Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98519 total results. Showing results 41741 to 41760 «208420852086208720882089209020912092Next ›Last » Trident dismantles illicit tobacco importation syndicate AUSTRALIA: Trident Taskforce detectives this morning charged four men and seized $2,455,635 worth of illicit tobacco following an investigation into the importation and distribution of illicit tobacco products. Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) 12/5/2022 News More action needed to curb road deaths and injuries on Northland roads NEW ZEALAND: Northland is the titleholder of some of New Zealand's worst road death and serious injury rates, yet despite the sobering statistics, the message of road safety doesn't appear to be sinking in for all. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 12/5/2022 News More to ram raids than meets the eye – child advocates NEW ZEALAND: More than five ram raids a week were reported around the country last year, and nearly 90 percent involved youths. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 12/5/2022 News ‘Sending people out to keep London safe is going full circle, and it’s why I joined policing to start with’ Babcock is currently recruiting candidates with a background in operational policing to become lecturers delivering PEQF training to the next generation of Met officers; Policing Insight spoke to current lecturer Dom Houlison, a former Met Special Constable, about what the role entails, how the recruitment process works, and the satisfaction involved in equipping new recruits with the skills and knowledge to save lives and protect the public. Policing Insight 12/5/2022 Advertisement, Feature Video justice for rape victims extended to more Crown Courts The wider roll-out of pre-recorded evidence and cross-examination for victims in rape and modern slavery cases has been welcomed by the Victims’ Commissioner. Police Professional 12/5/2022 Police must be ‘actively anti-racist’, chief constable tells Sheku Bayoh inquiry Police Scotland must become an actively anti-racist service, Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said at an inquiry into the death of a black man in custody. Police Professional 12/5/2022 News Counter terrorism policing launches campaign encouraging live music fans to #Besafebesound Counter Terrorism Policing is working with music venues and UK festivals, to help people enjoy their post-lockdown live events safely this summer. Counter Terrorism Policing 12/5/2022 News Scale of police spying on UK leftist party was ‘Orwellian’, inquiry hears Dozens of officers infiltrated Socialist Workers party for decades, recording personal details of members The Guardian 12/5/2022 News Met Police Issue 50 more fines over Covid-19 breaches The new batch of fines brings the total number of fines issued for a series of No. 10 parties to over 100. The Speaker 12/5/2022 News Julia James murder trial: Family see video of police finding PCSO’s body The grieving family of PCSO Julia James watched in court yesterday as video footage of her body was shown. Express 12/5/2022 News OCDSB trustees close debate on police in schools indefinitely CANADA: Long-serving trustee Donna Blackburn wants to bring a police presence back to schools within Ottawa's largest school board, but her fellow trustees have voted to kick that conversation down the road indefinitely. CBC News (Canada) 12/5/2022 News Fighting a backdoor federal long gun registry CANADA: New federal rules on the sale and transfer of non-restricted firearms will do little to reduce gun crime and represent another needless intrusion in the lives of law-abiding citizens. Alberta Law Enforcement Review Board 12/5/2022 News Online child sexual exploitation and abuse in Canada, 2014 to 2020 CANADA: Since 2014, when nationally representative cybercrime data first became available, the number of police-reported online child sexual exploitation and abuse incidents has generally been on an upward trend. [pdf] Statistics Canada 12/5/2022 Report New Garda station now open at Dublin Airport REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Dublin Fingal TD, Alan Farrell has said that the new Garda station at Dublin Airport will be hugely beneficial to the area and help reduce crime. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 12/5/2022 News Perceptions of Police Among Kenyan Female Immigrants in the United States We explored how highly educated and middle-class Kenyan female immigrants perceive their encounters with the police in the United States, including the decision to access the criminal justice system in response to their victimization. We found a positive correlation between perceptions of procedural justice and cooperation among Kenyan women immigrants. Conversely, prior victimization was inversely associated with help-seeking among these women. When Kenyan female immigrants perceived high police effectiveness in dealing with IPV, they were more likely to feel obligated to obey the U.S. police. Implications and recommendations for future research are discussed. Feminist Criminology - Registration at source 12/5/2022 Research article Planned garda training in Rialto housing complex postponed REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Planned garda emergency reponse unit training in a Dublin public housing complex has been called off. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 12/5/2022 News Major four-hour garda checkpoint as 200 interviewed by social welfare officers and multiple arrests made REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Two motorists were arrested on suspicion of drug-driving while two ‘dangerously defective’ trucks were grounded at a multi-agency checkpoint on the M18 in Co Clare today. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 12/5/2022 News The Bias Hunter Itiel Dror is determined to reveal the role of bias in forensics, even if it sparks outrage Science 12/5/2022 Feature Perilous Policing: An Analysis of the Resident Evil Series The current analysis takes seriously representations of the police throughout the Resident Evil series, a hallmark horror game franchise. Drawing from both cultural criminology and gothic criminology, this study involves a grounded theory-based analysis of representations of the police throughout the series, considering them to be culturally salient indicators of attitudes, beliefs, and anxieties concerning police and related institutions of social control in both the USA and Japan. Results of this analysis indicate that the series portrays the police in two ways: (1) stalwart or professional and capable protectors championing good and (2) fallible or corruptible and inadequate. The study interprets these themes through prior research on police occupational culture and identity as well as the American and Japanese historical contexts in which the series emerged, developed, and gained popularity. The analysis also considers how the subversion of the police as protectors in Resident Evil reflects deep seated anxieties about modern policing while also celebrating police violence. Critical Criminology - Registration at source 12/5/2022 Research article Reinventing police and private sector partnerships to drive service improvements and efficiencies With funding increases partially ringfenced for recruitment, more budgetary pressure is on the horizon for UK policing; Neil Amos and Richard Davis of PA Consulting spoke to a panel of police and crime commissioners and former and serving police leaders to discuss what could be done to build better partnerships with the private sector, and drive efficiencies and improved services. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/5/2022 Feature, Opinion «208420852086208720882089209020912092Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events