Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 40681 to 40700 «203120322033203420352036203720382039Next ›Last » The Toronto police apology for its treatment of racialized people is meaningless without action CANADA: The newly released findings on race-based data of the Toronto Police Service offers another grim reminder of the realities of law enforcement in Canada. Blue Line (Canada) 21/6/2022 News Prison re-offending 2019 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Re-offending rates within one year of release from prison have fallen from 48% in 2018 to 45% in 2019. Central Statistics Office (Republic of Ireland) 21/6/2022 Report Senior garda rejects suggestions people are afraid to visit Cork REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Top garda confirms city has 15 fewer gardaí than it did three years ago but rejects claims people are afraid to socialise in city centre despite a number of recent, violent brawls. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 21/6/2022 News GRA privileged to take part in Dublin Pride Week REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Representative Association (GRA) is “proud and feels very privileged” to be once again taking part in Dublin Pride March & Parade this weekend, GRA Interim General Secretary Philip McAnenly has said ahead of this Saturday’s event. [pdf] Garda Representative Association (GRA) 21/6/2022 News Organisational Barriers to Institutional Change: the Case of Intelligence in New Zealand Policing Over recent decades Intelligence-led Policing (ILP) has become a central component of the attempts by New Zealand Police (NZP) to engineer a transformative shift away from ‘reactive’ policing to more ‘proactive’ approaches to crime reduction. ILP appeared to offer an effective response to increasingly complex crime problems, an expanded ‘mission’ and growing public demand, by placing crime intelligence central to decision making. As part of an international study exploring police intelligence, we conducted 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews with Police Intelligence staff at all levels of the police hierarchy. Our findings highlight five critical barriers to implementing a successful ILP project in New Zealand. We suggest ILP has not delivered its promised effect of catalysing a major reorientation of the modes of frontline policing or its delivery and argue that this is due to the structural resilience of traditional police cultural reluctance to allow long-established practice and procedural norms to be fundamentally changed. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 21/6/2022 Research article Intelligence cycle: Human cognitive bias in the digital age of policing Despite the rapidly increasing use of technology in law enforcement intelligence gathering, humans continue to play a vital role in assessing, rationalising and contextualising data sources, based on their experience and expertise; and while officers may be susceptible to a degree of cognitive bias, digital methods can amplify those biases or trigger new ones, explains Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/6/2022 Analysis, Feature Plural Policing in Papua New Guinea: More Than the Sum of Its Parts? Scholars increasingly acknowledge that policing involves multiple actors and diverse institutional arrangements. Although the global expansion of private security has prompted much of the current interest in plural policing in the Global North, relatively little attention has been paid to this phenomenon in the Global South despite the manifestly plural character of policing in many such countries. This article examines plural policing in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in the Southwest Pacific. Policing in PNG involves a bewildering array of different actors and institutional forms, ranging from transnational police to unofficial urban settlement committees. Investigating the shifting pattern of pluralization in the context of broader structural changes and the intersections between different providers illuminates how policing actually works in this socially diverse nation, as well as highlighting some of its implications for state and society in this understudied part of the world. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice - Registration at source 21/6/2022 Research article Say NOPE to Social Disorganization Criminology: the Importance of Creators in Neighborhood Social Control Despite decades of research into social disorganization theory, criminologists have made little progress developing community programs that reduce crime. The lack of progress is due in part to faulty assumptions in the theory: that neighborhoods are important; that residents are the primary source of control; and that informal social controls are emergent. In this paper we propose an alternative: the neighborhoods out of places explanation (NOPE). NOPE starts with property parcels (i.e., proprietary places), rather than neighborhoods. It focuses on the power and legal authority of people and institutions that own property, rather than on residents. It posits that control is intentional and goal driven, rather than emergent. We refer to those who own and control as creators. This small group of elites shape city areas and residents must adapt to the environments that suppress or facilitate crime. We discuss how shifting our focus to creators provides important new implications for theory, research, and policy in criminology Crime Science Journal 21/6/2022 Research article On the Nature of Acquiescence to Police Authority: A commentary on Hamm Et Al. (2022) The excellent target article raises much food for thought. In this commentary we first discuss what is included in their proposed category of ‘positive evaluations and responses to police assertions of power to attempt social influence’. We then consider some of the implications of the concentric diagram for our understanding of police authority and power. Legal and Criminological Psychology 21/6/2022 Research article The Utility and Limitations of the Concentric Diagram of Legitimacy: Commentary on Hamm and Colleagues Hamm et al.’s (Legal Criminol. Psychol., 27, 2022) concentric diagram of legitimacy has a lot to offer by providing order and structure to a disjointed and sometimes confusing literature. However, enthusiasm for the concentric diagram wanes when considering its potential as a catalyst for the development of an integrated theory of legitimacy. The current renaissance of legitimacy studies owes much to the efforts of scholars in pushing the envelope of this elusive concept by drawing from a broad set of perspectives – both within and outside legitimacy studies – to address an array of research questions. Scholars should engage and leverage this diversity, not curtail it. Legal and Criminological Psychology 21/6/2022 Research article Tasered man was carrying a firelighter A man who died after jumping into the River Thames from Chelsea Bridge on June 4 after being Tasered by police was carrying a firelighter, not a screwdriver as originally believed. Police Professional 21/6/2022 News Forces continue improvements despite COVID and job pressures Two forces have pledged to act on calls by HMI to improve areas of performance in the latest PEEL reviews. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/6/2022 News PEEL 2021/22 – An inspection of Surrey Police PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy. This report sets out the findings for Surrey Police. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/6/2022 Report PEEL 2021/22 – An inspection of Cambridgeshire Constabulary PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy. This report sets out the findings for Cambridgeshire Constabulary. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/6/2022 Report Police forces failed to solve a single burglary in nearly half of the country’s neighbourhoods over the past three years, figures reveal Police have failed to solve a single burglary in nearly half of the country's neighbourhoods over the past three years, figures have revealed. Mail Online 21/6/2022 News Research highlights need to improve victims’ voices in police investigations and service delivery With the need for greater focus on the ‘voice of the victim’ and ‘voice of the child’ having been highlighted both in serious case reviews and legislation, the National Policing Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP) is researching how those victim experiences can be better recognised, gathered, and used in investigations and to shape policing services, as Policing Insight’s Keith Potter reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/6/2022 Analysis, Feature Met launches first TV recruitment ad An extraordinary range of exciting roles available to people who start a career as a Met PC are being showcased in the force’s first ever TV recruitment ad premiering today, Monday 20 June. Metropolitan Police Service 21/6/2022 News Gaia Pope inquest: police officer admits altering search logs PC David Taylor accepts he added details to Dorset police’s logs after 19-year-old was found dead in 2017 The Guardian 21/6/2022 News Almost 400 drug driving cases abandoned due to blood testing delays Police have been able to swab test drivers' mouths and request blood samples for testing since 2019. STV News 21/6/2022 News Cambridgeshire Police not attending quickly enough inspectors say A police force was not "routinely attending incidents quickly enough", inspectors found. BBC 21/6/2022 News «203120322033203420352036203720382039Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events