Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98507 total results. Showing results 41781 to 41800 «208620872088208920902091209220932094Next ›Last » Most senior local garda says the utmost is being done to ensure Carlow gets fair share of resources REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: So says the Garda Chief Superintendent for Waterford, Kilkenny and Carlow who accepted a presentation on behalf of the force this week from Carlow County Council to mark the centenary year. KCLR (Ireland) 11/5/2022 News Undetected and dormant: Managing Australia’s software security threat With business, security and many other aspects of everyday life increasingly reliant on software, the frequency of attacks on the software supply chain – and their potential impact – is growing; Sarah Sloan, Palo Alto Networks’ Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy for ANZ, looks at what more Australia could be doing to tackle the software security threat. Policing Insight 11/5/2022 Analysis, Feature Crime Reporting in Chicago: A Comparison of Police and Victim Survey Data, 1999–2018 A critical unknown in any jurisdiction is the scope of crime that is not brought to the attention of police. This study provides a unique comparison of Chicago crime rates using both police and victimization survey data. Levels of crime reporting and the reasons victims provide for or against reporting crime to the police are examined. Patterns are compared to those found for other large U.S. cities. Data for Chicago residents from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) are used to estimate serious violence and burglary rates, levels of reporting to the police, and residents’ justifications for reporting or not reporting. Levels and trends in NCVS and Chicago Police Department rates of serious violence and burglary are compared. The NCVS data show that while Chicago residents typically experience higher rates of these crimes than residents of other large cities, they report these crimes to the police at mostly similar rates. Reasons for and against reporting these crimes to the police are generally similar to victims elsewhere. Despite a documented history of distrust in the police, Chicago residents do not appear to have notably lower rates of reporting serious violence or burglary to the police than residents of other large cities. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency - Registration at source 11/5/2022 Research article Specialized Knowledge: Understanding Crime Analyst’s Roles and Responsibilities and the Impact of Their Work Using qualitative interview data, this article examines the role of crime analysts in producing knowledge, as well as the challenges they face. Through the collection and organization of data outlining pertinent information about specific districts, analysts aid in the implementation of policing practices. As such, analysts regard themselves as possessing a specialized form of knowledge, which they incorporate and draw on in the outputs they produce. We conclude that analysts do not always employ rigorous, scientific methodologies, while producing their intelligence outputs, suggesting rather that they rely on their familiarity and specialized knowledge of offenders and crimes in their district. Our findings are important to evaluate and understand how ‘data-driven’ policing is occurring and identifying ways to improve and utilize crime analysis approaches within policing. Criminology and Criminal Justice 11/5/2022 Research article Police Department Websites and Digital Language Accessibility: A Platform For Achieving Effective Communication Between Limited English Proficient Communities and the Police Police departments are increasingly relying on technology to strengthen community-police relations, and yet there exists little research on the ways police departments use digital platforms to meet the needs of those requiring language services. In this study we use the innovative methodology of website content analysis (WebCA) to evaluate the websites of the fifty largest police departments in the U.S. for the presence of digital language accessibility, a novel measure that captures a police department’s efforts to make its programmes and services digitally accessible to people who are limited English proficient (LEP). WebCA expands on a general content analysis by drawing on methodological approaches from sociology, communications, and linguistics while accounting for the unique ways information is generated in digital spaces (e.g. images, features, links, and more) (Herring, S.C., 2010. Web content analysis: expanding the paradigm. In: J. Hunsinger, L. Klastrup, and M. Allen, eds. International Handbook of internet research. Dordrecht: Springer, 233–249). Policing and Society - Registration at source 11/5/2022 Research article AFP Chief Learning Officer Grant Nicholls discusses the Global Police Innovation Exchange Danny Shaw talks to Grant Nicholls, Chief Learning Officer with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) about the Global Police Innovation Exchange (GPX) which plays an increasingly influential role in law enforcement across the world, allowing policing leaders from ten countries to share ideas and initiatives. PolicingTV 11/5/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video AFP Chief Learning Officer Grant Nicholls discusses the Global Police Innovation Exchange Danny Shaw talks to Grant Nicholls, Chief Learning Officer with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) about the Global Police Innovation Exchange (GPX) which plays an increasingly influential role in law enforcement across the world, allowing policing leaders from ten countries to share ideas and initiatives. PolicingTV - Subscription at source 11/5/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video CONTEST review: Changing the way we protect public spaces As we approach the fifth anniversary of the Manchester Arena bombing, Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the lessons that need to be learned in relation to protecting public spaces from terror attack, and the important balance between community security and the rights of individual citizens. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/5/2022 Analysis, Feature Cheshire – National child protection inspection This report is a summary of the findings of our inspection of police child protection services in Cheshire, which took place during January 2022. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 11/5/2022 Report Cheshire Constabulary is committed to child protection, but improvement is needed Cheshire Constabulary is committed to protecting and providing better outcomes for children, but improvements are needed, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 11/5/2022 News City of London – National child protection inspection post-inspection review This inspection reviewed the progress made in City of London Police since the publication of our last report for City of London in 2020. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 11/5/2022 Report City of London Police has improved child protection, but more work is needed City of London Police has improved the way it protects vulnerable children, but further changes are needed to help keep them safe, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 11/5/2022 News Matthew Barber, APCC lead for performance Mathew Barber, APCC Lead for Performance and PCC for Thames Valley, provides an update on his national portfolio. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 11/5/2022 News El Salvador: woman sentenced to 30 years in prison for homicide after miscarriage EL SALVADOR: Activists say case offers a stark warning to women in the US, where the supreme court is considering overturning Roe v Wade The Guardian 11/5/2022 News Tribunal considers complaints made by ex-police chiefs against PSNI Mark Gilmore and Duncan McCausland have asked the specialist Investigatory Powers Tribunal to examine their concerns about an anti-corruption inquiry Express & Star 11/5/2022 News Jeff Bezos linked company to help Cumbria Police lead the way with IT revolution Cumbria Constabulary is to be the first UK police force to adopt a cutting-edge digital information technology system pioneered in the US. News and Star 11/5/2022 News Bristol police reclassify paddle attack by white woman on black boy as racist Review launched after Antwon Forrest’s family initially told no further action being taken The Guardian 11/5/2022 News Police force that protects the UK’s nuclear power plants use cameras from sanctioned Chinese firm Hikvision The police who protect Britain's nuclear power plants use Hikvision cameras, a document reveals. Business Insider 11/5/2022 News Police spy who stole identity of dead baby was not prosecuted, inquiry hears CPS decided not to pursue case against undercover officer despite evidence he had broken the law The Guardian 11/5/2022 News Joint Fraud Taskforce management board minutes: 2022 TRANSPARENCY DATA: Minutes of the Joint Fraud Taskforce management board meetings for 2022. Home Office 10/5/2022 Report «208620872088208920902091209220932094Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events