Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 41241 to 41260 «205920602061206220632064206520662067Next ›Last » Birthday Honours lists 2022: Home Office TRANSPARENCY DATA: The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2022 recognises the outstanding achievements of people across the United Kingdom. Home Office 1/6/2022 News The Queen’s Birthday Honours 2022 COLLECTION: The Queen's Birthday Honours mark the extraordinary contributions and service of people across the UK. Home Office 1/6/2022 News ‘Wrong type of woman’: Queensland taskforce hears of police disbelief of abuse allegations AUSTRALIA: A queer woman who allegedly experienced a “coordinated” sexual assault by two men claims police told her she “wasn’t the kind of woman who gets assaulted” when she reported the incident. The Guardian 1/6/2022 News NSW affirmative consent laws: what do they mean and how will they work? AUSTRALIA: New affirmative consent laws took effect in New South Wales on Wednesday after passing parliament last November. The Guardian 1/6/2022 News Police release progress report on work on bias – but few concrete findings at this stage NEW ZEALAND: Police have released a progress report on their work on bias, but 15 months after the programme started there are few concrete findings or definitive actions. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/6/2022 News Steering South Auckland kids away from a path to crime NEW ZEALAND: A spate of ram raids by teenagers is fuelling concern about youth offending rates, but a youth worker in South Auckland says it's a very small group causing a lot of havoc. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/6/2022 News Unlawful arrest and dog bite of youth for breach of bail NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that an officer was not legally justified in arresting a youth for breaching a bail condition in Porirua on 4 October 2020. [pdf] Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) (New Zealand) 1/6/2022 Report Sarah Everard vigil: Met to prosecute six over alleged Covid rule breaches Those charged allegedly attended outside gathering of more than two when London was under tier 4 restrictions The Guardian 1/6/2022 News HealthIM will help police de-escalate mental health calls, says Shandro CANADA: Edmonton Police Service will start using a new digital tool in July to help ensure individuals in the midst of a mental health crisis receive appropriate care, with other police forces in Alberta to follow throughout the year. [AUDIO] RMO Today (Canada) 1/6/2022 News Handguns present in majority of firearm related violent crimes, says StatCan report CANADA: Firearm-related homicides have gone up 37 per cent over the past 11 years and handguns were the most commonly used weapon in such crimes, a report from Statistics Canada has found, but it warns there are large data gaps in information collection. Blue Line (Canada) 1/6/2022 News Trends in firearm-related violent crime in Canada, 2009 to 2020 CANADA: Firearm-related violent crime represents a small proportion of police-reported violent crime in Canada, accounting for 2.8% of all victims of violent crime reported by police in 2020. [pdf] Statistics Canada 1/6/2022 Report Recent violent incidents show need for dedicated garda transport police unit, says Dáil chair REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Public spaces have become places where people no longer feel safe, says James Lawless The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 1/6/2022 Feature, Opinion Disruption after High Court garda case-handling ruling REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: In a High Court ruling yesterday (31 May) Ms Justice Bolger overturned a rule under which a huge volume of criminal prosecutions were presented by a garda unconnected to the original investigation. The Law Society Gazette 1/6/2022 News Minister McEntee receives Cabinet approval to draft revised legislation on data retention to ensure Gardaí can fight crime and protect national security REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has today received the approval of the Cabinet to draft legislation to amend the Communications (Retention of Data) Act 2011, to address the impact of recent judgments of the European Court of Justice. Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 1/6/2022 News The Use of Facial Recognition Technology By Law Enforcement in Europe: A Non-Orwellian Draft Proposal The European legal framework is not devoid of norms that are directly or indirectly applicable to facial recognition technology for identification purposes within law enforcement. However, these various norms, which have different targets and are from multiple sources, create a kind of legal patchwork that could undermine the lawful use of this technology in criminal investigations. This paper advocates the creation of a specific law on the use of facial recognition technology for identification in law enforcement, based on existing regulations, to specifically address the pressing issues arising in this domain. The ultimate aim is to allow its use under certain conditions and to protect the rights of the people involved, but also to provide law enforcement authorities with the necessary tools to combat serious crimes. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 1/6/2022 Research article Would China? Australia’s chance to back women police in the Pacific China is increasing its efforts to secure a Pacific islands policing, security and data communications deal; but by working in partnership with island nations to improve gender equality and empower women in policing, Australia could enhance its own influence and support in the region, says Dr Melissa Jardine, an international police consultant and former Victoria police officer. Policing Insight 1/6/2022 Feature, Opinion Metropolitan Police takes recruits from neighbours with £5,000 signing-on fee The Metropolitan Police has been accused of acting “selfishly” by poaching experienced officers from surrounding forces with a £5,000 payment. Britain’s biggest police force announced the one-off inducement after it failed to meet its targets in the government’s uplift programme, which will deliver 20,000 new officers in England and Wales by the end of March next year. The Times - Subscription at source 1/6/2022 News Enraged Americans Expected Uvalde Cops to Fight to the Death to Stop Elementary School Massacre. They Had No Legal Duty to Act. USA: The law enforcement narrative about precisely what occurred this Tuesday when gunman Salvador Ramos killed 19 children and two teachers at a Uvalde, Texas elementary school has changed, changed, and changed again, but one thing has not: the law. And the law does not require police officers to rush guns-blazing into any dangerous situation, despite the fact that officers do sometimes put themselves in harm’s way to save innocent lives. Law and Crime (USA) 1/6/2022 Analysis, Feature The start of a journey… Deputy Chief Constable Tyron Joyce has written an open letter to all police chiefs on the importance of the Police Race Action Plan, why it must succeed, and why he applied for the role of Programme Director. Police Professional 1/6/2022 Feature, Opinion SNP accused of breaking manifesto promise as police chief issues warning over crime The SNP has been slammed for breaking a manifesto promise over plans to cut spending on police services over the course of the current parliament. Finance Secretary Kate Forbes set out the government's plans for the next four years and while there are rises in spending for the NHS and social security the justice budget will be frozen until 2026/27. Daily Record 1/6/2022 News «205920602061206220632064206520662067Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events