The findings reveal that distinct authorities can strengthen the legitimacy of the law by treating detainees fairly and respectfully. Additionally, our findings shed some light on the process associated with procedural justice and legitimacy throughout the entire criminal justice system. Psychology Crime and Law - Registration at source 26/4/2022 Research article «210421052106210721082109211021112112Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events