Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98575 total results. Showing results 41461 to 41480 «207020712072207320742075207620772078Next ›Last » CJI outlines plans for ‘strategic and operational improvement’ across justice system Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has published its latest annual business plan with the aim of delivering “performance improvement and better outcomes” across the criminal justice system. Police Professional 24/5/2022 News Consultation launched on new police complaints legislation The Scottish government is considering new legislation in response to an independent review into the handling of complaints against the police. Police Professional 24/5/2022 News Calls for MPS to explain Op Hillman charging decisions The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has been urged to investigate Operation Hillman – the inquiry by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) into events that took place at No 10 Downing Street and other government offices during lockdown. Police Professional 24/5/2022 News New working group set up to ‘stamp out’ spiking attacks on students A new working group is being set up to “stamp out” spiking attacks against university students, the Government announced today (May 24). Police Professional 24/5/2022 News Welsh PCCs welcome plans for a devolved justice system The four police and crime commissioners (PCCs) for Wales have welcomed the Welsh government’s proposals for a devolved justice system. Police Professional 24/5/2022 News Action plan to address race disparity in policing unveiled Chief constables across England and Wales have committed to become an anti-racist police service and to explain or reform race disparities under the Police Race Action Plan released today by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and the College of Policing. Police Professional 24/5/2022 News Do Body‐worn Cameras Reduce Disparities in Police Behavior in Minority Communities? Evidence of Nuanced Influences Across Black and Hispanic Neighborhoods The adoption of body-worn cameras (BWCs) is often promoted in response to contentious police use of force incidents involving minority civilians. BWCs are expected to improve policing outcomes by enhancing accountability, although researchers have yet to determine whether BWCs can reduce racial/ethnic disparities. I examine whether BWCs mitigate the influence of neighborhood racial/ethnic context on arrests and use of force using cross-classified logistic regression models to examine the outcomes of 900,000+ police–civilian contacts in Phoenix. Arrests were significantly more likely to occur in Hispanic and Black neighborhoods before and after BWC deployment, even accounting for situational, officer, and neighborhood characteristics. When BWCs were activated in Black neighborhoods, the odds of arrest decreased by 38%. However, BWCs did not moderate the influence of neighborhood percentage of Hispanic on arrest. The neighborhood racial/ethnic context was not associated with the use of force pre- or post-BWC deployment. Although BWCs have been associated with several positive outcomes, their ability to reduce racial/ethnic disparities appears to be overstated. As such, more targeted approaches to reducing disparities in policing outcomes are needed. Criminology and Public Policy 24/5/2022 Research article Sal Naseem: ‘The culture needs to be one where there’s just basically no hiding place for it’ Sal Naseem, the IOPC’s Regional Director for London, who oversaw Operation Hotton spoke to PolicingTV’s Chief Presenter, Danny Shaw, in the latest edition of ‘Talking Crime’, about the impact of the inquiry, the findings of a major IOPC report into the police use of stop-and-search – and if the watchdog is getting it right in the way it deals with complaints and misconduct. PolicingTV - Subscription at source 24/5/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video City of Prince Albert invites partners to form working group targeting rising crime levels CANADA: A motion to create a working group targeting the rising crime levels in Prince Albert passed during a recent city council meeting, with hopes it will find solutions to make residents and visitors feel safer in the community. Blue Line (Canada) 24/5/2022 News Alberta group launches searchable database on police misconduct cases CANADA: A group in Alberta is launching a public database that includes roughly 400 cases of police misconduct, which they say will strengthen accountability in a province where discipline decisions are not routinely made public. The Globe and Mail (Canada) 24/5/2022 News After N.B. police killing of Indigenous woman, chiefs demand systemic racism inquiry CANADA: The results of the recent coroner’s inquest into the police killing of an Indigenous woman in New Brunswick demonstrate the urgent need for an Indigenous-led inquiry into systemic racism, according to the six chiefs of the Wolastoqey Nation. Blue Line (Canada) 24/5/2022 News Gardaí demand units to tackle three-year backlog in searching devices for child abuse imagery REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí are demanding the creation of dedicated child exploitation units to combat increasing reports of sexual abuse of minors and to tackle a three-year backlog of digital devices yet to be examined for sexual imagery. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 24/5/2022 News Tough Garda powers to crack down on terrorists and gangland criminals to be extended REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Tough Garda powers to crack down on terrorists and gangland criminals will be extended on Tuesday. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 24/5/2022 News Call for emergency driver training for all frontline gardaí REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Representative Association (GRA) is calling for all frontline officers to be trained to enable them to drive a patrol car in an emergency situation using blue lights and sirens. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 24/5/2022 News Students and staff at Nottingham Trent University join thousands who have FREE access to Policing Insight – Find out how Policing Insight welcomes staff, students and researchers from Nottingham Trent University who now have FREE access with the start of a new organisation wide subscription. They join a community from many other UK and international institutions, police forces and other criminal justice organisations with an interest in progressive policing. Read on to find out how to use your FREE subscriber access. Policing Insight 24/5/2022 Feature NPCC and College of Policing’s Race Action Plan As the public’s voice in policing, Police and Crime Commissioners recognise the critical importance of improving confidence and trust in policing amongst all of our communities – and in particular Black communities, where we know confidence is low. That is why today, we welcome the fresh energy that is now being invested by Chief Constables into a commitment to tackle the disparities faced by Black people in policing and criminal justice. We are encouraged that the NPCC and College of Policing will be working with the public on this important issue, and hope there will be widespread engagement to ensure the views of the diverse communities we serve are fully reflected. We additionally welcome the way in which the APCC is being asked to engage by monitoring and scrutinising the progress and outcomes set out in the NPCC and the College’s Plan. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 24/5/2022 News Not up to black officers to solve police racism, says barrister as plan launched Race action plan for England and Wales includes apology and history lessons on policing of black people The Guardian 24/5/2022 News The Police Uplift Programme: A numbers game that threatens to become an unintentional war of attrition The 2019 Government announcement of an additional 20,000 police officers recruited over three years was welcomed by the police service. The programme is on course to hit that target, but is it just a numbers game? And with some reported to be struggling, how does the service encourage its new recruits to stay? Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/5/2022 Analysis, Feature Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/5/2022 News Police Race Action Plan: Improving policing for Black people The Police Race Action Plan has been developed jointly by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and the College of Policing with input from stakeholders, including the National Black Police Association, the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Chair, and the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners. [PDF] National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 24/5/2022 Report «207020712072207320742075207620772078Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events