Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 41301 to 41320 «206220632064206520662067206820692070Next ›Last » Only one UK police force hitting 10-second target for 999 calls Avon and Somerset only force answering 90% of calls in 10 seconds, and Humberside at just 2%, Home Office data shows The Guardian 31/5/2022 News Named and shamed: The police forces taking longest to answer 999 calls Millions are waiting longer for help in 'life and death' situations as all forces but one miss targets to pick up phones in 10 seconds The Telegraph - Subscription at source 31/5/2022 News Revealed: The quickest and slowest police forces for answering 999 calls It is the first time national statistics have been published showing how quickly police forces answer 999 calls, and only one in the UK has achieved the official target to answer 90% in under 10 seconds. Sky News 31/5/2022 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 31/5/2022 News Progress in addressing audit findings from the 2019 firearms buy-back and amnesty NEW ZEALAND: In 2020, following implementation of the nationwide Firearms Amnesty and Buy-back Scheme (the Scheme), the Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) conducted a performance audit to understand how well New Zealand Police (Police) had managed and operated the Scheme. [pdf] New Zealand Police 31/5/2022 Report Information Commissioner draws ‘a line in the sand’ over excessive digital information searches of RASSO victims The extensive and in some cases excessive searches of victims’ mobile phones and medical records in rape and serious sexual assault cases have reportedly prompted many victims to withdraw from the prosecution process; Policing Insight’s Christine Townsend spoke to UK Information Commissioner John Edwards about his report published today, which sets out new parameters and guidelines on the gathering and use of digital evidence from victims. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 31/5/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Interview: ‘Male officers don’t face as much online abuse about their image’ Chief Insp Christina Fraser spoke with Police Oracle on the challenges facing high profile women in policing, one being the online space. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 30/5/2022 Feature, Interview Rape victims get help to meet their attackers in restorative justice reform Victims of rape and other sexual offences are to have the option to formally meet their attackers in a new restorative justice scheme. Holyrood Magazine 30/5/2022 News Half of NT police regions now want no confidence vote in Chalker as union delays pulling trigger AUSTRALIA: Support for a no confidence vote in Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker continues to grow amongst the NT Police rank-and-file, with half of all police regions now confirmed as calling for a vote, while the union representing officers continues to stifle the will of its members. NT Independent (Australia) 30/5/2022 News German police announce ‘significant increase’ in child porn cases GERMANY: The head of the federal criminal police office says more people are reporting images of abuse The Independent 30/5/2022 News French police under spotlight over Liverpool fans’ treatment FRANCE: Crowd control tactics at Champions League final highlight rift between law officers and public in France The Guardian 30/5/2022 News NSW Police to melt ‘thousands’ of illegal firearms in huge crackdown AUSTRALIA: Thousands of seized firearms including rifles, shotguns and pistols will be destroyed this month by New South Wales Police. 9 News (Australia) 30/5/2022 News, Video Watchdog investigating another Met police strip-search of a child Confirmation of further case follows those of two teenage girls known as Child Q and Olivia The Guardian 30/5/2022 News Encouraging people to report police misconduct AUSTRALIA: The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, IBAC, last week launched a new campaign encouraging regional communities to speak out against police misconduct. The North Central Review 30/5/2022 News NZ Police Pay $13m To Australian Company For Unhelpful Software NEW ZEALAND: The NZ Police are reported to be paying $13m to an Australian software company to develop a firearm register that will make not a single New Zealander safer. Scoop (New Zealand) 30/5/2022 News LynnMall stabbing inquiry will not be released until after August NEW ZEALAND: Ahamed Samsudeen injured eight people in a supermarket before being shot dead by police last September. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 30/5/2022 News Gang tension: Police ‘very concerned about their access to firearms’ NEW ZEALAND: Police are still looking for a variety of weapons in relation to a spate of recent drive-by shootings, Police Commissioner Andrew Coster says. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 30/5/2022 News Police Accounts of Critical Incidents: A Descriptive and Empirical Assessment Data from body-worn cameras (BWCs) have emerged as a new approach to measuring police activity. These data, in the form of video footage, represent a new method to systematically examine how critical incidents involving police unfold. Recently, law enforcement agencies have begun documenting and releasing elements of video and other data to offer the public their accounts of critical incidents involving police-citizen encounters. These include officer-involved shootings, use of force, and police activity involving protests and demonstrations. The current research analyzes these critical incidents in three interrelated ways: First, we describe the extent to which BWC footage is used in the critical incident accounts. Second, we assess the quality of the audio and video within the BWC footage that is released. Third, we closely code and analyze the data for patterns of police use of force and citizen resistance within the context of extant theories of use of force. The implications for policy and research, and the utility and limitations of this method for future research are considered. Journal of Crime and Justice - Registration at source 30/5/2022 Research article Police plan should be shelved CANADA: Controversial provincial police service proposal should and must to be shelved before it takes up any more public time or money Mountain View Today (Canada) 30/5/2022 Feature, Opinion A ‘watershed moment’? Police in Thunder Bay, Ont., face hearing after botched Indigenous death probe CANADA: Nearly seven years after the body of Stacy Debungee was found in a river flowing through Thunder Bay, Ont., disciplinary hearings for two officers involved in the deficient sudden death investigation are set to begin today. CBC News (Canada) 30/5/2022 News «206220632064206520662067206820692070Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events