Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98590 total results. Showing results 41341 to 41360 «206420652066206720682069207020712072Next ›Last » Required: Leaders in Policing Over and out. Three candidates to be Metropolitan Police Commissioner have been ejected from the contest after failing to make it through the initial 'paper sift'. 28/5/2022 News The Effects of Camera Monitoring on Police Officer Performance in Critical Incident Situations: a MILO Range Simulator Study Body-worn cameras (BWCs) continue to be adopted by law enforcement agencies around the world, yet how camera monitoring affects performance dimensions of policing in “critical incident” situations has received scant attention. We contribute to filling this gap. Guided by distraction-conflict theory from psychology, we conducted a laboratory experiment and used electrophysiological methods (EEG and ECG) to explore whether officer performance during simulated critical incidents is impaired by camera-induced attentional conflict. Results from a convenience sample of police officers from a medium-sized, Midwestern police department in the USA reveal that camera monitoring had complex, often deleterious, effects on cognitive load, stress arousal, and performance. The current investigation supports a small but growing body of research revealing that BWCs, like any new technology, not only have intended positive consequences, but also potential unintended negative ones that need to be considered from a safety standpoint. A more thorough discussion of policing in the age of BWCs and other forms of camera surveillance is overdue. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 28/5/2022 Research article Operation Arkstone: Queensland man sentenced for child abuse offences AUSTRALIA: A 30-year-old Queensland man, linked to an international online child abuse network, was sentenced to a maximum three years’ imprisonment by the Supreme Court of Queensland yesterday (27 May 2022). Australian Federal Police (AFP) 28/5/2022 News Auckland gang shootings: Police arrest seven, recover guns, ammunition NEW ZEALAND: Seven people have been arrested and firearms and ammunition recovered as police investigate a gang feud which sparked a series of terrifying shooting incidents in Auckland this week. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 28/5/2022 News Durham begins search for new police chief CANADA: The Durham Regional Police are looking for a new top cop. The service announced it has begun the search to find a new chief of police. Toronto Star (Canada) 28/5/2022 News Edmonton police seize more than $1.1 million in cigarettes, drugs, cash and cars in trafficking investigation CANADA: Edmonton police have arrested eight suspects who face charges in connection with the seizure of more than $1.1 million in drugs, cash, cars and contraband cigarettes. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 28/5/2022 News Gardaí leaving GPS radios at home amid ‘big brother’ fears REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Frontline gardaí concerned devices being used to micromanage them and that gangs may get data The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 28/5/2022 News Gardaí seize drugs worth €643,000 from gangs in Limerick and Clare REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí dented the activities of drug gangs in Limerick and in Clare, recovering €643,000 worth of the gang's product as well as a substantial amount of cash, and arresting five people. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 28/5/2022 News Crisis negotiation – what I learned from my first deployment I joined the Hostage and Crisis Negotiator Cadre in May 2021, having completed my national course. College of Policing 28/5/2022 Feature, Opinion Residents’ feedback helps tackle underage drinking and antisocial behaviour in Northallerton Northallerton residents are sharing their concerns to help police tackle crime and antisocial behaviour caused by underage drinking. North Yorkshire Police 28/5/2022 News Police were hunting for Caerphilly drug dealer named Buddha Police caught a drug dealer after they were given a lead that they should be looking for a criminal nicknamed 'Buddha'. South Wales Argus 28/5/2022 News North Yorkshire Commissioner supports community plan North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe is supporting a new project aimed at helping vulnerable young people, and the communities where they live, through boxing. This is the coast 28/5/2022 News British Transport Police to arm volunteer officers with Tasers The British Transport Police have become the first force in the UK to arm volunteer officers with Tasers. The Bolton News 28/5/2022 News I’ve had no equality training, officer tells Sheku Bayoh inquiry A police officer has told an inquiry into the death in custody of a black man that he had not received any equality and diversity training during his career. PC Alan Smith told the hearing he had not attended any training around matters relating to race since his initial police induction 17 years ago. The Times - Subscription at source 28/5/2022 News Beds Police was ‘toxic and corrupt’ – but is now a force staff are ‘proud’ to work for Bedfordshire Police was a “toxic” and “corrupt” working environment according to staff only two years ago. But now, staff are “proud” to be part of the force, its chief constable has said. Bedford Today 28/5/2022 News Armed female bystander kills man firing at party in West Virginia USA; A US woman has fatally shot a man who opened fire on a crowd of people with a semi-automatic rifle in Charleston, West Virginia. BBC 28/5/2022 News FCN helps forensic providers with vetting delays FCN has worked closely with the Police National Vetting Service (PNVS) to discuss the importance of having forensic service providers' staff vetted as soon as possible. Forensic Capability Network 27/5/2022 News Pellet gun recovered after Toronto police shoot dead man ‘carrying rifle’ CANADA: Five local schools were placed under lockdown after several 911 calls about a man walking with a rifle in Canadian city The Guardian 27/5/2022 News How Do We Protect the Protectors? USA: It goes without saying – law enforcement is an extremely dangerous profession. The statement is so ubiquitous that if you were to approach any law enforcement officer and told them of the dangers of the profession, you would be met with a blank expression that could only be read as: “Well, yeah, that’s just part of the job.” But it shouldn’t be. National Policing Institute (USA) 27/5/2022 Feature, Opinion West Midlands Police to be trained on drug overdose antidote Naloxone reverses symptoms and buys time until paramedics arrive Birmingham Mail 27/5/2022 News «206420652066206720682069207020712072Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events