Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98633 total results. Showing results 40881 to 40900 «204120422043204420452046204720482049Next ›Last » Seniors guidebook to safety and security CANADA: This guide is for seniors, their family members, care-givers, friends, and anyone else who may find it useful. [pdf] Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 15/6/2022 Report Tackling drugs a priority for Kilkenny Garda Superintendent REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Illegal drug suppliers and users in Kilkenny are being warned that Gardaí are moving to stamp out their activities. KCLR (Ireland) 15/6/2022 News Saskatoon police say PACT teams responding to more mental health calls CANADA: The Saskatoon Police Service says its Police and Crisis Team (PACT) units are being used more and more as an alternative to hospitalization or arrest. In a report going to the Board of Police Commissioners, the force noted that PACT teams were sent out to 1,894 calls in 2021, an increase of 20 per cent from the previous year. CBC News (Canada) 15/6/2022 News Invisible child victims of domestic violence and abuse become hyper-visible in gangs The introduction of the Domestic Abuse Act in the UK recognised children who witness or experience domestic violence and abuse (DVA) as victims for the first time; but Dr Jade Levell of the University of Bristol, author of 'Boys, Childhood Domestic Abuse, and Gang Involvement', believes boy child survivors of DVA remain largely overlooked, at least until they come under closer scrutiny of the criminal justice system as members of gangs. Policing Insight 15/6/2022 Feature, Opinion Toronto’s police chief to speak as force unveils never-before-seen race-based data CANADA: Toronto police are set to release race-based statistics today on officers' use of force and strip searches. CBC News reported Tuesday that James Ramer, the service's interim chief, will apologize to the city's Black community when the data is released. CBC News (Canada) 15/6/2022 News Five-fold increase in arrests under special ‘gangland’ law REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Use of special ‘gangland’ arrest powers has jumped five-fold over the last three years, with gardaí using them to target international money-laundering networks as well as Irish crime gangs. The legislation — targeting gang bosses, lieutenants, members, and associates — sends any resulting prosecutions to the non-jury Special Criminal Court, unless the DPP directs them to the normal courts. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 15/6/2022 News The Centralization and Rapid Deployment of Police Agency Information Technologies: An Appraisal of Real-Time Crime Centers in the U.s. The newfound ability to deliver information to police in rapid timeframes has resulted in Real-Time Crime Centers (RTCCs) across the United States. Despite their emergence, little is known collectively about them. This study appraised the nature of RTCCs through a national survey of 44 police agencies. Findings revealed that (1) RTCCs have recently begun to diffuse rapidly but are still in an early innovation/adoption phase, (2) there is no single model of their use, (3) most procure a wide variety of technologies and information sources, and (4) most allow for information to be shared with partners in real-time. Police Journal - Registration at source 15/6/2022 Research article Garda numbers hit historic high in Laois REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Laois Garda numbers are at their highest in 100 years resulting in a shift to a more traditional model of policing, according to Laois Offaly’s Garda Chief. Welcoming this shift in policing, Chief Superintendent John Scanlan said there is a move to have more gardai living in the communities they serve. Laos Live (Republic of Ireland) 15/6/2022 News World elder abuse awareness day 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda Síochána are showing our support for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by raising awareness of abuse of older people. This abuse can take many forms, any or all of which may be carried out as a result of deliberate intent, negligence or ignorance. An Garda Síochána 15/6/2022 News, Video Police leaders to commit to being ‘institutionally anti-racist’ Police leaders are set to apologise and say they are “ashamed” of alleged “discrimination and bias” within their ranks in a new report. The Free Press (Denbighshire) 15/6/2022 News Bradford Police respond to national call for better safety for women and girls Police in Bradford have pledged they are committed to keeping women safe and are ahead of the issues, taking proactive action in the city. West Yorkshire Police 15/6/2022 News North Wales Police record 271 complaints in the past year Less than 2% of complaints about North Wales police officers over one year led to misconduct action, new figures show. The Leader 15/6/2022 News Police Dyads Within An Operational Simulation: An Empirical Test of the Research Propositions Made in the “Big Five” Teamwork Approach Based on the impact of the theoretical big five of teamwork model proposed by Salas et al. (2005), the present study aimed at investigating the model within an operational police simulation. One hundred and sixty-seven frontline police officers participated in the study. Based on path analyses, a reduced model excluding trust and leadership obtained a good fit with the data. The results provided some support for the model by confirming six out of 10 proposed direct effects and four out of seven indirect pathways. Shared mental models directly affected team adaptability, and backup behavior affects adaptability and team effectiveness. Team orientation affects mutual performance monitoring and backup behavior, and finally, reciprocal monitoring affects backup behavior. Monitoring influenced both team effectiveness and adaptability through backup behavior. Two paths from team orientation towards effectiveness were found. One flowing through monitoring and another through back-up behavior. Our study expands former knowledge of the big five theory by empirically testing the totality of the model and identifying important pathways. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 15/6/2022 Research article 3D-printed guns are appearing on British streets – and the police are taking notice 3D-printed guns are appearing on the streets of the UK, with the files needed to build the firearms easy to find online. Experts say members of the far right often share instructions about how to make the weapons online in preparation for a so-called race war. Sky News 15/6/2022 News, Video Stopped on the way to school, searched while buying milk: How policing impacts black children Police say stop and search is essential for preventing crime – but its use has fuelled distrust in black and minority ethnic communities for decades. i News 15/6/2022 News, Video Unexpected Events During Survey Design and Trust in the Police: A Systematic Review The current review has two aims: (1) to synthesize the impact of unexpected events on trust in police across different contexts and types of events, and (2) to evaluate the methodological characteristics of each study with attention to the assumptions for causal inference. We conducted a pre-registered narrative systematic review on 12 independent studies. Studies closely adhering to causal inference assumption checks (i.e., excludability and ignorability) find significant changes in trust in police following incidents of police (non) violence and protest. Still, excludability is assessed and addressed less rigorously than ignorability in the included studies. Regarding the procedural justice framework, this provides some causal evidence that vicarious (positive and negative) experiences can shape short-term assessments of public trust in police. We furthermore highlight issues related to design and power, statistical conclusion validity, and the evaluation of assumptions to detect threats to internal validity. Journal of Experimental Criminology 15/6/2022 Research article Characterizing Patterns in Police Stops By Race in Minneapolis From 2016 to 2021 The murder of George Floyd centered Minneapolis, Minnesota, in conversations on racial injustice in the US. We leverage open data from the Minneapolis Police Department to analyze individual, geographic, and temporal patterns in more than 170,000 police stops since 2016. We evaluate person and vehicle searches at the individual level by race using generalized estimating equations with neighborhood clustering, directly addressing neighborhood differences in police activity. Minneapolis exhibits clear patterns of disproportionate policing by race, wherein Black people are searched at higher rates compared to White people. Temporal visualizations indicate that police stops declined following the murder of George Floyd. This analysis provides contemporary evidence on the state of policing for a major metropolitan area in the United States. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice - Registration at source 15/6/2022 Research article Assessing the Predictive Validity of A Risk Assessment Instrument For Repeat Victimization in the Netherlands Using Prior Police Contacts The current study examined to what extent a valid instrument that predicts repeat victimization can be based on a victim’s prior police contacts. Police records between 2010 and 2017 were retrieved for a sample of 68,229 victims. The data was split into a training set (n = 34,224) and a test set (n = 34,005). Using logistic regression analyses in the training set, three models were developed linking prior police contacts to repeat victimization. The predictive validity was assessed in the test set. Results indicated that (a) prior police contacts as victims, suspects and witnesses were associated with an elevated risk of repeat victimization and (b) the model correctly classified a majority of both repeat victims and non-repeat victims across various cut-off points. Findings demonstrated moderate to acceptable predictive validity, thereby suggesting that there is considerable room for improvement. European Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 15/6/2022 Research article Child Q: four Met police officers facing investigation over strip-search Four Metropolitan police officers are being investigated for gross misconduct after a 15-year-old black schoolgirl was strip-searched while at school. The Guardian 15/6/2022 News Four MPS officers served with gross misconduct notices in Child Q investigation Four officers from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) are being investigated for gross misconduct after a 15-year-old black schoolgirl was strip-searched. Police Professional 15/6/2022 News «204120422043204420452046204720482049Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events