Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98633 total results. Showing results 40861 to 40880 «204020412042204320442045204620472048Next ›Last » End to Friday prison releases Government announces the end to vulnerable prisoners being released on a Friday. Home Office 15/6/2022 News Royal Military Police – Rape, serious sexual assault and domestic abuse investigations This inspection focused on how well the Royal Military Police (RMP or ‘the force’) prevents domestic abuse[1] and rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO), and how well it investigates these incidents. Our terms of reference also asked us to examine how well the RMP supports and safeguards victims of these crimes and how well it provides governance for these activities. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 15/6/2022 Report Latest statistics on all crime types published by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) The data covers the three-month period from 1 October to 31 December 2021 College of Policing 15/6/2022 News Service police forces need to improve how they handle rape, serious sexual offences and domestic abuse The British service police forces need to improve how they handle rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO), as well as domestic abuse, according to reports from the police inspectorate. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 15/6/2022 News Max Hill QC’s opening speech to the joint CPS/NPCC conference on Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Good morning, everyone. Thank you to Siobhan for setting the tone and thank you, of course, to Sarah, for speaking so honestly and so collaboratively. So, welcome to our prosecutors and police partners. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 15/6/2022 Feature, Interview 100% of forensic DNA grade consumables from every SARC in England and Wales passes DNA testing FCN’s project reassures victims of rape and serious sexual offences that the consumables used at sexual assault referral centres are reliable and has saved £500,000 nationally for SARCs. Forensic Capability Network 15/6/2022 News Toronto police chief apologizes to people of color over disproportionate use of force CANADA: Black people are 2.2 times more likely to have a police interaction and 1.6 times more likely to have force used on them, police statistics show The Guardian 15/6/2022 News WA Police officer Ben Falconer suffers blow in bid to settle COVID-19 vaccine row out of court AUSTRALIA: A West Australian police officer who is challenging the state's now-defunct vaccine mandate has failed in an 11th-hour bid for court-ordered mediation to try to settle his case. ABC News (Australia) 15/6/2022 News WA Police to live stream ‘critical incidents’ on body cameras AUSTRALIA: WA Police have announced the use of new body-worn cameras that can live stream vision from frontline police officers. [AUDIO] 6pr (Australia) 15/6/2022 News New staffing and resources to boost policing response in Darling Downs Police District AUSTRALIA: Twenty-nine frontline police officer positions and a new Mobile Police Beat are among the announcements made by Police Minister Mark Ryan and Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll in Toowoomba today. Queensland Government (Australia) 15/6/2022 News Child Q: four Met police officers facing investigation over strip-search Officers served with gross misconduct notices after black schoolgirl searched without another adult present The Guardian 15/6/2022 News Exclusive: Mental health distress calls to police on the rise NEW ZEALAND: New figures show police are struggling to deal with a massive increase in calls related to attempted suicides and mental health issues - with the issue only expected to get worse. 1 News (New Zealand) 15/6/2022 News, Video Auckland gang shootings: Truce called between Killer Beez and Tribesmen after weeks of escalating gang war NEW ZEALAND: A ceasefire has been agreed between two rival motorcycle gangs after a three-week blitz of shootings and suspicious fires across Auckland, the Herald understands. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 15/6/2022 News 3D-printed guns are appearing on British streets – and the police are taking notice 3D-printed guns are appearing on the streets of the UK, with the files needed to build the firearms easy to find online. Experts say members of the far right often share instructions about how to make the weapons online in preparation for a so-called race war. Sky News 15/6/2022 News Manhunt for ‘British Escobar’ after Greek police seize £12m of cocaine in banana shipment GREECE: Police are hunting a fifth man wanted in connection with the seizures The Independent 15/6/2022 News Crime victims deliberately excluded from financial support, ministry document reveals NEW ZEALAND: Victims of serious crime are going without the financial support they're entitled to so the government can keep within budget. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 15/6/2022 News Thames Valley Police apologises over man’s heroin death in cell A police force has apologised to the family of a man who died in custody after taking heroin in his cell. BBC 15/6/2022 News Chief of one of the UK’s largest police forces calls for cannabis to be decriminalised to free up officers’ time A police chief today called for the decriminalisation of cannabis to free up resources for other police work. Mail Online 15/6/2022 News Toronto police to release race based data on use of force, strip searches CANADA: Toronto police are set to release race-based statistics today on officers’ use of force and strip searches. Blue Line (Canada) 15/6/2022 News OPCC orders independent investigation into BC Municipal undercover program training course CANADA: The Police Complaint Commissioner has initiated an investigation pursuant to the BC Police Act into the conduct of 19 police officers from the Abbotsford Police Department, Vancouver Police Department, New Westminster Police Department, Delta Police Department, Surrey Police Service, Saanich Police Department, Metro Vancouver Transit Police and Victoria Police Department. [pdf] Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (Canada) 15/6/2022 News «204020412042204320442045204620472048Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events