Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 41141 to 41160 «205420552056205720582059206020612062Next ›Last » German police ‘ready for action’ ahead of Englands nations league fixture GERMANY: Gareth Southgate and police express concern over potential disorder after England fans are understood to have got tickets home in the end. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 6/6/2022 News UK provides lawyers and police to support ICC war crimes investigation PRESS RELEASE: The Deputy Prime Minister has unveiled further support for the ICC investigation into war crimes in Ukraine. Home Office 6/6/2022 News Hagersville, Ont. resident lost $400,000 in online cryptocurrency scam, police say CANADA: A person living in Hagersville, Ont., police say, has been defrauded of $400,000 from investing in an online cryptocurrency scam, which had been going on since Sept. 2021. CBC News (Canada) 6/6/2022 News What happened to Edmonton police’s promised dash cameras? CANADA: Police want to use money set aside for dash cams for a different purpose, prolonging the delay of a project promised by Edmonton police Chief Dale McFee nearly two years ago. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 6/6/2022 News Race, Class, and Gender Identity: Implications For Transgender People’s Police Help Seeking This study examines various demographic, social, and economic factors related to transgender people’ reluctance to seek police help and appraises the intersectionality among these different factors. The results reveal differences in the degree of reluctance across gender groups, socioeconomic statuses, and racial groups, which suggest that the intersection of multiple minority statuses will increase transgender people’s reluctance to seek help from police. The findings also reveal that transgender people’ past interaction with police is negatively associated with their reluctance to seek police intervention. This study concludes with suggestions that seek to transform law enforcement culture by means of police training and community outreach activities. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 6/6/2022 Research article N.S. inquiry digs into what Truro police knew about mass shooting and when CANADA: During the 2020 mass shooting in Nova Scotia the RCMP had little contact with the closest municipal police force in Truro, prompting lingering questions from residents and people who lost loved ones about why more wasn't done to ask for help and set up roadblocks around the town. CBC News (Canada) 6/6/2022 News Plans to establish dedicated Economic Crime Unit in Clare still on track says Chief Super REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Clare’s Chief Superintendent says plans to establish a dedicated economic crime unit in the county are still in the pipeline. [AUDIO] (Republic of Ireland) 6/6/2022 News Man charged in connection with Dublin cocaine seizure REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A man has been charged in connection with the seizure of almost €5 million worth of cocaine in Dublin at the weekend. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 6/6/2022 News Analysts urge UK businesses to ‘learn from mistakes’ amid increasing levels of supply chain fraud The UK findings from the latest Global Economic Crime Report published by analysts PwC has highlighted that fraud now poses “a greater and more costly threat than ever before” to UK companies; supply chain fraud has also emerged as a significant new risk across the commercial sector, yet many businesses seemingly unprepared or unwilling to respond to the threat, as Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/6/2022 Analysis, Feature Government ‘burying head in the sand’ on Garda issues REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Ireland has a ratio of one garda for every 370 people, whereas the average in Europe is one police officer to 320 people. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 6/6/2022 News Congratulations to New Zealand Police recipients of the 2022 Queen’s Birthday Honours We are pleased to publish and recognise the New Zealand Police recipients of the 2022 Queen's Birthday Honours. The team at Policing Insight offer our congratulations and thank all the recipients for their service. Policing Insight 6/6/2022 News Race, Excess Suspicion, and Larceny in Upstate NY Archival crime data collected by a police agency in Upstate New York from 2008 to 2015; outcome, sentencing, and incarceration data collected by the New York State’s Department of Criminal Justice Statistics; and demographic data collected by the U.S. Census were analyzed to explore how a suspect’s race and sex affect the investigation, prosecution, conviction, and sentencing in larceny cases. Results suggest that Black men were more likely to be the targets of excess suspicion, less likely to be granted leniency by prosecutors, no more likely to be convicted, but, if convicted, more likely to be incarcerated than White men. Criminal Justice Studies - Registration at source 6/6/2022 Research article The police don’t need lessons in ‘black history’ Police in England and Wales may soon have to undergo compulsory ‘black history’ lessons, as a key part of something called the Police Race Action Plan. Spiked 6/6/2022 Feature, Opinion How the biggest policing operation since the 2012 London Olympics unfolded: ‘Nothing is left to chance’ One former national counter-terrorism coordinator said the Platinum Party at the Palace event in the Mall was a ‘relatively rehearsed event’ i News 6/6/2022 News Cars being ‘stripped in hours’ as rise in thefts linked to parts shortage Increased demand for some car parts and microchips could be playing a part in rising thefts in some regions, police say. Sky News 6/6/2022 News Phill Matthews: ‘Our members who went through the process felt that they were kangaroo courts’ Is the police disciplinary process fair on officers? Why do some who are facing allegations seek anonymity? Should chairs of misconduct panels be independent legal experts - or senior police officers? These were some of the key issues discussed by Phill Matthews, from the Police Federation, and Policing TV’s Chief Presenter, Danny Shaw, when they met at the Federation’s annual conference in Manchester for the latest edition of ‘Talking Crime’. Sergeant Matthews, who’s served with Nottinghamshire Police for 30 years, is chair of the Federation’s conduct and performance sub-committee, a post he’s held since 2016. PolicingTV 6/6/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Phill Matthews: ‘Our members who went through the process felt that they were kangaroo courts’ Is the police disciplinary process fair on officers? Why do some who are facing allegations seek anonymity? Should chairs of misconduct panels be independent legal experts - or senior police officers? These were some of the key issues discussed by Phill Matthews, from the Police Federation, and Policing TV’s Chief Presenter, Danny Shaw, when they met at the Federation’s annual conference in Manchester for the latest edition of ‘Talking Crime’. Sergeant Matthews, who’s served with Nottinghamshire Police for 30 years, is chair of the Federation’s conduct and performance sub-committee, a post he’s held since 2016. PolicingTV - Subscription at source 6/6/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion, Video Sadiq Khan says Met Police are guilty of ‘overt systemic’ homophobia and discrimination Sadiq Khan has condemned the Metropolitan Police for having “real problems” concerning evidence of “overt systemic” homophobia and discrimination. Pink News 6/6/2022 News Dr Mary Alice Young: ‘Understanding criminal enterprises in a business context leads to better policy solutions’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Chris Allen spoke to Dr Mary Alice Young, Associate Professor of Transnational Organised Crime and Policy at the University of the West of England, about understanding policy failures, the undermining of organised crime control, and why viewing criminal enterprises in a business context leads to better policy solutions. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/6/2022 Feature, Interview, Opinion Met police did not consult us on children’s data project, say youth violence experts Force claimed it approached groups before launch of Project Alpha which scours social media sites The Guardian 6/6/2022 News «205420552056205720582059206020612062Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events