Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98552 total results. Showing results 41481 to 41500 «207120722073207420752076207720782079Next ›Last » Boris Johnson faces backlash after pushing former Met chief for NCA role Lady Diana Brittan and ex-MP Harvey Proctor say Lord Hogan-Howe, who oversaw Operation Midland, should be ruled out The Guardian 23/5/2022 News U.K. Police See Upward Trend in Young People Arrested for Terrorism Offenses Two teenagers have been arrested in the U.K. on suspicion of terrorism offenses, as part of an ongoing investigation being led by the Metropolitan Police’s (Met) Counter Terrorism Command. Homeland Security Today 23/5/2022 News Facial recognition company used by Met Police fined millions by information watchdog Clearview AI ordered to delete billions of Facebook photos after breaking data protection laws. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/5/2022 News Facial recognition company used by British police fined £7.5m over unlawful image database Service ‘effectively monitors the public’s behaviour and offers it as a commercial service’, watchdog finds The Independent 23/5/2022 News ‘Orwellian’ tech firm used by UK police illegally stored millions of images of Britons A controversial AI facial recognition company which uses 'Orwellian spying tech' tried by police forces in Britain has been fined more than £7.5million by the UK's privacy watchdog after illegally collecting 'millions' of images of Britons from the Internet. Mail Online 23/5/2022 News Black Muslim Perceptions of Police Respectfulness and Stop Legitimacy There is limited understanding of how perceptions of racially discriminatory policing are complicated by ethnicity, particularly among Black Muslims. Given the dual-pronged discrimination they likely experience, this study examines how racial and Muslim identity, systemic racism, and knowledge of Black history influence perceptions of police respectfulness and stop legitimacy among a nationwide sample of Black Muslims. Results determined a negative relationship between perceptions of racism as a major problem in America and police respectfulness and a positive relationship between knowledge of Black history and illegitimate stops. These findings support the continued implementation of policies to eliminate racism and develop a broader understanding of American Black history, as well as speak to the benefits of ongoing police reforms in this regard. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice - Registration at source 23/5/2022 Research article Welland councillors question police staffing levels during presentation CANADA: Enforcement was on the agenda when Niagara Regional Police met with a Welland resident in the Hunters Pointe area last week about issues with ATVs and dirt bikes on a former golf course. Welland Tribune (Canada) 23/5/2022 News Montreal police issued more public health tickets in diverse neighbourhoods, study finds CANADA: A study that analyzed 31,845 tickets issued for public health violations by Quebec police during the first 15 months of the pandemic found there was a higher concentration of fines in some of Montreal's more diverse neighbourhoods. CBC News (Canada) 23/5/2022 News New community policing initiative in Nenagh REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: How often over the years have you heard people complain that there's not enough gardaí on the beat? The Nenagh Guardian (Republic of Ireland) 23/5/2022 News Frontline gardaí to discuss provision of tasers for members REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The provision of tasers for all frontline members of the gardaí is to be discussed by the union representing on-the-ground officers in its annual conference. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 23/5/2022 News 100 years of An Garda Síochána to be celebrated after three month delay REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: One hundred years of An Garda Síochána is due to be celebrated tomorrow (Tuesday May 24). Leinster Leader (Ireland) 23/5/2022 News Over-regulating policing threatens to undermine common-sense approach Demands have grown but tackling them is so complex that it is undermining common-sense policing, West Midlands Chief Constable Sir David Thompson QPM tells Policing Insight and PolicingTV Publisher Bernard Rix who met Sir David for a walk-and-talk as part of his Policing Friendship Tour across the British Isles and around the world, meeting people across the spectrum of policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/5/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Is equipping volunteer police officers with Taser the right move? Last week, the Home Secretary announced that volunteer police officers in England and Wales will be authorised to carry Taser, but is it the right move and will it happen? Policing Insight's Contributing Editor Tina Orr Munro reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/5/2022 Analysis, Feature APCC leads for addiction and substance misuse (update 2) Joy Allen and David Sidwick lead on the APCC's Addictions and Substance Misuse portfolio. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 23/5/2022 News APCC leads for addiction and substance misuse Joy Allen and David Sidwick, APCC Joint Leads for Addictions and Substance Misuse, provide an update on their national portfolio. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 23/5/2022 News Police facing staff crisis look south to recruit officers Police Scotland is to try to attract officers from other UK forces and move backroom staff to the front line to head off a staffing crisis. The Times - Subscription at source 23/5/2022 News National Police Chiefs’ Council Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025 “Policing is operating in a time of global change and uncertainty. The public and our staff need a service which is responsive, able to tackle future challenges and embrace opportunity. The NPCC aims to support all operationally independent chief officers in their ambition to meet this need. “The NPCC has adapted to meet the challenges posed by the global pandemic, EU Exit and the demands and complexities of modern policing. We have been able to do this by adhering to the NPCC principles of coordination, collaboration, communication and through the strength of our policing network and effective partnership working. “In support of our committee structure and in alignment with the NPCC and Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) Policing Vision, we have set out a four-year strategy, which brings together the significant contribution the NPCC makes to policing and which we believe will enable chief officers to deliver the best possible service to the public.” [PDF] National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 23/5/2022 Report Jennifer Yates: ‘We developed the narrative to show that intellectual property crime did involve OCGs’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Chris Allen spoke to Jennifer Yates, Lead Intelligence Analyst at the Intellectual Property Office, about the links between intellectual property crime and organised crime groups, the Pandemic Wall of Risk, and the importance of collaboration and information sharing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/5/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Policing needs a ‘back to basics’ approach to solve falling prosecutions, says new police watchdog Andy Cooke says police need to get back on the front foot to instill fear in criminals and he favours traditional methods to do so. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/5/2022 News Are police consent decrees an asset? Depends on who you ask UNITED STATES: The Minneapolis Police Department will face the scrutiny of a federal program after a state investigation concluded that its officers stop and arrest Black people more than white people, use force more often on people of color and maintain a culture in which racism is tolerated The Independent 23/5/2022 News «207120722073207420752076207720782079Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events